This endless world

Chapter 530: May You Seek Good Luck

As long as there are enough reward points and side plots, the main god can always move very quickly.

The moment Zheng Zha shouted, a huge light pillar fell from the large ball of light in mid-air, shrouding Zheng Zha's entire body in it - not only was the color of the light pillar as rich as blood, but it also seemed to be accompanied by a burst of light. There is a faint sound of dragon roar.

"The special effects of A-level redemption are just different."

Seeing the blood-red beam of light completely engulfing Zheng Zha's figure, Yang Yun couldn't help but sigh to Chu Xuan beside him: "But why didn't there be much movement at all when we helped you redeem the embodiment of your fantasy?"

"Because Zheng Zha is not so much exchanging a piece of equipment this time as he is re-performing the 'Dragon Feast Ceremony' under the power of the Lord God."

When the dragon's roar sounded, the Nether core above Chu Xuan's head emitted a burst of light, and all the scenes before and after Zheng Zha's exchange were saved as first-hand image data for research: "And the pure external Things are different, and the dragon feasting ceremony is a process that can be copied. Rather than exchanging a dead object, it is better to say that it is a transformation of half skills and half equipment. In this ceremony, the heroes obtained the power of the ancient dragon and made their own power Going one step is of great research value.”

Along with Chu Xuan's words, Zheng Zha's figure slowly appeared in the light pillar. At this time, his body was covered with a thin layer of blood, which seemed to be breathing on his own, rising and shrinking on his body. . Coupled with his slightly enchanting and handsome face after strengthening the vampire bloodline, it really looks like he has the temperament of a European aristocratic vampire in the movie.

"Haha, it's quite effective... This exchange is really good!"

However, this temperament was completely destroyed the moment Zheng Zha opened his mouth. As the man took a long breath, opened his eyes and revealed his iconic smile, the blood-red light on his body suddenly surged, and in an instant it turned into a set of blood-red wild armor, covering every part of his body. The part... not only does not make people feel the coldness of the blood clan, but it is like a boiling flame, symbolizing Zheng Zha's courage and determination to fight!

"Is this the berserker armor from Sword and Wind Legend?"

Seeing the iconic helmet, Yang Yun recognized this well-known warrior equipment. The only difference is that the original set is black in color, while Zheng Zha's set is completely blood red.

"Yes, after I unlock the fourth-level gene lock, I can control the 'Glory of Dragon Feast' to a certain extent and shape it into what I want."

The helmet of the berserker armor turned invisible, revealing Zheng Zha's excited smile, and as he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, the bloody light turned into the Scarlet Crusade suit in World of Warcraft, and the rich red even It looks more murderous than those religious lunatics in the original version...

"So handsome!"

Seeing Zheng Zha constantly changing his clothes, Cheng Xiao and Luo Gandao said in unison. On the other side, Ling Dian and Bawang were obviously very interested in Zheng Zha's A-level exchange. Oudou never took his eyes away from Zheng Zha... Even Zhao Yingkong, who seemed to not care about anything, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"It looks good, but the only drawback is that the transformation of 'Glory of Dragon Feast' doesn't seem to be able to change the color of the armor."

Yang Yun watched Zheng Zha having a great time, manifesting sets of armors that were either handsome, terrifying, or mighty, and made the following comments: "This should be the limitation of the ritual. After all, even the beam of light cast by the Lord God is blood red."

"Well, there's really nothing I can do about it unless I put it away."

As he spoke, the blood-colored armor on Zheng Zha's body trembled slightly and dissipated into the air in a very short period of time. And if you have good eyesight, you can find that the bloody light does not actually disappear, but turns into an invisible film, covering Zheng Zha's body surface.

"It will not have any reaction to the energy in my body. Whether it is internal force or blood energy, it can be used without any obstacles. It will not affect any of my actions, nor will it affect its original functions. I can even use it through Inject energy to improve its defense capabilities... like this."

Facing Yang Yun's questioning gaze, Dragon Feast's glory instantly expanded on Zheng Zha's body, forming a spherical protective shield with a diameter of two meters. At the next moment, he suddenly retracted it and returned to Zheng Zha's body surface.

"The fly in the ointment is that the protective shield it forms can only protect me and cannot allow others to enter." Zheng Zha explained briefly: "The appearance covering my body now is its original appearance. The one just now The transformation function is my control ability through the fourth-level gene lock and other applications derived from the 'Curse Blood Dragon Binding Secret Treasure Path'... This exchange is really good, I didn't expect that the Lord God would recommend it to me. Something."

"You have become stronger. The fourth-level gene lock can already exert the power of redemption 100% or even 120%. Before it was changed, you could not develop such a power in a short time. Many applications come.”

I don't know what Zheng Zha's sincere emotion was like, but Yang Yun smiled and continued: "Next, what else do you plan to exchange for?"

"I still have two C-level side plots and over 10,000 bonus points."

Zheng Zha looked at his wallet, which had shrunk by more than half. After hesitating for a moment, he finally shook his head: "Forget it, I'd better save some more reward points for exercise..."

"Then after the exchange is over, come to my room."

Before Yang Yun spoke, Chu Xuan took over Zheng Zha's unfinished words very naturally: "I need to conduct corresponding tests on your defense ability, growth, and flexibility. This will help you better understand the situation." Master this newfound exchange.”

"And I also have some conjectures about the dragon feasting ceremony that the Lord God performed on you. I need you to describe the feeling when you redeemed it just now, word for word. The more detailed the better..."

——It’s over, Chu Xuan’s state...

Listening to Chu Xuan's endless words, Yang Yun didn't know that this young man had entered a research state at this time and had a great interest in "Dragon Feast Ritual" and "Dragon Feast Glory"? But seeing that Zheng Zha knew nothing about the coming horror and promised to cooperate with Chu Xuan's experiment, as well as the vague and fanatical look on Chu Xuan's face, Yang Yun did not even think about what Zheng Zha would do next. I mourned for what happened, just crossing myself silently in my heart.

——May you be blessed, Zheng Zha.

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