This endless world

Chapter 527 Accelerated Team Collision

"The plot of Red Alert 2 is actually a continuation of Red Alert 1."

In the Main God Square, Chu Xuan distributed the information he exchanged from the Main God, and at the same time explained the background story and world view of Red Alert to everyone in the Central Continent Team: "In this world, the origin of the story is Einstein's invention of time. Machine, in order to avoid the occurrence of World War II, he used his invention to go back to before the war, assassinated Mustache, and completely changed history."

"However, although history has changed, war will not disappear. Even if Einstein prevented the birth of the Axis Powers, it also resulted in the Soviet army being unchecked and the red forces expanding rapidly. After decades of development, it gradually formed A confrontational background similar to the polarization of the world during the Cold War. The Allied Forces, composed of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, France and other countries, and the alliance led by the Soviet Union started a new round of world war."

"Chu Xuan is right, the general background of the story is almost like this."

Yang Yun, who entered the main god space several years later than Zheng Zha, is naturally not as influenced by pirated games as his counterpart. At the very least, he can search on video websites to understand the background of the story and the deleted cutscenes without any problem. : "However, I really didn't expect that Chu Xuan, you actually played Red Alert 2, and you played the genuine version... Couldn't it be purchased with public funds?"

“Because some of the designs inside might inspire me.”

Chu Xuan replied calmly: "By analogy, human imagination is infinite. Although the principles of science fiction weapons in those works may not be correct, they will be helpful to my research. Even I can't do it alone To do everything, only if I have enough knowledge and draw inspiration from various works can it better help me conduct research."

——Is this how you use analogy?

Yang Yun originally wanted to complain, but he thought that Chu Xuan had watched One Piece in "Infinite Horror" and guided Zheng Zha to develop "Shaving", "Moon Step" and "Fist Cannon", and he also had certain knowledge of EVA and AT force fields. He understood, and even accurately found the λ-DRIVER system in "Full Metal Panic" as his bloodline exchange. The fact that he had played Red Alert 2 suddenly became reasonable... Anyway, military related This matter is still Chu Xuan's research direction, at least it is much more reliable than the previous things.

"The confrontation between the Allied forces and the Soviet army...then we are considered a third-party force?"

Zheng Zha looked thoughtfully at the information Chu Xuan handed him, which detailed the various arms in the game and the corresponding story background: "It makes sense. With the strength of our team, the Red Alert World does not seem to be the same." It cannot pose too many threats to us. After all, the most powerful super weapons are only nuclear bombs and lightning storms. It seems that in the next world, the last ones we enter will face the cooperation of the other two reincarnation teams..."

“Don’t underestimate the technological level of Red Alert.”

Chu Xuan seriously corrected Zheng Zha's idea: "Compared to nuclear bombs and lightning storms, the technological level of the Iron Curtain Device and the Time and Space Converter is actually much higher than the first two. The building can be exposed to nuclear bombs but remain intact. Energy shields, as well as time-space transformation that can transfer vehicle units at will, are undoubtedly extremely valuable black technologies... not to mention light prism technology, time machines and mind control devices."

As he spoke, Chu Xuan projected the photos of two people who needed to focus on into the air. One of them is an old man with messy hair who looks like a mad scientist, and the other is a middle-aged man with a shiny bald head that gives people an enigmatic feeling.

"Einstein was a genius scientist of the Allied Forces. Most of the high-end technologies in the world of Red Alert came from him, and the time machine he invented was the direct cause of the birth of this timeline. We need to focus on the ending. The object of attention." Chu Xuan pointed at the portrait of old man Zao, and then pointed at the bald man next to him: "This is Yuri, the scientific advisor of the Soviet Army opposite Einstein, and the leader of the 'Special Forces of Thought' A human being, a mind controller who has been transformed through acquired changes.”

"Yuri... I've heard of this name. It seems that the subsequent Red Alert game is called Yuri's Revenge?"

Zheng Zha first recalled it, then looked at Yuri's bald head with suspicion: "Wait, isn't that game also a MOD? Just like Glory of the Republic..."

"No, Yuri's Revenge is the sequel to the expansion pack of Red Alert 2. It is officially set as the follow-up orthodox plot of Red Alert 2."

Chu Xuan gave Zheng Zha reassurance. He went on to introduce: "In the later stages of the game's plot, he gradually developed his own force from the Soviet army, and later formed the Yuri camp alone, and joined forces with the allied Soviet army. Military confrontation... So according to my inference, the period we are going to enter this time is probably the time when Yuri will start his revenge after the main story of Red Alert 2 ends."

"What's the reason, Chu Xuan?"

Yang Yun also looked at Yuri's photo and asked, if Einstein is the beginning of the story, then Yuri is the end of the story. These two characters, who stand on both sides and have completely opposite positions, run through the entire plot of Red Alert 2. It can be said that they are the two absolute protagonists of this world.

"It's very simple. The main purpose of allowing certain teams to enter early is to allow the weaker teams to have the power to compete with the stronger teams."

Chu Xuan replied without hesitation: "This world is undoubtedly a war-type world. The individual's combat power will be greatly reduced when placed on the overall battlefield. Since the players are playing the role of a 'commander' role, then the Lord God will also abide by the corresponding principles and choose our respective camps for us to engage in a war-level confrontation."

"The improvement in the strength of the fourth-level gene lock will not be counted in the Lord God's evaluation, and the strength we have shown in Pacific Rim is not enough for the Lord God to believe that our team can match the world's semi-polar ...To sum up, 'Yuri's Revenge', which has three camps: the Allies, the Soviet Army, and Yuri, is most likely the best stage for the three reincarnation teams to perform to their fullest."

"Also, I have another guess."

At this point, Chu Xuan's voice paused slightly, as if he was hesitating, but finally he said his guess: "Previous team battles were fought between two reincarnation teams, but this time it was... It’s a team battle between three teams, which most likely means one thing…”

"The Lord God will speed up the collision between the reincarnation teams and advance the arrival of the final battle." (End of this chapter)

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