This endless world

Chapter 54 Toshio Saeki...instant kill

——Somewhere in Tokyo, at the gate of a shrine.

Yang Yunzheng was wearing casual clothes, leisurely squeezing among the crowd and admiring the scene around the shrine. Anyway, he also knew that although some temples and shrines in Japan today have extraordinary existences, such as the temple where Zheng Zha and others obtained Buddhist scriptures is one of them. One, but most temples and shrines are still helpless against curses. In addition to reciting some scriptures, these people just grab some incense ashes and say some sacred things. In essence, they are just for the money in your pocket. Therefore, Yang Yun did not seek the blessing of the presiding witch at all, and just treated it as a sightseeing trip.

The super electromagnetic soul armor was hidden under Yang Yun's clothes, and the cool-looking helmet was also hidden, but it only concealed the appearance and still maintained its defensive function. The system prompt interface was also operating normally.

If others look at it from Yang Yun's perspective, they will be surprised to find that his field of vision is all green, like some kind of virtual science fiction gunfight game. Not only that, this system function can also automatically analyze and detect special negative soul fluctuations within a radius of about one kilometer... This is why Yang Yun did not go inside the shrine. He only needed to stay far away to detect it. Know whether these shrines are supernatural beings or pure scammers.

If the threat of the curse was not taken into account, this would have been a pleasant afternoon. However, Yang Yun's suggestion to split up was naturally not for traveling, but for fishing, and the fish... had already taken the bait.

——It’s finally here. You’ve kept me waiting for so long. Even though I’ve been wandering around alone for a long time, this Kayako didn’t come to kill me in person. Does he look down on me?

In Yang Yun's field of vision, a red light spot was slowly approaching from the ground. Perhaps the enemy thought it was quite concealed to attack from underground, but as soon as it entered the detection range of the super electromagnetic soul armor, its presence was immediately marked by the built-in computer, and even a thoughtful explanation was written on it. …

"A small soul energy source with extremely malicious intent. It is estimated that it has been completely infected by sin. It is 99% likely to be an ordinary ghost. It is estimated that the winning rate is 100%..."

The super electromagnetic soul armor is a must-have for home travel and killing people. It also comes with a winning rate prediction, which is comparable to the official big data plug-in.

Yang Yun glanced at the text automatically prompted by the armor system, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. These so-called sins and ghosts are actually exclusive terms for the obsessional soul system. In the classification of the obsessional soul system, after ordinary people die, they are usually wrapped up in all the things they experienced during their lifetime, which is the so-called cause and effect. As long as you interact with people, good or evil will eventually be rewarded, and cause and effect will occur. Cause and effect is the gratitude and resentment that others have towards this person. The good part is white, which is obsession; the evil part is black. , which is sin.

The first step in the soul obsession system is to break free from sin. This is the so-called breakaway.

If you can break free, then your obsession overwhelms your sin, and you can be called a demon-level soul, and you have officially embarked on the path of cultivation. And if you can't break free, then your sins overwhelm your obsession. When you completely lose your will, your entire soul will become more or less deformed, turning into ghosts and ghosts.

Of course, these are the classifications of the obsession soul system and cannot be completely applied to resentful souls like Kayako... Because no matter what, the obsession soul system is called together with the two systems of gene lock and cultivation, and belongs to The most important thing in soul cultivation. There is no soul cultivation method like Gaoyao, and Yehu Zen only relies on harming people to absorb souls to become stronger. A cultivator obsessed with the soul system is estimated to be able to defeat ten with the same energy.

As the red dot in the ground got closer and closer, Yang Yun slowly walked to a secluded place. Although he was completely sure of killing the incoming ghost, it was better not to attract attention.

So dozens of seconds later, Yang Yun saw a pale child slowly emerging from the surface. The child's eyes were dark, his body was covered in blood, and he kept giggling.

——Toshio Saeki, the son of Kayako Saeki... So, on the surface, there should be three enemies in this horror movie? I don’t know if Kayako, her husband Takeo Saeki, and her son Toshio Saeki will be resurrected after being killed to increase my points.

After Toshio Saeki emerged from the underground, he showed a very charming smile and was ready to find his target. But when he looked up, he found that the target that Mama Gaoyao wanted him to attack was less than one meter away. This man in ordinary clothes did not run when he saw him, but instead showed a smile and waved to him. , just like greeting a normal child.

Even Toshio Saeki, who experienced a tragic death during his lifetime and had many lives on his hands after his death, was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene. Maybe in the years since his death, he has never seen such a cowardly person...

But Toshio Saeki himself was not very old when he died, and he only retained some of his instincts in life. Apart from obeying Kayako's orders, he did not have a high IQ. Seeing that Yang Yun was already prepared, he didn't flinch, and just threw himself at Yang Yun with his hands raised high!

There was no one around at this moment. Ordinary people must have been frightened to be attacked by evil spirits in this quiet place. But Yang Yun was not an ordinary person. Facing Toshio Saeki who was charging at him fiercely with bleeding eyes, he still had time to yawn and said: "That's fine, let's just collect interest first... I hope you can give me more rewards."

After saying that, Yang Yun kicked out directly. With the blessing of the super electromagnetic soul armor, he was exactly the same as Zheng Zha in Alien, and his kick hit Toshio Saeki's chest!

Toshio Saeki is just an ordinary ghost, how can he withstand Yang Yun's heavy kick? Only a miserable howl was heard. The moment Yang Yun's feet came into contact with Saeki Toshio's body, countless electric currents burst out, tearing the little devil's pale body apart. The originally stable soul body was like a bad contact in an old-fashioned TV. The signal program became intermittent.

Then the green life energy exploded again, and the kid's body suddenly exploded from the center of his chest. Most of his soul body dissipated into the void, and a small part turned into a few wisps of black breath...

"Killing Toshio Saeki will reward you with a D-level side plot and a thousand reward points."

——Is it gone? There is only one D-level side plot and one thousand reward points, and there is no prompt to kill him once. It seems that he is completely dead.

After hearing the Lord God's warning and then no more movement, Yang Yun could only sigh and lament that the Lord God was so stingy, then he patted the dust on his body that was not contaminated and embarked on the return journey. And in his pocket, the communicator Chu Xuan had made before was quietly flashing red light...

"Hello, I'm Chu Xuan..."

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