This endless world

Chapter 520 Perfect Body and Personalized Soul Light (Part 1)

"I didn't expect you, Chu Xuan, to be so powerful, but fishing has just begun. I will definitely be the better in the end..."

"Ling Dian didn't participate in the last fishing trip, so he doesn't understand Chu Xuan's horror at all."

Seeing that Chu Xuan caught a fish in just thirty or forty seconds, while Ling Dian still didn't understand what he was about to encounter, Zheng Zha, who chose to stay away from Chu Xuan with Yang Yun, suddenly felt that he had made an extremely wise decision. He wiped the cold sweat from his head and said: "It seems that another "fishing prince" is destined to lose miserably today and fall completely in front of Chu Xuan."

"If you don't fight, you won't lose. This is not a competition. Chu Xuan is interested in fishing because he doesn't know whether he will catch a fish in the next second, or what kind of fish he will catch in the next second. It’s not that I want to differentiate myself from you. This kind of exploration of the unknown is what interests him.”

Compared to Zheng Zhalai who was sweating, Yang Yun was much more leisurely. While throwing the fishhook into the water, he responded casually: "Fishing is not just for fishing, but for enjoying this leisurely time." Time. Isn’t this what you said to Chu Xuan the last time you went fishing?”

"Having said that, who knew that he had never been exposed to fishing before, but he was so perverted..."

Zheng Zha watched Chu Xuan catch another big fish, while Ling Dian couldn't catch anything. He muttered and looked away: "Anyway, I don't want to fish with that guy anymore, let's change the topic... Yang Yun, What do you plan to exchange for this time when you return to the Lord God Space?"

"First, upgrade the Heart of Life bloodline to A-level. After all, I have two A-level branch plots, one B-level branch plot and one C-level branch plot. It is not difficult to come up with an A-level branch plot. And what I exchanged This bloodline is different from other types of bloodlines. The essence is to transform my heart, just like the literal meaning of 'Heart of Life'. This kind of change is difficult to achieve by simply practicing techniques."

With an understatement of wealth and wealth, Yang Yun told Zheng Zha his general plan: "As for internal power, we already have follow-up exercises, so there is no need to upgrade. Anyway, the exchange of A-level internal power requires self-cultivation. It may not be as strong as the technique we are practicing now... No, it is definitely not as strong as the technique we are practicing now."

"What about you, Zheng Zha, what do you think? There is no need to continue to strengthen the internal strength. Do you plan to strengthen the mutant bloodline to A level?"

"No, forget it... After unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, I can completely improve my bloodline level by optimizing the genes in my body. Moreover, after practicing the 'Curse Blood Dragon Binding Secret Treasure Path', the vampire in my body The energy has been refined by me a long time ago, and if I continue to strengthen it on this basis, it may not be a good thing for me."

Zheng Zha shook his head: "Now I have finally reached a balance between the two energies in my body. If the main god strengthens the initiation again, it may cause some unknown chain reactions. Even if I can use the fourth-level gene lock It takes some effort to make adjustments...the benefit ratio is too low.”

"I think that the me in your world line did not continue to strengthen the A-level bloodline after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock. It should be due to the same consideration."

"Why not because of poverty?"

Yang Yun asked with great interest: "Don't make it sound like after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, the A-level bloodline will not improve you at all. You are too underestimated the power brought by the Lord God's enhancement. .”

"I can't talk to a rich man like you. I just think that good steel should be spent on the blade. Naturally, I have to choose an exchange with a higher price that can enhance my strength."

Zheng Zha said angrily: "During the first battle in Resident Evil 2, the flame trench coat I had been looking for for a long time was completely destroyed by the clone, so I tend to exchange it for an A-level defensive equipment to cope with the next step. battle."

Yang Yun agreed: "No problem, what kind do you need?"

Hearing Yang Yun ask this, Zheng Zha couldn't help but think of his own situation before Resident Evil 2. At that time, he had just obtained the captain's inquiry authority, and he was excitedly looking for a piece of defensive equipment that suited him. In the end, the Lord God recommended an inexplicable "Magic Night Kasaya" to him... although he knew that it might be the key to his input. The result of too many words, but that dress was so impactful that Zheng Zha had a natural distrust of the Lord God's recommendation.

"Well, you can figure it out, just don't be too weird..." Zheng Zha wiped the cold sweat from his head: "Actually, it's not limited to equipment. Exchanges such as elixirs or additional skills are also within the scope of my consideration. .”

"Like the power of the God of Thunder?" Yang Yun joked casually: "Anyway, you can play with thunder now."

"No, I don't want to be a thunder god." Zheng Zha refused: "Two kinds of energy in the body are enough. I haven't planned to create a third one yet."

"Don't say that. Senju Chakra is a mixture of three kinds of energy. Maybe if you work hard, you can achieve a similar transformation."

Yang Yun smiled and said: "I'll use my captain authority to help you look for it later. I don't know what the Lord God will recommend to you."

As he spoke, Yang Yun swung the fishing rod hard and pulled a big fish weighing about ten kilograms out of the water. But if you look closely, you can find that there is no hook in the fish's mouth at all, but a nearly invisible true force that ties the swimming fish and "caught" it up.

"You are becoming more and more proficient in the ability to control energy." Zheng Zha looked at this scene and said with emotion: "When I fought with you before, I discovered that the use of energy and the smooth operation of the subtleties , I am far behind you in this aspect."

"It's normal. Everyone has something they're good at. What you're better at is using force to overcome cleverness. You're taking the path of using force to make bricks fly. There's no need to forcefully compete with me in energy control."

Yang Yun casually picked the fish off the hook and put it into the bucket next to him: "On the contrary, I envy your strength and destructive power. After turning on 'Destruction', it ran like a tank. No one dares to stand in front of you... No matter how many ways he comes, I will only go all the way. This is the way you fight. It is not only the bridge that I know you have crossed, but also the road you are walking now. "

"Yes, everyone has something they are good at, and everyone has their own path to take..."

Zheng Zha murmured to himself. Suddenly, he chuckled and said, "Then how far do you think I am from the fourth-level intermediate level? How far behind is I compared to my clone in Resident Evil 2?"

"Do you really want to listen?"

Yang Yun stopped moving his hand, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The fourth-level intermediate level is not so easy to reach. Even your clone did not really reach the fourth-level intermediate level at the beginning...the depth of microscopic. There is no rush for the time being. If you want to catch up with him, the most direct way is to have a perfect body and the light of the soul."

"You, the clone, have turned your body into an energy body, and merged with the light of his soul, the flames. If the flames are not extinguished, he will not be extinguished. And based on this, a tailor-made This is a fighting method that maximizes one's own advantages, and is basically impeccable in terms of strength, speed, reaction ability, and recovery ability."

"The only way to defeat him is to use a large-scale attack to completely destroy his energy body in a very short period of time; or, like you did, use extremely huge power to shrink to one point or another Arrancar, It caused a chain reaction that destroyed his entire body's stability."

Having said this, Yang Yun shook his head: "Now that you are far away from him..."

"It's not even close." (End of chapter)

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