This endless world

Chapter 518 Zero Point and Cheng Xiao

"This is Hogwarts..."

After spending corresponding side plots and reward points, all members of the Central-Continent team redeemed a week and returned to the world of Harry Potter. Looking at the majestic castle in front of him, which could only appear in stories, and the magic school that satisfies the childhood fantasies of all teenagers, Luo Gandao couldn't help but sigh.

There is no child who doesn’t want to become a magical little wizard, and someone like Luo Gandao, who grew up in an orphanage, perfectly meets the prerequisites for becoming a wizard. He doesn’t know how many times he has had the corresponding dream... Although I have a special liking for robot animations, but who hasn’t read this children’s book that is widely circulated in the world?

"If you are interested, you can ask Ziteng to take you around Hogwarts Castle and meet the wizards in the movies."

Yang Yun patted Luo Gandao on the shoulder and reminded him that now is not the time for sightseeing: "Believe me, you will have a lot of time to return to this world for exercise in the future, and completing the task is still the top priority."

After being reminded by Yang Yun, Luo Gandao reluctantly withdrew his gaze, turned to the resurrection stone in Yang Yun's hand, and asked uneasily: "...What should I do?"

"All you need to do is recite 'Resurrect Cheng Xiao' silently in your heart, and the Lord God will take care of the rest... Otherwise, Zheng Zha, you can come first, so as to set an example for Luo Gandao."

Out of consideration for protecting Luo Gandao, Yang Yun and Chu Xuan actually didn't say much to him, nor did they explain to him why he should carry out this resurrection mission. This also caused Luo Gandao to feel a little uneasy about the fact that he had just joined the Zhongzhou team and had to be responsible for such a significant act as "resurrecting his teammates."

So Yang Yun thought about it and chose to hand the Resurrection Stone to Zheng Zha first, and Zheng Zha also took it and sighed with memories: "Lingdian and Cheng Xiao...if they hadn't created opportunities for me with their lives, , found the flaw in my clone's moves, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to make that slash."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zha closed his eyes and used the power of the resurrection stone. And the great power of the Lord God did not make him wait too long. In just a short moment, Zero Point appeared on the ground with his eyes closed. The moment he regained consciousness, the most manly man in the Zhongzhou team jumped up suddenly. Before his eyes were fully opened, he reached out and touched the Gauss sniper rifle behind him, but his touch came up empty. …

"Welcome back, Zero Point, we have the final victory."

He didn't know what Zheng Zha saw from Zero Point's memory. He exhaled first, and then said to Zero Point who had reacted: "The Zhongzhou Team defeated the Demon Team, and I also resurrected you, partner."

After listening to Zheng Zha's words, Ling Dian's movements suddenly stopped. Although this man still had a cold expression, his trembling eyelids proved that he was not at peace inside... After a long time, Ling O'clock opened his eyes and took a long breath. After he confirmed himself The main watch on his watch went blank, and he showed a long-lost smile to the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him: "...Well, it's good to win."

"Nice to see you again, Zheng Zha."

"Me too, brother, this is for you."

Zheng Zha walked forward, laughed and took out a Gauss sniper rifle from the space bag that was 80% similar to the previous one, and placed it in front of the opponent: "This is your Gauss sniper rifle. The previous one is That gun was lost in the world of Resident Evil 2 due to the aftermath of the battle, and it really can't be found... Although this new Gauss sniper rifle was made by Chu Xuan himself after exchanging the blueprints from the Lord God, it should not be Much worse than what you had before.”

Zero o'clock immediately took the Gauss sniper rifle from Zheng Zha's hand. He first tried the feel of the firearm, then picked it up and aimed it, and then carried the weapon made by Chu Xuan behind his back. , nodded gratefully to several people: "Thank you, I like this gun very much."

"It's okay. If it's not appropriate, you can just say it. Then we can ask Chu Xuan to make a custom order. He is now the Tinkerbell of our Central Continent team..."

Zheng Zha patted Ling Dian's shoulder hard, and then the Overlord behind him who entered at the same time as Ling Dian also squeezed in and said: "You kid, I didn't expect that you have survived so many more horror movies than me, and now you are even stronger." A lot. We obviously entered at the same time, so I really underestimated you at that time."

"It's just luck."

Facing Overlord, a companion who has carried a gun with him and even has a somewhat similar profession, Lingdian also smiled: "I didn't expect you to be resurrected too..."

"Actually, that's it. It's not difficult."

Not to mention the time when he started chatting with Overlord at the side, Yang Yun took back the resurrection stone from Zheng Zha's hand, handed it to Luo Gan and said, "Don't worry, don't be so nervous."

"oh oh."

After witnessing a resurrection scene from the dead, most of the tension in Luo Gandao's heart dissipated. Following Yang Yun's instructions, he closed his eyes and started the Lord God's resurrection process... Soon, Cheng Xiao, who also had his eyes closed, He also appeared on the ground, and his movements were surprisingly similar to Zero Point's. He also jumped up suddenly without opening his eyes.

But when Cheng Xiao opened his eyes, the first scene he saw was the scene of Overlord and Ling Dian chatting. This made Cheng Xiao stunned. But when he turned his head, what caught his eye was a blink of an eye. Chu Xuan stared at him without blinking...

"Chu, Chu...Colonel Chu Xuan!"

Cheng Xiao screamed at that time. He saw two people he knew were dead in a row, which made the man subconsciously have an illusion, and immediately laughed: "Is this so? It turns out that I am already dead, but after this death The space is really interesting. I thought I would appear in the underworld, but I didn’t expect that there would be so many good brothers on the road together. I don’t know if I can see her..."

As he spoke, there was a trace of indescribable sadness in Cheng Xiao's laughter, and when his laughter gradually turned into choking, Chu Xuan's usual cold voice broke the current atmosphere: "You Resurrected from death, Cheng Xiao, all this is not an illusion, nor is it the so-called afterlife."

Cheng Xiao's voice suddenly stopped, and he immediately started groping for his body. After confirming that his heart was still beating and that he had not turned into a monster and was still the same body as before, Cheng Xiao wiped the corners of his eyes and immediately stood at attention and saluted Chu Xuan in front of him. military salute.

"Special team doctor, Cheng Xiao..."

"Apply to join the team!"

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