This endless world

Chapter 516 Reality and Captain

Can't return to reality...

This is actually the secret that Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan knew in the "Dragon Knight" world in the original world line. In that world, Zheng Zha encountered the sealed great witch "Xiang Liu" and almost died in his hands... It was also during that battle that the two of them knew what the box theory was and guessed a The existence significance of Fenzhushen space, and what the saints and cultivators want to tell the later generations.

According to Chu Xuan's inference at the time, the box maker could read the memories of the reincarnators in some way, and once known, a large number of creatures from other planes would appear on the earth, and the catastrophes caused by them would follow. It will lead to large-scale death of human beings, and human society will also undergo drastic changes.

This is the origin of the title of the book "Infinite Horror". If you want to survive, you must experience the world of horror movies, which is infinite terror... and the main god space is actually similar to the safety created by saints and cultivators. A house is equivalent to a box within a box.

Of course, Chu Xuan's inferences cannot be said to be completely wrong, but at least they are a glimpse into the past. Just like what he said, even the strongest wise man cannot deduce the whole situation without information. Now Chu Xuan, who has learned from Yang Yun in advance that "fate is an author", will naturally no longer reached similar conclusions.

However, this does not mean that Chu Xuan's inferences among the dragon knights are worthless. He did anticipate the fusion of planes during the "Infinite Future" period and the occurrence of countless monsters attacking the plane where the main god is. As for Chu Xuan's plan to resurrect Cheng Xiao and send him to the real world this time, Yang Yun and Zheng Zha have no way of guessing.

Chu Xuan did not continue what he said, because both Yang Yun and Zheng Zha understood that for others who have not yet reached the fourth level, revealing to them the meaning behind the "box maker" and the main god space Things are only harmful and useless. Most of the time, the more truth you know, the more pressure and responsibility you have to bear... This is why Luo Gandao is the most suitable person to resurrect Cheng Xiao.

At this time, Luo Li had already walked out of Zheng Zha's room and looked at the Zhongzhou team from a distance. Seeing this, Zheng Zha smiled sheepishly at everyone, walked towards Luo Li first, laughed and hugged the little girl back to the room. Seeing this situation, everyone showed understanding smiles and walked to their own rooms.

The absence of injuries does not mean that humans do not need rest, and mental fatigue is often more difficult to deal with than physical fatigue. Even if the members of the Central Continent team have not actually experienced too many battles, being in the main god's mission world requires them to keep their nerves tight at all times to deal with dangers that may arise at any time. It wasn't until they returned to the main god's space that they could finally relax and sleep peacefully.

"Why don't you go back and rest?"

Looking at Luo Gandao who had not yet completed the repair, Yang Yun looked at Chu Xuan beside him who had no intention of returning to the room, and said: "Although I know it is not my turn to say this, and ordinary people's standards do not apply to you, but after all, it has just ended. If you fall into a world, why not go back and take a nap and discuss the next thing tomorrow?"

"My body can fully support me for the next research." Chu Xuan said this. His feet stood firmly in place, unwilling to move a step, as if they were rooted under his feet: "But now, I lack the response tool, which would reduce my research efficiency by 72 percent.”

"I'm too lazy to ask you how you got this data." Yang Yun complained helplessly. He could naturally hear what Chu Xuan wanted to express in a roundabout way: "I will return the Nese core." Yours, but not today, let’s wait until tomorrow…”

"Remember what you said, tomorrow, I understand."

Before Yang Yun could finish speaking, Chu Xuan cut off Yang Yun's words in an extremely fast tone. After saying that, he strode back to his room at a speed that even Yang Yun was surprised, and slammed the door, leaving a stunned Yang Yun standing there.

——I haven't finished speaking yet...Forget it, it's not good to push Chu Xuan too hard.

Yang Yun smiled and shook his head, but he didn't take it to heart. Although he was slightly set up by Chu Xuan, it was a rare scene to see this usually calm young man lose all his skin and play such a thoughtful word game...

What? You said that Chu Xuan is actually quite shameless on weekdays, but he just doesn't show it? That's okay.

Just as Yang Yun was thinking in his mind whether to shorten the time to recover the Nether Core, the sound of landing suddenly came from behind him. The moment he heard the voice, Yang Yun turned around with a smile and said to Luo Gan: "What just happened was the Lord God's full body repair. How do you feel about your body now?"

"Well, great."

Luo Gandao first touched his body, and after confirming that his overall condition was much stronger than before entering the main god's space, and that he and Yang Yun were the only two people in the main god's square, the young man said gratefully: "Thank you very much. , Brother Yang Yun, my previous idea was terribly wrong."

As he said that, Luo Gandao showed a shy expression: "I want to express myself too much, and I don't trust the 'seniors' I have never met before and this unfamiliar team. A battle cannot be won by the strength of one person alone." I can win. If Brother Yang Yun hadn't reminded me, I might have been shot to death by Brother Chu Xuan without even having a chance to board the mecha... And it's because of the power of my companions that I can become someone else. A hero in my heart.”

——Uh, is this still a thing? I don’t know what exactly Chu Xuan did to Luo Gandao. I’ll take the time to ask him tomorrow using the spiritual link.

Yang Yun guessed in his heart what Chu Xuan might do, and smiled on the surface: "Well, it's good to understand this matter. After all, no matter how much I say, it can't be as practical as your personal experience... Although You may have heard it, but I still have to say, welcome to the Central-Continent team, Luo Gandao."

With that said, Yang Yun also briefly introduced the basic functions of the Lord God Space to Luo Gandao. When he talked about the creation of humans, Luo Gandao's face turned red. No matter what, after all, he was still a seventeen-year-old high school student, at the age of full vitality. When a few seconds later, a mature beauty with purple hair in her thirties appeared under the main god, Yang Yun couldn't help but reveal her Strange expression comes.

"I didn't expect you to like this type of person. I thought you would like the Sanwu Iceberg Goddess..."

"I'm going back!"

Before Yang Yun finished speaking, Luo Gandao, who was blushing, picked up a sexy woman who looked exactly like Misato Katsuragi in EVA, and rushed into his room in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Yang Yun smiled, shook his head, and turned back to the big ball of light above his head.

"So, I'm alone again...but that's good."

——After all, I am now the captain of the Zhongzhou team. (End of chapter)

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