This endless world

Chapter 514 Lord God, whole body repair!

There was a burst of light, followed by the familiar feeling of waking up from a dream. When Yang Yun came back to his senses, he had reappeared in the main god space, with the familiar big ball of light above his head.


On the other side, Luo Gandao landed on his butt and fell heavily to the ground. Even though his physical fitness was no longer that of a mortal after he took down the original T-virus solution and unlocked the first-level gene lock, he was thrown up high as a hero one moment, and fell from a height of three to four meters without any defense the next moment. He was still in quite a bit of pain... and looking at the confused look on his face as he rubbed his butt, it was obvious that he hadn't gotten over the celebration after victory.

Beside Yang Yun, Zheng Zha, who was unable to retreat, almost punched into the void... Fortunately, after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, he instantly realized where he was and quickly turned off the "Destruction" "State, withdrew the power that he burst out. Even so, the leaked power still caused a gust of wind in the main square, blowing the hair and clothes of everyone in the Central Continent team.

"Is it over?"

Zheng Zha, who had only experienced the captain certification once, was far more accepting of the current situation than ordinary people. He understood it after just a moment of surprise. Not surprisingly, he laughed and patted Yang Yun on the shoulder: "Sure enough, Yang Yun. It seems that the Lord God still thinks that you are more suitable to be the captain of the Central Continent Team than me."


Yang Yun originally wanted to ask Zheng Zha if he had used all his power, but before he could say anything, he basically wanted to understand everything and knew that this question was completely meaningless at this moment, so he shook his head and turned around. He looked at Chu Xuan beside him and said, "Chu Xuan, I need an explanation."

"In other words, you owe me an explanation."

"What explanation?"

Chu Xuan still had the same dull expression. He just pushed up his glasses, hiding his emotionless eyes behind his specially modified glasses: "If you are talking about the layout of this horror film, , then shouldn’t you have already made a guess?”

Yang Yun sighed, turned off the fourth-level gene lock, and calmed down his brain again, no longer as enthusiastic as before: "But you could have told me more clearly, instead of using this roundabout way of hinting... …Let me think about it, the conversation we had in the cafeteria when the monsters first attacked, the words you didn’t say should have been ‘it’s also the captain’s responsibility’, right?”

Chu Xuan nodded naturally and said the words that made Yang Yun's blood pressure rise: "Yes, I believe you could hear it at the time. With your ability to empathize with others, it is not difficult to understand this. Let the newly joined It is the natural responsibility of the captain to integrate team members into the team as soon as possible, and what you said did have a certain effect."

"What you said is really..."

Yang Yun was really angry and funny. Call Chu Xuan unreasonable. He had already given himself enough face. After all, instead of using "mortal wisdom" to describe it, I used "I believe you could hear it at the time". This is always an improvement. After all, no one will admit that they were stupid for not understanding Chu Xuan's hint. ... This kind of rhetoric method to secretly elevate the other party was something Chu Xuan would never use before: "Then how do you explain the rest?"

"The impact of the turbulence of time and space, Xie Luyin's betrayal, and the relationship between her and Adam were all things I could not have predicted in advance."

Chu Xuan spread his hands and made a gesture that seemed to express helplessness: "In horror movies that are not in the world of team battles, there has never been a precedent for the reincarnation to betray the reincarnation team and the 'main god'. This is not in line with human beings." Nature, because even I can't tell in advance what benefits Xie Luyin's doing to I can only stand still and observe Xie Luyin's every move in secret, and take advantage of the situation as soon as I see it."

"But you didn't stop it, and even acquiesced to all this happening." Yang Yun sighed, because he actually knew what Chu Xuan would say, but he still had to name them to let others in the team understand what Chu Xuan was thinking. : "You are fishing, but this time you are not testing the humanity of the newcomers, but their courage, will, and trust in the seniors."

His eyes looked at Luo Gandao, and this seventeen-year-old young man who had just climbed up from the ground and was rubbing his buttocks while listening to the conversation between the two noticed Yang Yun's gaze and quickly stood up straight, revealing a big Smiling face... Although his heart may not be as sunny as he appears on the surface.

——No matter what, it’s always right to laugh.

"You are inviting all the members of our Zhongzhou team to join you in a bet." Yang Yun looked away from Luo Gandao, looked at Zheng Zha on the other side, and emphasized his tone: "And I didn't expect that you actually recruited Zheng Zha in advance. Obviously I asked him to keep an eye on you..."

Facing Yang Yun's gaze, Zheng Zha first glanced aside and realized that he couldn't hide. Then he said loudly and confidently: "What's wrong? Isn't that how you played me with Zhang Jie in Death Comes Four?" Really? I just want you to experience what it’s like to be kept in the dark!”

...So Zheng Zha doesn’t know that Zhan Lan will also play him?

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Zhan Lan seemed to be very interested in his reward points and side plots. He was contacting the Lord God with his eyes closed to inquire about redemption. Yang Yun, who had no intention of exposing this point, had no choice but not to reveal it: "The topic is far away, let's forget about this...Chu Xuan, you should know my answer."

"Yes, it's understandable intellectually, but emotionally unacceptable."

Chu Xuan nodded without surprise: "If it were you before, no matter how reluctant you were, you would have accepted this fact. But now that you no longer suppress your true heart and desires, you will choose another approach... I Guess you’re going to beat me up.”

Seeing Chu Xuan put away his glasses calmly, as if he was prepared to be beaten in advance, Yang Yun suddenly laughed.

"No, I was going to do that, but now I've changed my mind."

The next moment, something surprising happened. Yang Yun hooked his finger, and the Nese core on top of Chu Xuan's head flew to Yang Yun's face as if under some command. It fell safely in his hand: "The last time I went back to Lungominiad, I saw that you were very displeased and taught me how to take back the core of Nether... You should have not forgotten, the core of Nether I am still the owner of the core, and you are just a borrower, right?"

As he spoke, Yang Yun showed a proud smile, and shook the Nether Core in his hand: "So you won't be able to use it to assist you in your research for at least a week."

No longer looking at Chu Xuan, who was stunned in place, Yang Yun, who had regained the victory, smiled and shrugged, and looked at Zheng Zha, who obviously did not expect that he had such a hand: "Besides, Zheng Zha, have you forgotten something? thing?"

"...Yes, that's right, because the horror movie this time was so easy, I almost forgot about it."

Seeing the smile on Yang Yun's face, Zheng Zha also remembered something: "Come on, Yang Yun. After all, you are the captain of the Zhongzhou team now."

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful."

Turning around, Yang Yun took a deep breath and gave the Lord God his first order after becoming the captain of the Zhongzhou Team.

"Lord God, repair the whole body..."

"The reward points will be deducted from me!"

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