This endless world

Chapter 513: The God of Heaven

"The backhand I had left was lifted."

At the top of a building, a blond young man with a face as handsome as a god looked away from the reincarnation watch on his wrist: "It should be 'him' who did it... That man also entered the main god space."

His name is Adam, the son of God and the ancestor of mankind.

The reincarnation team he is in is the Celestial Team. Only the captain is invited to join this team. The weakest member is also an elite team that has unlocked the second-level gene lock. And he is the leader of the team.

"Is it the old enemy you said before who forced you into the main god's space?"

Next to Adam, a black-haired young man carrying a long sword asked. He touched his chin in confusion: "Although I have heard you talk about it several times before, I really didn't expect it to happen in the real world. There is such a powerful person, Adam, your IQ is rare in my life, even I have to accept it..."

"Luo Yinglong, how do you have the nerve to say such a thing... In our Tianshen team, who doesn't have a higher IQ than a fool like you?"

A beautiful blond woman standing next to Luo Yinglong covered her cheek, as if she didn't notice the behavior of the people around her: "Oh my god, I regret how I fell in love with you, a fool like you."

Being looked down upon by the woman next to him, Luo Yinglong not only did not get angry, but said happily: "Doesn't this show that Lin Ya, you have good taste? You know, the boyfriend you are looking for is currently the only orthodox cultivator in the main god space. Ah…isn’t it much rarer than mental controllers or wise men?”

As he said this, the fool burst into laughter with his hands on his hips, startling the flock of birds beside the railing. I don’t know if it was because I was frightened by his proud laughter, or because even the birds couldn’t stand the way this guy was showing off.

Although Luo Yinglong's behavior was not normal, his teammates seemed to be accustomed to this young man's various daily convulsions. Except for Linanya who was still covering her face and muttering words like "I don't know him, I don't know him" in a low voice, everyone else's expressions were normal. And a brown-haired young man with a calm face and a long knife on his back, who looked like the Dinghai Shenzhen in the team, asked directly: "Are you sure, Adam? Are there other factors that may be involved?"

"It is unmistakable. It is a release method similar to 'rewriting'... and to be able to remove my 'lie that guides the truth' in this way, the other party must have exchanged a similar weapon of the law of cause and effect."

Adam tapped the railing at hand rhythmically, while not forgetting to explain to other teammates around him who didn't understand what he was talking about: "My back hand will only trigger that specific person. And according to my and his The common thought is that after entering the main god space, you will definitely look for a causal weapon to exchange for your bloodline. After all, ordinary people will never know this information, let alone use it as a bloodline."

"Well, no offense, but Adam, are you a little too sure in using these things as arguments?"

Luo Yinglong asked with a strange look: "You and that person are not the only smart people in this world. Others should also think of similar exchanges, right? After all, I wanted to exchange for an ability made out of nothing after entering the main god space. Doesn’t this mean that my IQ and yours are actually at the same level..."

Before Luo Yinglong could finish Zibi Adam's words, he received a heavy kick from Linanya on his calf, which almost prevented him from being kicked off the roof... Obviously, this blonde beauty really couldn't stand her boyfriend. I'm running on the train with my mouth full.

"Because I know him and he knows me."

Adam smiled as usual, completely ignoring the fight between Luo Yinglong and Linanya: "Wise men always cherish each other. Now that I have determined that he is my only and strongest opponent. Then I believe that one day, He will definitely enter the main god space and continue the unfinished battle with me... Whether it is prophecy or intuition, I have a 100% chance of being sure."

"It sounds like a kind of metaphysics, but since Adam you are so sure, then I will believe it."

Song Tian rubbed his eyebrows. He did not continue to dwell on this issue, but asked: "So Adam, what are you going to do? If the man named 'Chu Xuan' is really like you said, he has been A secret base somewhere within the territory of the Celestial Empire is closed to the public, so judging from the location where the main god entered, the reincarnation team he belongs to should be 'Zhongzhou'."

"Although I have never heard of the name of the Central Continent Team in the Main God Space before, judging from your description, since this team can remove your ability, it should have good strength, but it has not participated a few times. Team battles are still unknown... Should the goal of team battles from now on be to collect intelligence about the Central Continent team?"

"No, there is no need. The Central Continent Team will not be our opponent yet. After all, based on my understanding of that man, he has an extremely strong personal style and is basically unable to reach a consensus with others."

Adam looked at the other side of the sky and said with a smile: "It's fine for a few worlds, but after a long time, the teammates around him will definitely understand that Chu Xuan is fundamentally different from them, and will treat them differently." He is ungrateful. But how can those fools who only know how to walk in Handan be Chu Xuan's opponents? They will only be squeezed out of their last bit of value and then ruthlessly abandoned, and a new batch of newcomers will enter the Zhongzhou team, and the cycle will repeat..."

"After all, a guy who has no emotions and no 'heart' will not understand the emotions of mortals at all."

At this point, there was a subtle change in Adam's gentle tone. I don't know if it was jealousy or other feelings... But before everyone in the Celestial Team could think about it, the blond young man recovered. With the same expression as before, he clapped his hands and said: "Okay, now we have to take action. This time in the mission world, we are going to have a big game."

"Song Tian, ​​according to the intelligence we collected during this period, even the mass-produced Jiutai EVA has a strength close to the fourth level and can use subtle power. When Luo Yinglong and I went to the SEELE headquarters to obtain the tree of life diagram, Within a certain period of time, you need to compete with it alone, are you confident in solving it?"

"Plural fourth order?"

When he heard these words, Song Tian suddenly smiled. This extremely calm man had thick black and neat eyebrows raised, and his eyes were sparkling. It was as sharp as an unsheathed sword, and his words were full of excitement: "Go ahead..."

"The way of the sword needs to be tempered over and over again. It becomes sharper and sharper under the grinding of one whetstone after another." (End of this chapter)

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