This endless world

Chapter 503 The vanguard has been cleared

"Well done."

I don’t know if Marshal Panticost was trying to boost the morale of the PPDC staff. He actually ordered Cai Tiantong to project the entire battle of Luo Gan Dao on the closed-circuit television in the Broken Dome so that all staff inside the base could see it. ...and everyone paying attention to this battle is cheering for the hero who stood up at the critical moment and fought alone.

When Luo Gan Dao killed the monster, they cheered; when Luo Gan Dao was in danger, they were worried; and when Luo Gan Dao was in danger, six giant mechas came to the rescue like magic soldiers descending from the sky at the critical moment, and there were cheers inside the base. Reached the highest peak ever.

And among the cheering crowd, Zheng Zha crossed his arms and watched the six mechas on the screen attacking the level five monster named "Evil Dragon" with a smile on his lips. : "With their strength, they can completely take down that big guy, and the others can just pay it off. I didn't expect that Qi Tengyi also said that he would become addicted to turning on mechas... but it saved me a lot of effort."

Zheng Zha said in the spiritual link and asked curiously: "However, I always feel that Luo Gandao's fighting power is too strong... Even if he unlocked the first-level gene lock under the T-virus original solution, He is also a natural pilot, but that kid is a newcomer who has not experienced any professional training. To be able to perfectly control such a supersonic mecha, his reaction speed should be at least five times that of a normal person, right? Is it possible? Chu Xuan, what other strengthening potions have you developed?"

"It's not a new strengthening potion. The reason why Luo Gandao is able to perform so amazingly is because this AHSMB body and the special system equipped on it were specially designed by me for him."

Chu Xuan, who was in the laboratory, was also sitting on a chair, watching the "Eureka Raider" shoot out countless missiles, like a gust of wind, hitting the fifth-level monster named "Evil Dragon", killing it. A shot came down from the sky: "JULIA System, this is its name, although it is a copycat version developed by me."

"What is that?" Zheng Zha asked doubtfully, "I've never heard of it from some robot animation?"

"That's right. The reason why I chose this machine named AHSMB among the countless drawings in the Lord God Space, instead of the more famous real-type Gundam-like machine, is because it has special functions."

The "Evil Dragon" on the screen is worthy of being the fifth-level monster that appears for the first time. Even though the "Eureka Raider" has amazing firepower, it is still difficult to cause effective damage to it, but the "Evil Dragon" was also beaten. He was unable to move for a while and could not take off again: "The Julia system can be said to be a kind of biomechanical technology. The core of this machine must be cultivated using the same genetic factors as the driver, so it can genetically interact with the driver. It resonates and you control it like your second body.”

"At the same time, if the driver can develop the potential power in the gene, the body using the same genetic sequence will also 'awaken' and evolve more powerful performance."

"Oh, it's the same power that Luo Gandao used before, right?" Zheng Zha suddenly realized. He saw the scene where Luo Gandao merged the two beam sabers into one and killed the original fourth-level monster with one blow: "I thought He is a 'explosion', and now it turns out that it is the effect of the Julia system you mentioned... According to you, this thing is not cheap in the main god space, right?"

"To simply exchange it, I need 5,000 reward points and a B-level branch plot, which is already cheap among high-tech items. But if I exchange the drawings and materials myself, the price spent is only a C-level branch plot. ." Chu Xuan replied calmly: "After all, I reminded you when I first entered the Lord God's Space. As long as you understand the principles behind the items, you can save a lot of money in making them."

"But we are not as intelligent as you, who can understand the blueprints, and whose hands-on skills are so strong that we can make a Gundam by hand."

Zheng Zha grimaced and sighed in the spiritual link: "I have no choice, I am poor, and high-tech talents are extremely scarce... I can only count on you, Tinkerbell."

"...Don't call me that."

"What does it matter? Anyway, in the original future, I called you that, but now it's just a few horror movies ahead of schedule... Uh, wait, is it okay for me to say this? I won't be 'him' Did you find out?" Zheng Zha didn't care at first, but he lowered his voice halfway through the sentence, although in reality he didn't make the slightest sound at all.

"No problem. The fragments of the God List block all information. At least within three to four worlds, you don't have to worry about relevant information being leaked."

On the big screen, taking advantage of the "Evil Dragon" being suppressed by firepower, "Cherno Alpha" strode forward, using the thunder and lightning between its fists to offset the current on the monster's body. At the same time, two giant mechas used rocket backpacks to fall from the sky. The "Storm Crimson" with three arms wielding serrated blade wheels cut one of the monster's wings into pieces in an instant, while the one holding a giant chain sword "Dangerous Wanderer" cut the monster's other wing in two!

Seeing that his modified giant mecha caused huge damage to the monster, Chu Xuan nodded slightly, and continued to say in the spiritual link: "Luo Gandao has corresponding potential, and Yang Yun recommended it, so I am willing Spending time and energy to tailor-make a machine for him to unleash his full potential...and his performance is in line with my expectations."

"It feels like you are more likely to affirm others than before... is it my illusion?"

The "evil dragon" on the screen let out a shrill horn that could be clearly heard even inside the Broken Dome, making Zheng Zha couldn't help but pick his ears with his little finger: "You were not so human before."

"People change, and so do I."

Chu Xuan said straightforwardly: "For those who value their own lives too seriously and naturally do not trust their teammates, they need to be made aware of the importance of their teammates; and for those who underestimate their own role and give all trust and glory to their teammates I want to make him understand how important he is in the team... so I went to great lengths to set up such a game."

"Yang Yun will not be happy." Zheng Zha shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, because that's how I do things."

Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses calmly: "Besides, he has always been doing something for us, and it's our turn to do something for him."

Having lost its ability to fly, the "Evil Dragon" remained ferocious. Its body struggled violently and flew away all three mechas around it. Then he opened his big mouth again, and the electric arcs all over his body concentrated rapidly, intending to condense the lightning ball again to destroy everything in front of him.

But how could the mecha hunters give it this last chance to counterattack? The "Echo Saber" piloted by Overlord pressed his feet hard, and instantly got close to the "Evil Dragon"'s body. With a Mecha Dragon Fist, he pressed the unformed attack back into its belly.

This is the transmission system of the "Echo Saber" modified by Chu Xuan, imitating the mecha fighting skills in a certain cyberpunk comic, allowing the mecha to adjust the vibration frequency of the plasma in the energy pipeline, and then use this inherent vibration to The frequency energy body penetrates into the enemy's body, simulating the internal energy effect of Chinese martial arts.

On the other side, the "Vulcan Ghost" driven by Qi Tengyi pulled the trigger of the plasma beam rifle in his hand, instantly piercing the power-generating organ in the "Evil Dragon" body, causing this huge monster to finally The counterattack was completely dissipated.

"Come on, Luo Gandao!"


The next moment, a ray of blue light struck from a distance, and he clenched the beam saber that expanded to more than thirty meters with both hands, and chopped off the head of the "evil dragon" entirely!

"The vanguard has been cleared, and now it's your job... Don't forget to bring back what I want."

Amidst the cheers celebrating the victory, Chu Xuan closed the scene in front of him, while Zheng Zha quietly left the broken dome that turned into a sea of ​​joy, leaving only his words in the spiritual link: "No problem... "

"It's time for me to stretch my muscles." (End of chapter)

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