This endless world

Chapter 494 The price paid in advance

One of Adam's chess pieces?

Chu Xuan's words made Yang Yun stunned for a second. He no longer cared about paying attention to the Lord God's mission, and asked quickly: "Are you sure? No matter how powerful Adam is, he would not be able to insert a chess piece into ours in such a targeted manner without any warning. Among the Zhongzhou team...or is it that Xie Luyin is Haotian's disguise after changing his gender?"

It would make sense if the newcomer who entered the Zhongzhou team was named "Haotian". But Xie Luyin's name has not even appeared in the original world line. At this time, it is really hard for Yang Yun to believe that the opponent is actually a chess piece that Adam buried in the Zhongzhou team.

"……You think too much."

Even Chu Xuan, when faced with Yang Yun's whimsical conjecture, couldn't help showing a speechless look: "You misunderstood what I meant. With Adam's character, he did not plant this chess piece deliberately, but It was done casually... If that man really enters the main god space now, then Adam, who believes that I am his only opponent, will definitely clean up all the traces he left in the real world."

"for example?"

Since Adam first encountered the Demon Team's clone Chu Xuan in the original world line, he naturally knew that the real Chu Xuan had also entered the main god space, and thus carefully prepared an absolute attack on the Central Continent Team in The Lord of the Rings. Killing situation... But Yang Yun's understanding of Adam was only supported by some side descriptions in the book. What kind of person the wise man second only to the two Chu Xuan was, he really couldn't briefly describe.

"Adam is an extremely cautious person. That man seems to always wear a mask. No one knows his true nature, even Haotian, who comes from the same origin as him and formed the 'Fairy Thieves Group'."

Chu Xuan calmly concluded: "But he is also an extremely proud person. He is extremely confident in his layout and thinks he can deceive everyone, so his layout naturally has an extremely adventurous style. … It’s quite contradictory, isn’t it?”

——It sounds like the second you.

Yang Yun complained silently deep in his heart. Although in terms of life experience and essence, Adam was a slightly degraded version of Chu Xuan, and even the genes that created them came from the same source, he would not really Say this sentence out loud.

"Adam was so protective of his information that many people were unaware of his existence."

Through the communicator, it was impossible for Chu Xuan to know what Yang Yun was thinking. He just continued: "Judging from the information you told me about Adam before, his entry into the Lord God Space was half accidental and half deliberate. .Although he knows the general method of entering the Lord God Space, he cannot know how many times he needs to try, nor can he know when he will enter the Lord God Space... Therefore, even Adam cannot erase before entering the Lord God Space. Get rid of all traces of yourself in the real world.”

"But at the same time, Adam also knew that one day I would follow the clues he left to trace his body, and know that he had entered the main god's space... so he set a trap."

"I won't complain about the silent understanding between you wise men."

Listening to Chu Xuan's speculation, Yang Yun felt that although he and Adam had never met, they seemed to have known each other for a long time. And I don’t know how to describe the battle of wits between the two. I predicted your prediction, you predicted my prediction, and I predicted your prediction... Not to mention the layer cake, at least it was a Russian trick. Wa: "So, what trap did Adam set in the real world?"

"The high probability is that he has planted corresponding psychological hints in everyone he has come into contact with."

Chu Xuan shook his head: "You once said that the ability that Adam redeemed in the original world line was to 'guide true lies', right? That kind of special causal weapon that can even forge the prompts of the Lord God. Through this ability, he is enough to do it Such a thing cannot even be detected by a mental scan. As long as I try to trace his traces in reality, every flaw he leaves will become a trap for me... And Xie Luyin's current behavior that harms others and does not benefit himself is exactly what he did. This is the best proof that her mind has been affected.”

"Let's not care about whether Adam has redeemed the S-level law of cause and effect skill of 'Guiding True Lies', but why Xie Luyin?"

Yang Yun stared at Chu Xuan's face closely, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes: "The first horror movie after we were almost wiped out? At this time when you sent Xie Luyin out to perform the mission and I sent out at the same time? No one except the Demon Team will know about your existence. There should be no intersection between the Central Continent Team and the Celestial Team that Adam belongs to. Is this really such a coincidence..."

At this point, Yang Yun was stunned, and Chu Xuan nodded and said: "It seems that you have understood, it is such a coincidence. Yang Yun, think about it carefully, do you think that among the many reincarnation teams now, the main god's evaluation Which team will be the tallest?”

"Of course it's the Celestial Team, and it's also the team that Adam is in." Yang Yun gritted his teeth: "I just said that after you used the fragment of the God List on Zheng Zha, you never saw any impact. I didn't expect you to do it quietly. A big job has been done here..."

"Yes, Murphy's Law. As long as the probability of something happening is not zero, no matter how small the probability is, it will become inevitable under the countercurrent of time and space. Even if it is not Xie Luyin who enters this time, it will be Zhang Luyin, Li Luyin, Or someone else related to Adam. As long as he has the 'cause' of setting a trap, then the rest of the 'effect' will happen naturally."

Chu Xuan calmly said the words Yang Yun didn't want to hear: "Xie Luyin's entry is not accidental, but inevitable. Adam does not need to find Xie Luyin accurately and send him into the Lord God's space as a chess piece. He may even not have it until now , I don’t know if my trap has worked, and how much impact it has had on me after it works... but the corresponding 'result' will cause us huge trouble."

"...Didn't you consider this from the beginning?" Yang Yun stared at Chu Xuan and asked: "I don't believe that with your IQ, you didn't think of the possibility of the countercurrent of time and space affecting your layout..."

"As you said, the Zhongzhou Team and the Tianshen Team had no interaction before, and until the last moment when Xie Luyin said that sentence, I could not take the variable Adam into consideration. After all, I If you are not a god, you cannot predict all outcomes.”

Facing Yang Yun's gaze, Chu Xuan calmly explained: "There must be a cause and a result. When I think of it, all things will come into being. The danger does not happen now, but in the past. My safety in this world is not because of time and space. The countercurrent has not yet had its corresponding effect on me, but because the price was paid earlier..."

"It's just that the price is unknown for a while."

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