This endless world

Chapter 44 Chu Xuan...Chu Xuan! (Down)


Chu Xuan's question really struck a chord with Yang Yun.

Indeed, if Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan couldn't react, how could Yang Yun react faster than them, and even kill the alien?

If we talk about three students, one of them has always scored over 80 points, the second person has scored around 90 points, and the third person can only barely pass. This has always been the case in mock exams for a long time. But one day on an important exam, a student with a score of more than 80 was still a score of 80, and a student with a score of 90 was still a 90. But the student with a score of more than 60 suddenly improved his score to close to a perfect score... What would others think? It seems, what would you think?

Either he is hiding his clumsiness, or he got the test answers in advance... But no matter what, there must be something wrong with him, because this is something that goes against common sense!

"The third question."

Chu Xuan continued expressionlessly: "After killing the alien, a normal person's reaction would be either worry or fear, or they would subconsciously show emotions about surviving the disaster... But you, for almost even a second Without hesitation, before all of us could react, we took Zhan Lan, who was closest to you and one of the three weakest in the team, and fled directly in the opposite direction, just like you knew that an alien was far from all the danger. "

"In hindsight, the series of actions you made in the face of the alien attack can almost be described as perfect. It was your unhesitating escape that led almost all of us to avoid the other two aliens. If we relax a little there and are attacked again by those two aliens, there will inevitably be attrition in the team."

At this point, Chu Xuan paused for a moment: "Let's talk about the fourth point... I'll call it the fourth question, because I don't know if it was your plan to leave Zheng Zha and Li Xiaoyi behind, or it was just a simple matter. Accident."

"If we look at the results, it is Li Xiaoyi who lost his fighting ability and a strong fusion gun, and Zheng Zha unlocked the first-level gene lock through fighting with aliens after losing a strong fusion gun. And in After we are temporarily out of danger, I still have doubts about your request to go back to find Zheng Zha."

"It is true that this can be explained as you are worried about your companions, but if you had not returned to find Zheng Zha, he would most likely have died or lost his combat effectiveness due to the backlash of unlocking the gene lock for the first time..."

"Unless you think Zheng Zha can completely deal with an alien, there is a 70% chance that you have full trust in Zheng Zha and the strong fusion gun in his hand; and the 30% possibility is that you think that even if Zheng Zha loses the strong fusion gun, You can also unlock the gene lock to kill the alien, and all you have to do is use the healing bloodline specially redeemed after the end of the horror movie to help him withstand the backlash after unlocking the gene lock for the first time."

"...According to what you said, the fifth problem will be when I stop Li Shuaixi." Yang Yun sighed and said.

I can’t hide it anymore.

"Yes, the same problem as the alien sneak attack. As the person who proposed the decoy plan, Li Shuaixi naturally hated me the most. And in order to guard against his sudden betrayal, I naturally focused my attention on him. ." Chu Xuan said: "Neither Zheng Zha nor I had time to stop Li Shuaixi from throwing the bomb, so why were you able to catch up? It's like knowing in advance that he would throw the bomb and then taking action to stop it."

"Know in advance" these four words were spoken by Chu Xuan. Yang Yun's heart suddenly tightened, but his face did not show any of it. He even put away all the previous facial expressions and pretended to have the same facial expression as Chu Xuan. Face.

Chu Xuan continued: "The sixth question is that after the detachment, in my battlefield deduction, even if the five of you have the advantage of two strong fusion guns and Zheng Zha to unlock the first-level gene lock, at least The two aliens will be eliminated at the cost of one person being slightly injured and one person being seriously injured or killed."

"But my deduction was wrong. You completely killed the two aliens with almost no injuries. If Zhang Jie hadn't done anything, then only if you reminded Zheng Zha and the others through your foresight again, could you have achieved such a result. The result of the battle, right?"

"Continue, I want to hear your seventh point." Yang Yun remained paralyzed.

Chu Xuan shook his head: "There is no seventh point, or the seventh point is the few words you wanted to say when you were sneak attacked by the cat alien, but you dropped it before you could say it. You may want to remind us of something, but The Queen is dead and we have returned to the Main God Space, so that is no longer important... Compared to this, I am more concerned about your performance when facing the Queen."

"At that time, because I was beaten away by the Queen, my hands were severed and I completely lost my fighting ability. On the contrary, I could see more clearly what happened on the entire battlefield. In my opinion, your desperate behavior does not seem to be fake, but Li Xiao The fact that Yi came to the battlefield at the last moment was completely beyond your expectation, and after returning to the main god space, you were really sad about Li Xiaoyi's death... So, why are you sad? Is it because In his original fate, would Li Xiaoyi die directly in the first alien sneak attack?"

"To sum up, let's go back to the original question. Yang Yun, who are you? What secrets do you have?"

The problem is still the same, but this time Yang Yun can no longer pretend to be stupid.

After Chu Xuan's analysis, Yang Yun was not only afraid of the future, but also secretly sighed... Now this analysis is the intelligence that Chu Xuan should have, and the strongest wise man in reincarnation should have it. gesture!

"...Sure enough, I still can't hide it from you, Chu Xuan."

Yang Yun's tense face suddenly relaxed, and he let out a long breath, as if all the facial expressions just now, including tough words, panic, broken defenses, and facial paralysis, were all disguised: "But I want to ask, what did you just say? Among the things, which ones were already thought of in Alien, and which ones were figured out after returning to the main god space?"

Chu Xuan frowned. While speaking, he was observing every subtle expression and body language of Yang Yun to verify his speculation. He had also imagined Yang Yun's different reactions and what kind of questions he would ask after hearing this... But this question at this moment was completely beyond his expectation.

After a brief pause, Chu Xuan still replied: "I don't understand your intention in asking this question. If you really want to know, then I will answer... In Alien, due to the emergency situation, there is not enough time to give When I think about it, I miss a lot of details."

"But after returning to the main god's space, I only need to think about it, and these details will surface, like black dirt on a pure white wall, visible at a glance."

"That's no problem. It seems that my guess is right, Chu Xuan..."

Yang Yun showed an expression of relief.

"...Why did you react like this?"

For the first time, Chu Xuan showed a somewhat puzzled expression... Of course, if the muscles on his face moved, it could be called a 'puzzled expression'.

——Seeing Chu Xuan's reaction made Yang Yun feel for the first time that he had the upper hand in this battle of wits.

After sorting out his mood, Yang Yun said seriously: "Chu Xuan, I know you are very anxious to bring the technological drawings of the Lord God Space back to reality, but please be sure to pay attention to two things."

"First, you must not let your colleagues and subordinates hurt Loli even a hair; second, you need to let those people in reality find Li Xiaoyi's relatives and take care of them, as if all of us are trying to repay them. Li Xiaoyi’s last moments of kindness.”

Chu Xuan nodded: "It seems that you do know me very well, or do you see some future? For example, if I do this, will it cause Zheng Zha to react extremely violently?"

Yang Yun smiled, did not answer, and said instead: "Let's make a bet. The bet is all the side plots you get in Alien. Think carefully about everything I just said to you. Tomorrow, wait until After you broke up with Zheng Zha..."

"You will understand all this and admit it willingly..."

"I won this bet!"

After saying that, Yang Yun turned around and trotted back to the room, leaving Chu Xuan alone in the Main God Square, thinking for a while...

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