This endless world

Chapter 389 Purple Thunder, Knife!

——I cannot guarantee that as the leader of the Central Continent team, I will still be in this team battle and bring everyone back to the main god space alive.

This is a fact that Zheng Zha already knew after seeing that the opponent in the team battle was the Devils. He knew very well that the Central Continent team could achieve the ending of the 20-man difficulty Death Comes, with no one of the veterans dying. Yang Yun’s opening prompt played a very big role; and being able to win in the last Harry Potter World team battle The thrilling victory over the Yinzhou team was also due to Yang Yun's busy planning and a little bit of luck.

Luck is sometimes very important, Zheng Zha has always felt that way. But now for the Central Continent team, from the moment they met the Demon team, the so-called luck seemed not to be on their side.

Zheng Zha understood that the Zhongzhou team was weak compared to the Demon team, and he also knew that there would definitely be casualties in the Zhongzhou team this time. The main god space is not a playground, and team battles are not a harmonious party with other teams, but a life-and-death battlefield. Since it is a battlefield, someone will inevitably sacrifice... But for the first time as an official captain, I lead Zhongzhou. Zheng Zha, who was fighting in a team battle, still hoped to keep casualties to a minimum as much as possible.

When the first deduction sound sounded in his ears, Zheng Zha could suppress the uneasiness in his heart and not show any timidity when fighting the clone. He can turn his grief and anger into motivation and pour out all the anger in his heart towards his enemies.

When the second deduction reminder sounded in his ears, Zheng Zha also saw the green light in the center of the black flame tornado, and understood that it was a man who actively chose to throw himself into the sea of ​​​​fire for future victory. own death.

Deeper anger ignited in his heart. He gritted his teeth and clenched the knife in his hand, pinching his fingers until they crunched, and his palms were filled with blood.

But Zheng Zha did not forget, he did not forget that Zero Point asked him to wait, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Until, the third deduction sound sounded in his ears.

The anger broke through the limit in an instant. Boundless sadness, anger, and negative emotions like a sea surged up from the deepest part of his consciousness. The world became slow in front of his eyes, and at this moment, Zheng Zha also I finally understood what the black flame that my clone had been using was.

In fact, it is not a flame, it is the hatred, violence, and weakness in the clone's heart. It is his pain, his blood and tears, his anger, the embodiment of all his negative consciousness, and some kind of world in his heart. The external projection is his... light of the soul!

It's very strange that such a word actually appeared in Zheng Zha's heart. It seemed to be the answer that suddenly poured out from the depths of his genes. Even though he didn't know what the light of the soul was at all, he didn't know who knew the clone now. This black flame was the light of his soul. How could it help him? In short, such a word suddenly appeared in his heart.

But that's not important. What's important is that even though he feels that his entire consciousness is swallowed up by anger and murderous intent, Zheng Zha is surprised to find that he can still maintain his sanity. This is the most important thing now.

He felt like he had been cut in two, along with his consciousness and thinking. It was clear that the murderous intention in his heart was uncontrollable, and it was more serious than any previous time when he unlocked the fourth-level gene lock and fell into inner demons, but he could think normally and clearly understand what was happening now.

He watched a green light light up at the other end. The light was so tiny that it was completely covered by the black flames and sand. But the light was so fast, even in a world that seemed to be slowed down. , it still shot into the mighty black flame tornado in an instant, and then caused the fragmentation of the space and the slowdown of the rotation.

And Zheng Zha, at this moment, also clearly understood what he should do when faced with an enemy that he seemed to have no hope of defeating, and the opportunity created by Ling Dian and Cheng Xiao with their lives.

He should use the knife.

Draw your sword towards your own clone, draw your sword towards this enemy who is far stronger than yourself, draw your sword towards this great terror that requires the lives of your own teammates to have a chance to defeat!

——I am different from you. From the beginning, I was not alone.

Internal force and blood energy, two extremely ferocious energies, completely blended together. Zheng Zha's body surface suddenly cracked. A large number of burst capillaries turned his body into a bloody man, and the hand holding the knife was almost turned out of flesh and blood. , completely destroyed.

The power of "destruction" was unreservedly poured into the Purple Thunder Knife in his hand at this moment, causing this natural weapon with its true name to finally reveal its true appearance, turning into a purple lightning sword of more than fifty meters. knife.

——Partners are people who are worthy of each other's support. It is precisely because we work together that we have been able to defeat powerful enemies repeatedly and get to where we are today.

Even in the "destruction" state, Zheng Zha still maintained his own thinking. His knees were slightly bent, and his leg muscles were accumulating strength like a tight bowstring. Although his whole body was entangled with boundless murderous intent and anger, his His eyes were still clear and firm.

-I won't become like you.

The skyrocketing power suddenly exploded at this moment. The majestic power was firmly controlled by meticulous skills. The strong wind blew away the yellow sand. The soles of his feet on the ground shattered the rocks. The man's strong body was torn apart. obstacles several times the speed of sound.

——As long as I still have a partner by my side who is willing to stay with me until death.

Zheng Zha pushed his feet hard and rose into the air. His originally extremely angry mood turned into calm at this moment. The blade trembled violently, shaking the air and thunder and lightning surged wildly. One after another, the lightning turned into electric snakes, surrounding the huge thunder knife... Only the muffled thunder roar was heard. This person was as small as an ant, but at this moment, he felt a strong presence. The tall man merged with the purple thunder knife, and transformed into a real purple lightning thunder, like a long river of thunder that destroyed everything, slashing towards the black flame tornado!

——Then I will never become like you!

The violent purple thunder illuminated the night sky that was engulfed in black flames, and countless thunderbolts of lightning flashed straight up from the eye of the storm!

The final form of the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder, the furious thunder tears the sky and destroys the earth!

The next moment, the purple light tore through the black sky, and the angry thunder also destroyed the already devastated land.

The dark clouds composed of black flames on the horizon split from the blade of the Purple Thunder Knife to both sides.

The earth, which had endured countless sufferings, cracked on both sides from the point where the thunder and lightning landed.

And the black flame tornado that obscured the sky and the sun also split apart on both sides along with half of the clone Zheng Zha's body!

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