This endless world

Chapter 379 Kong and Wu (2)

Chapter 379 Kong...and Witch (2)


This is the definition that Zhao Zukong gives to his own life and to his brothers and sisters.

Empty represents emptiness. There is no past, no parents, no future, no meaning of life, and nothing that human beings should experience.

Nothing, nothing. The origin is emptiness and the end is nothingness. This is the essence and destination of all things.

Perhaps in the original world line, Zhao Zukong could get the answer he wanted from the clone Chu Xuan through some method; or after seeing a pilot who was copied into the Demon Team redeeming EVA, He was inspired to follow the path of his choice through the so-called "incomplete human completion", but now he has not found an effective and reliable solution.

So he could only give this answer, the answer he thought was the best.

And this answer may be able to convince the unknown sub-personality Zhao Yingkong, and it may also convince the main personality Zhao Yingkong in the original world line who woke up too late... But the answer given by Zhao Zukong at this time is not convincing. Zhao Yingkong already knew everything.

So she smiled, her smile was like a flower.

"But brother, have you ever thought about the reason? Why are we, as fruits, so twisted, but incomplete, we thrive?"

The girl's eyes were like cold springs, silent and cold, but her expression was so cute and sweet, as if the bloody past had never happened.

"Why do you, the deceitful bad brother, get your space-based spiritual light, my annihilation, and Xiao Ruikong's powerful talent of controlling other people's genes and turning others into slaves so easily? ?”

As if echoing Zhao Yingkong's words, the three-element heavy halberd returned to her hands at some point and was put together again. The annihilating black was covering the faint light at the tip of the weapon.

"You have seen the nature of my 'Cun Bu'. I really have keen observation skills, just like before..."

The wind stirred up the yellow sand in the air. Zhao Zhukong looked at the face reflected by the dagger and said sadly.

Perhaps when he was in the state of inner demons before, he could ignore the words that pierced his heart as if they were nothing, but after regaining some of his sanity, when he heard the word "Ruikong", even a cold-blooded assassin who had gone through thousands of killings, his heart It's still so painful that I can't breathe. Facing Zhao Yingkong's question, Zhao Zukong, who had also thought about the source of his power, gave his own answer the next moment: "It is precisely because of our incompleteness and our distortion that we can use this powerful power."

Due to too much suppression, a slightly hoarse voice came from the young man's mouth: "...but this is just an advance prediction of the future."

“The fruit that looks ripe and beautiful is already rotten at the beginning.”

Zhao Zukong closed his eyes. Even now, he could still remember the nightmarish scene he saw in the forbidden area of ​​the assassin family. The deformed bones piled up like a mountain, and the stench of carrion was overwhelming. The ugly things that ate among the bones and swallowed the same flesh and blood with relish were brothers and sisters who grew up with me, but suddenly disappeared one day...

"We are the derivatives of the elders' conspiracy... We are fruits that sprouted under the water of poison. At a certain time, the devil buried in the ripe fruit will tear the tender flesh from the inside and suck the sweet juice, Born from our remains."

When Zhao Zukong opened his eyes again, his eyes were almost shrouded in bright red, with only a little bit of black remaining to represent the remaining sanity. The young man slowly grinned, and his smile became more and more twisted, as if a demon was trying to escape from his eyes. The inside of the body broke out: "On the eve of me leaving the Assassin family and going to Europe to carry out the mission, the elders had realized that I was an unstable factor, and also realized that I had never been a pawn under their control... ...So when I was on a mission in Europe, the smelly sludge turned Yukong and the others into monsters, and launched a sneak attack on me when I was at my most relaxed!"

I don't know how long it took, but it still feels like yesterday in Zhao Zukong's memory, because that was the reason why he entered the main god space... And the clear water in Zhao Yingkong's eyes also had ripples for a moment.

Zhao Yukong, a name that left a deep impression on the second personality of Zhao Yingkong, was the second Zhao Ruikong in her mind. The moment he heard this name, Zhao Yingkong could feel the sudden changes in his second personality, which was blocked at the bottom of his soul and was still practicing the "Magic Dividing Chapter". But she just took a deep breath and suppressed the strange movement again.

"It seems that that green little Apple has not been able to get over the past. She obviously has the capacity to be a container, but her body and mind are limited by her narrow vision... Little Apple, you want to train her to grow up. , the plan to complete the light of your soul failed."

Zhao Zukong clearly saw that Zhao Yingkong had lost control just now, but he did not take action. Instead, he trembled slightly, like an epileptic patient. Several blood vessels suddenly appeared on his forehead and then disappeared quickly. It took a long time before he returned to normal: "After completing and devouring the light of the soul, we also have the blood of our brothers and sisters. Because of this, we can become so strong..."

It is precisely because the incomplete spiritual lights come from the same source that they can devour and absorb each other. As Zhao Yingkong and Zhao Zukong, who have personally killed many of their brothers and sisters, their progress speed is naturally several times that of ordinary members of the Kong Project, because this in itself is another way to become stronger.

"We are all fruits with monsters hidden within us. Sooner or later, we will completely degenerate..."

——But now, it is not the time, it is not the time to turn into a monster, at least let the little sister, the little sister...

——The total amount of spiritual light is not enough. Simple killing can only allow a small part of the spiritual light to flow into the winner's body. And now that there are only my little sister and me in the main god space, I need to be swallowed by the inner demon. Before I fully realize it, I have found a more effective way to make the most of my life. Maybe my body is also working hard for this...

Zhao Zukong's eyes were as red as blood at this time, as if the inhuman thing deep in his heart had truly heard the words that carried him, and he also showed an innocent and cruel smile.

But Zhao Yingkong's next words were completely beyond the young man's expectations.

"Brother, we are not monsters~"

Zhao Zukong heard that the sister he had longed for was approaching step by step. As he walked, he said: "Although it is not a monster, it is not something as beautiful as a fruit. We are not supposed to have self-awareness. We were created The war weapons that came out..."

"We are witches."

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