This endless world

Chapter 372 A little help

——There seemed to be a loud explosion in my ears, and there seemed to be a prompt from the Lord God.

But Ming Yanwei no longer listened. It was as if someone had slowed down time. She felt the soft and hot touch on her right hand in disbelief, and looked at Zhang Heng who fell helplessly in front of her. , feeling some kind of cold and irreversible will commanding his eyes to turn for a moment, moving from Zhang Heng's face to his chest, confirming the injury caused by this blow.

Then he pulled out his right hand without any hesitation.

The warm rain blurred Ming Yanwei's vision, and the cold will was withdrawn from her body, leaving Zhang Heng, whose heart was penetrated, falling powerlessly into the dust.

"Heng! Heng!"

Only then was Ming Yanwei able to regain control of her body. She subconsciously hugged Zhang Heng's body tightly, but the young man's body temperature was disappearing from his seriously injured body, and his pulse was constantly weakening... everything. , are irreparable.

Ming Yanwei originally wanted to take out the Bing Ning Dan from her storage item and feed it to Zhang Heng, but before she could take any action, Zhang Heng coughed up a mouthful of blood involuntarily. And this young man, who was already dying at this moment, could only turn his head slightly and meet Ming Yanwei's eyes with his own eyes... And after seeing Ming Yanwei's expression full of anxiety and regret, Zhang Heng at the last moment , there is only relief in my heart.

——That’s it, it seems like she really forgives me...

Zhang Heng, who had completely lost the strength to speak, could only convey his final words to the person he loved most with his eyes.

"It's okay, Wei, I understand that it's not your wish...but it's okay. This is the pain I deserve and the atonement I deserve."

"do not Cry."

They had a clear understanding of each other, even if it was just a brief eye contact, the two people who had been together for more than ten years understood what they meant. And the next moment, in Ming Yanwei's eyes of grief and disbelief, Zhang Heng smiled and closed his eyes. eyes.

"One of the opponent's team members has been killed. The Demon Team has lost three points. The current reward points are negative 6,000 points. At the end of the horror movie, those with negative reward points will be directly wiped out..."


The Lord God's reminder sounded in the ears of every member of the demon team, and as the person who did all this, Ming Yanwei's low roar echoed in the space. The voice was not human at all, but more like someone. A wounded female beast...

Anger and sadness broke Ming Yanwei's nerves, and Zhang Heng's death became the last straw for her. Some kind of mental suggestion in her brain was directly washed away, and she finally recalled some things, some things that happened when she was just resurrected.

Ming Yanwei is talented. Perhaps her entry into the Demon Team was the work of a villain, but to survive in the Devil Team under the Law of the Jungle, her own efforts and talents are also indispensable. Otherwise, she would not have had a place in the Devils and managed to survive until the end of the war in the original timeline.

But Ming Yanwei is also unfortunate, because like Chu Xuan, she was copied into the Demon Team as soon as she entered the Lord God Space. The time when she entered the Demon Team happened to be before Zheng Zha, the clone, successfully counterattacked Lain. Hart time.

A young, beautiful, but powerless woman entered the Demon Team, which was still a breeding team at the time, and what she encountered was self-evident. But Ming Yanwei is also an extremely decisive person. Just before the group of white people with obscene faces surrounded her, she, who is extremely sensitive to other people's malice, used the blade hidden on her body to cut open the knife resolutely. His own throat ended his life in an instant.

——That was Ming Yanwei’s last memory.

So when Ming Yanwei reopened her eyes in the spiritual space, she thought that she was either dreaming or had arrived in the so-called hell. But the man in front of her, the man with a scar and a violent face who had a close relationship, and the expressionless young man with black hair and glasses, told her that this was not hell, but a team of demons that were even more terrifying than hell.

"You have the value of being resurrected."

The young man in glasses holding a golden scripture said calmly. He waved his hand and asked a timid-looking white man to leave first. Although his voice was not loud, there seemed to be a convincing force in his words: "In the judgment of the Lord God, you and I are both newcomers who have not experienced any strengthening and were directly copied into the Demon Team. ...And your decisiveness in committing suicide when the situation was bad also made me interested in you, so I resurrected you based on some suspicion."

"But I don't want to live."

Ming Yanwei remembers her own response at the time: "I have no meaning in living."

"...Don't you have enough desire to survive? Interesting."

The young man pushed up his glasses, and there was some rare interest in his words, but Ming Yanwei didn't know what it meant at the time: "Although it doesn't cost reward points and side plots to resurrect you, but You have no desire to live and were copied into the Demon Team. To me, you are an excellent experimental sample to verify the mechanism of the Lord God... In this case, let me give you the motivation to live."

"When you resurrect a person, you can see the past of the resurrected person, so I saw your memory and naturally understood why you entered the Lord God Space."

The young man carried out her analysis in a calm tone: "You want to find the man named 'Zhang Heng', right? According to the situation at that time, there is an 80% chance that he will enter the main god space like you... …The time flow rate in the main god’s space is different, but it shouldn’t be too different, so the person you want to find will also join the Central Continent team in your next horror movie.”

"And our two bodies are also in the Central Continent Team."

The moment the bespectacled young man said this, the scarred man next to him snorted coldly and continued: "My name is Zheng Zha, and he is Chu Xuan. We all have an account to settle with the main body of the Zhongzhou Team. , but before the team battle with the Central Continent team that will come at some time, we must first survive in this main god space... Ming Yanwei, answer me, what is your choice?"

"...I want to live."

Ming Yanwei raised her head. Different from the previous situation, after hearing the news about Zhang Heng, this woman's eyes lit up with the fire of hope: "I want to find him and reunite with him, and for this I must live." Get down!"

"I'm very happy that you have such awareness."

The corners of the clone Chu Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, which seemed to express the emotion of "laughing", but at the time Ming Yanwei still didn't understand what this expression meant: "Ming Yanwei, although you may not realize it yourself , but you are special, as special as me..."

"I hope you will make your own choice when you meet that person again."

"Or maybe you need a little help."

——Chu Xuan.

——Is this what you call a small help?

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