This endless world

Chapter 38 Just a fight to the death

"Kill the cat alien, get a D-level side plot, 500 reward points..."

Only when the Lord God's prompt sounded did Yang Yun let go of the tactical dagger he had poured into his hand and stabbed it into the head of the cat alien.

First, he endured a mess of thoughts and pulled out the cat's alien tail that had been stabbed into his chest. Then Yang Yun took the hemostatic spray and sprayed it wildly on the wound, and then began to use his life energy to treat himself.

At this time, Yang Yun could not be described as miserable. His face was as pale as a Sadako, blood was flowing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. His brain felt like it was pierced back and forth by a thousand needles, and was hit hard by a hammer, and his chest area was even more painful. It was blood flowing.

——But Yang Yun was in an ecstatic mood. If his physical condition hadn't allowed him to do so, he would have even wanted to jump up to celebrate.

The mental scream just now was a secret weapon that Yang Yun exchanged for a D-level side plot and 500 reward points from the main god on the last night, a spiritual spell. Yang Yun found this item after searching for a long time. The others were either too powerful or too expensive to exchange, so they were not suitable.

When he finally discovered the exchange, Yang Yun thought he had finally found what he was looking for at first, but after reading the description carefully, he realized that you really get what you pay for with Lord God. First of all, the radius of the scroll of this mental scream is only one meter, and it must be torn up manually to be effective. In other words, the prerequisite for activating this scroll is that when fighting with others in close combat, you must use one hand to tear up the scroll...

It goes without saying how much of a disadvantage it is to fight with only one hand in battle, but this is not the biggest drawback of this scroll. You must know that unless otherwise specified, mental attacks ignore the enemy or ourselves, and the closer you are to the corresponding position, the stronger the impact you will receive... In other words, this scroll is a double-edged sword, which is the one that causes more damage to yourself. kind!

Yang Yun originally wanted to throw this cheating thing aside, but a penny was too much for the heroic man. In the end, he exchanged the scroll with tears... There was no other reason. The alien creature was extremely powerful physically, but mentally it was quite different. The weaker ones are pitiful.

The most straightforward example is that Zhan Lan in Alien 4 can control two reverse aliens by himself and make them kill each other. You must know that the ordinary aliens in Alien 4 are all protective props that can destroy level 3 Zheng Zha in close combat, and the monsters that injure him can be said to have evolved a lot compared to Alien 1.

As for the reverse species, it can even slap the queen to death, which is extremely terrifying physically... But even the physically extremely powerful reverse species, Zhan Lan can actually control two of them at the same time using a metal piece that dissipates mental power, which is just an alien. The cat alien in No. 1 can be settled directly by scrolling down.

However, the timing of launching the scroll was always a problem. Yang Yun, who was unable to deal with the sneak attack of the cat alien, could only resort to deliberately exposing flaws to fight to the death.

Fortunately, the cat alien's intelligence was not that high, and in the end he couldn't help but attack. Fortunately, the defensive power of the protective jade pendant was able to withstand it, creating an opportunity for Yang Yun to tear the scroll; fortunately, Yang Yun exchanged the power of life. The bloodline of the heart can withstand the impact of the scream of the soul without turning into an idiot; fortunately, the cat's alien tail did not pierce deeply and did not pierce his heart...

After sitting on the ground for a while, Yang Yun finally stood up with a gasp. He first wrapped a bandage around his chest that had stopped bleeding a few times, then shook his head, which still had a splitting headache, and took out the fusion gun again. He looked towards the direction where the Queen's roar could still be heard.

——Zheng Zha and the others haven't finished fighting yet. In this case, I have to rush over as soon as possible. Chu Xuan's situation is definitely related to the villain. If he secretly strengthens the queen's strength again...

——If I had known better, I would not have redeemed the second jade pendant for protection, but would have redeemed it for an extra spiritual scream scroll... No, if I had not redeemed the second jade pendant, I might have died directly from the cat's alien claws just now, and so would Shi Ye.

Yang Yun didn't dare to think about it anymore. He didn't care that his condition was also very bad at this time, so he just raised his hand towards the wall and shot him. Originally, with the thickness of the wall, it would have been quite difficult for a strong melt gun to penetrate it, but at this time, everything here had been corroded by the Queen, and a big hole was opened immediately with one shot.

After opening the gap, Yang Yun kicked a few more times to expand the hole to be able to accommodate a person, then lowered his head and ducked through.

As soon as he got through the hole, the first thing Yang Yun saw was the queen's huge body, and the second thing he saw was the scene of Zheng Zha being whipped away by a tail... And he didn't know if it was a coincidence or something. The direction where Zheng Zha was whipped away happened to be Yang Yun's position!


Yang Yun cursed loudly, but it was too late to escape, so he had to open his arms and try to catch Zheng Zha. But the power of the queen's tail was so great that it turned the two of them into a rolling gourd and crashed into a ball of white phlegm-like secretions.

"Ahem, this power is much stronger than ordinary aliens. Fortunately, it has this thing as a buffer... Did I just hear Yang Yun's voice?"

Zheng Zha coughed and stood up. Since Yang Yun had previously given the jade pendant that he had used in Return to Resident Evil and had consumed most of its energy to Zheng Zha, Zheng Zha was not seriously injured by the queen's blow, but the jade pendant was shattered. .

Zheng Zha didn't think much about it, and stood up again with all his inner strength, but...

"I'm the one you're using as a fucking buffer! Get off me! Ugh..."

Yang Yun, who had been used as a cushion for a time, cursed angrily under Zheng Zha, almost knocking him away, and his whole face was stained with the secretions of countless queens. Coupled with the impact of the scream in his soul, Yang Yun immediately couldn't help but feel sick, and he lay on the ground and vomited.

Only then did Zheng Zha realize that something was wrong, and quickly pulled Yang Yun up. He asked hurriedly: "Are you okay? How is the cat alien?"

"I've already killed you...bastard!"

Yang Yun answered subconsciously at first, but then a thick and ferocious tail whipped towards the location of the two of them again. Fortunately, Zheng Zha pushed Yang Yun, and with the reaction force, the two of them escaped at the same time. attack.

Climbing up from the ground, Yang Yun raised his head. Only then did he see the full profile of the Alien Queen clearly for the first time. This queen is definitely much bigger than the queen in the movie. It is seven or eight meters tall. It is not only more than three times larger than the ordinary alien, but this does not include the length of the tail...

The huge and ferocious body has a terrifying aura just standing quietly. Although there was a wound on the queen's forehead caused by the melting gun, there were also many marks on her body, and there was also an ordinary alien tail stuck in her abdomen, which was bleeding out at the moment. But those injuries were only minor injuries at best, but they only added to the queen's ferocious nature.

Were Zheng Zha and the others fighting against such a terrifying guy just now?

Yang Yun was immediately attracted by the aura of the queen. Compared with the queen, ordinary aliens were like native dogs and tigers. They were not on the same level at all. The impact of the first sight was indescribable.

——But, at this moment, the only option is to fight to the death!

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