This endless world

Chapter 365 Brother and sister finally meet

"Long time no little apple."

Zhao Zukong's speed was really extremely fast. He could easily cross the distance between the two parties from the limit of his vision as if he were strolling in a court, without leaving even an afterimage. Even with Zhao Yingkong's eyesight, he couldn't tell how he moved.

"Actually, I originally thought that I would encounter that green little apple in this team battle. But I didn't expect that you have actually recovered yourself. It seems that this Lord God Space is really a place of miracles... You know when How happy was I when that guy named Yang Yun said you had woken up?"

Zhao Zukong did not take action directly. He still had that decent smile on his face, and his words were even more joyful, full of expectations of meeting again after a long separation... But what was different from the smile on his face was that his His eyes were cold, with nothing but pure murderous intent, as if the person in front of him was not his sister he had not seen for a long time, but an enemy with whom he had a life-and-death feud.

"Well, long time no see, brother."

Zhao Yingkong stared at Zhao Zukong's murderous eyes, which also contained countless complex emotions: "It seems that you have indeed taken that wrong path, exactly like Ruikong and the others..."


The moment he heard the name, Zhao Zukong's eyes seemed to struggle for a moment, but this struggle was quickly replaced by pure murderous intent: "What's the use of mentioning her now? What happened in the past is after all It’s over, and our meeting this time, isn’t it just that you want to settle things in the past with me?”

"End it? That's what Yang Yun said... However, it is indeed time to end it."

As a talented assassin from a family of assassins, Zhao Yingkong can naturally feel the murderous aura in Zhao Zukong getting stronger and stronger: "Our birth is a mistake, a mistake made by the elders of the assassin family..."

Before he finished speaking, there was only a "clang" sound of weapons clashing in the air. The two figures suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when they reappeared, they had already changed their positions. What was different from before was that there was a shallow scar on Zhao Zukong's body, but Zhao Yingkong was unscathed.

"...I'm really impatient, brother, obviously I haven't finished speaking yet."

Zhao Yingkong shook her head helplessly. Her hands were already holding San Ye's sword. She had just used San Hua to block Zhao Zukong's dagger, and then used the Yasha of her other hand to leave a mark on Zhao Zukong's body. A scar appeared: "If you are so impatient, girls will not like you."

Zhao Zukong still maintained that smile and said: "I'm sorry, I just made sure that the little apple in front of me is not rotten..."

——Liar, brother, you obviously heard the relevant words from those elders, and you couldn't control the murderous intention in your heart for a moment.

——Brother, judging from your current performance, you have been swallowed up physically and mentally by the inner demon after all. I am afraid that you are not the real you now... How much of yourself do you still retain?

Although he knew in his heart that the Zhao Zukong in front of him now was very different from the gentle, reliable, and everything-bearing Zhao Zukong in his memory, Zhao Yingkong was not annoyed at all. She just turned the Yasha in her hand, shook off the blood beads on the blade, and continued to say with a smile: "Brother, have you confirmed it now?"

"...Ah, of course the confirmation is complete."

Although it was not at full strength, Zhao Zukong's murderous intent seemed to have restrained after slashing out the sword. In addition to murderous intent, this man's eyes also seemed to reveal a hint of nostalgia: "My little apple is still the original little apple... It's just that the color of the skin is still a little green."

If someone else were here, he probably wouldn't be able to understand Zhao Zukong's strange metaphor, but Zhao Yingkong has long been familiar with this brother's character and speech, and there is no pressure to communicate with him: "I can't help it, brother. , after all, I just woke up not long ago, and my physical strength has deteriorated a lot. I can't compare with a guy like you who has been working hard in the main god space. Speaking of which, brother, you have become a lot stronger. In the end, you are the same as me. The first time I saw you, it was like you were a completely different person..."

As he spoke, Zhao Yingkong showed the coquettish expression that Zhao Zukong was familiar with, like a real girl, and said in a coquettish tone: "But brother, will you forgive me?"

"...Forgiving my sister is also one of my brother's responsibilities."

Seeing Zhao Yingkong's every move in front of him, he was still as familiar as the fragments of the past in his memory. Zhao Zukong's eyes couldn't help but be a little gentler: "It's just my little apple. I still need to confirm whether the flesh inside you is still so delicious. ?”

"Of course, brother...otherwise, why do you think I would appear in front of you?"

Facing Zhao Zukong's question, Zhao Yingkong's face instantly became charming. And her tone was just like the reverberation of Zhao Zukong's memory, full of confidence and pride.

That is the unique expression of "Zhao Yingkong". It is the self-confidence of winning consecutive battles on that childhood island and defeating all his peers... Zhao Yingkong is also an alternate personality. Even though he has exactly the same face and the same body, A grace that cannot be perfectly imitated.

"Even if my body deteriorates, the power of my 'heart' will not decline because of this, right?"

Under Zhao Zukong's gaze, Zhao Yingkong smiled. She raised the weapon in her hand. On the blade of Yasha's blade, there was a black light that was constantly spitting out.

"...It's so beautiful, this light."

Zhao Zukong looked at the black light and the black lines on Zhao Yingkong's wrist with fascination: "Haha, it seems that I am worrying in vain. My little apple is still the same, beautiful and powerful, and it is worthy of being the one who was there back then. A near-unrivaled genius among the siblings.”

"Actually, my brother is also a genius, and a stronger genius than me." Zhao Yingkong smiled sweetly.

"No, I'm not. Compared with you, I'm just a mortal... You see, compared with your spiritual light that absorbs all energy almost miraculously, my spiritual light can only be said to be mediocre. Odd, it’s just an external manifestation of telekinesis.”

"But as an older brother, and having entered here so long before my younger sister, I can't be outdone by my younger sister, right? I also have some pride as an older brother."

Zhao Zukong shook his head with a smile. The man smiled and flicked the dagger, and suddenly a blood-red thin line visible to the naked eye flashed, cutting a building dozens of meters away into two pieces...

"Come on, my little apple, let me taste your taste..."

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