This endless world

Chapter 355 Hesitation is wrong

Amya saw her own end.


Time doesn't mean much in a battle between mental controllers, and as the demon team's mental controller who also doubles as a spellcaster, her frail body can't even react to the oncoming fists.

Compared with powerful thoughts, the physical body of a mental controller is often the weakest link, so any mental controller is the key protection target in the team. Not only are they always under the protection of their teammates, but they are also equipped with protective props to increase their survival rate as much as possible.

But it's no use.

Amya tried to use her mental power to make some defense, but what the enemy in front of her hit her with was not a fist at all, but an indestructible purple thunder and lightning. In cultivation, there has always been a saying that ghosts are afraid of thunder and lightning, and although the energy of spiritual power is not to the point of fear, it is completely unable to withstand this attack called a fist, which is actually electricity.

What Amiya felt with her mental strength was the violent and cold killing intent on the fist coming towards her face, the lightning that destroyed everything and cut everything. It was a great terror that destroyed everything overwhelmingly and nearly froze her soul and even her mental power.

The danger of the first-level gene lock didn't even have time to come to mind, and the fist carrying the surging murderous intent arrived in front of Amiya. And she had only experienced this irresistible power from the captain and Zhao Zukong.

——A fourth-level, a real strong man with fourth-level strength, and this strong man has got rid of Zhao Zukong's obstruction and hit me with a killing punch.

——What virtue and ability do I have to be designated as a target for death by such a strong man?

Under this punch, the inner world that Amiya could condense was like a bubble of disillusionment. Her world dimmed in the blink of an eye, as quiet as a starless night, with only the purple lightning piercing it. Darkness broke through the silence. about to take away her life.


And just when Amiya lost all hope and was about to close her eyes and wait for death, the voice of the clone Chu Xuan suddenly came from the spiritual chain.

No one knows how this man reacted, or how this man was able to transmit his thoughts to Amiya's mind in time when Yang Yun launched his attack. But just his usually cold and completely inhuman voice was like a shot in the arm for the Demons' mental controller. Because everyone knows that Chu Xuan is very smart, and Chu Xuan always has a way——

"Before your consciousness is annihilated, use all your strength to activate the time-related curses in the Black Book of the Dead."

...until the next words spoken by the clone Chu Xuan ruthlessly knocked Amiya's mind, which had just emerged from hell, back into hell.

——Yes, this is the captain's style, this is the Devils' style.

Amya couldn't help but think of what happened before entering Resident Evil 2. When she learned that the next horror film was about to have a team battle, in order to know the information about the opposing team in advance, the clone Chu Xuan used a tortoise shell obtained from Shu Mountain. This is a one-time plot prop that can be used to know in advance who the opponent is in a team battle. When the result of the divination shows that the next horror movie will be a horror movie, the Demon Team will encounter the Central Continent Team in Resident Evil 2. The expression on the captain's face .

It was a mixture of joy, hatred, disbelief, and a complex expression that even Amiya could not understand.

"In the next horror film, our highest goal and only goal is to destroy the Zhongzhou team. Everything else can be postponed for now... Do you understand what I say?"

"Of course, Captain. We just defeated the Celestials in the last horror movie. Where did the Zhongzhou Team come from?"

It was Frodo who spoke. This new member who joined the Demon Team not long ago laughed and said: "It's just a little-known team. I guess they are all a group from the captain to the team members to the creators. Rubbish... François, are you right?”

The man called Francois was a strong man with brown hair, and the same sarcastic smile already hung on his lips. But before he could laugh at the Middle-earth team, furious black fire ignited on Frodo's shoulders, burning one of his arms into nothingness.

"Watch your mouth, there will be no next time-"

——There is indeed no next time, because the light of the dagger blade that followed wiped Frodo's neck.

In the bloody light of the headless corpse rising into the sky, Zhao Zukong smiled and said: "I accidentally slipped my hand. I saw that Captain, you seem to have disliked this guy for a long time, so I did it for you."

"...He is guilty, but his crime is not worthy of death. I will settle the account with you later. Don't think it's over like this, Zhao Zukong."

Facing Zhao Zukong's semi-provocative words, the clone Zheng Zha said harsh words. He stared coldly at the second strongest man in the Demon Team with blood-red eyes, and the murderous intent all over his body was directed at him. other side.

"I can't help it. I don't want to have a fight with you now... Let's go first."

Zhao Zukong's reaction was also very fast. After leaving a smile, he disappeared directly. After the clone Zheng Zha was silent for nearly a minute, he said coldly to the rest of the silent team members: "... In this horror movie, I will never allow anyone to escape from the battlefield. Even if they are going to die, they will be killed by me. I dragged an extra backrest before."

"If you die in this horror movie, then I promise that you will have a chance to be resurrected in the future; but if you shrink from the battle, or if I find out that you are a weak waste and not suitable to survive in the Demon Team, Then even if you don’t die in battle, I will kill you with my own you understand?"

——People who cannot prove themselves have no value in existence.

——If you want to be resurrected, then prove that you are worthy enough to stay in this demonic team.

These are the words that the clone Zheng Zha has never said, and they are also what the clone Chu Xuan expressed in the command just now... If they risk their lives, then as long as the Demon Team is not destroyed by the group, there will definitely be a chance to be resurrected. But if you don’t fight hard, you won’t even have the chance to be resurrected!

Amya understands very clearly that going forward is death, and going backward is also death. The difference is that going forward has the chance of resurrection, but going backward even has the chance of resurrection. But facing Chu Xuan's order, the second mental controller in the Demon Team still hesitated for a moment.

If she were from the perspective of a third party, she could make the right choice without any pressure, because normal people would choose to fight desperately, and the clone Zheng Zha, as the captain of the Devils, never breaks his promise.

However, the hardest thing for people to deceive is their own heart. Who can calmly muster up the courage to choose a heroic death method in the blink of an eye without even the slightest hesitation when he knows that he will die?

It is human nature to be afraid of difficulties, and it is human nature to retreat when encountering setbacks. Who can say that in this case, hesitation is wrong?

——However, the clone Chu Xuan can.

Just such a moment of hesitation caused Amiya to miss her last chance. Just when the word "good" came to her mind, she heard the sentence pronounced by the clone Chu Xuan.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Then darkness fell.

Amya's consciousness fell silent.

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