This endless world

Chapter 353 The stars are aligned, and the mind is in the universe

Everything happens in an instant.

What was faster than Yang Yun's space jump was the confrontation on the spiritual level. In the last second before what happened in reality, the mental shield that Tom had carefully arranged to cover the top of the building was torn to pieces in an instant.

It is not a fighting method used by ordinary mental power controllers to find flaws in the enemy's shield through precise mental power control. It was not any method used by Tom or the enemies that Amiya had fought against before. The mental controller of the opposite Central Continent team used an extremely arrogant method to directly shoot a red-hot iron ball. Throw it into the ice water!

This is an unreasonable attack at all. It is a pure and powerful force, an absolute crushing in terms of numerical value and intensity. There is no unique skill that belongs to the mental power controller, but only a huge amount of mental power like a raging wave!

Tom felt as if his mind had been hit by a meteor falling from the sky - this was not only a simple metaphor, but also because this man had suffered endless school bullying since he was a child. His name is often associated with the cat in the cartoon, and he himself has indeed experienced many of the sufferings that "Tom" has suffered. This is one of the reasons why he entered the main god's space.

But Tom can still think.

Although two blood arrows spurted out from his nostrils, this man is still the most senior member of the Demon Team. Not only has he been immersed in the second-level gene lock level for a long time, but his bloodline, skills, and spirit His strength was enough for him to proudly claim to be a member of the Devils.

He is not so easily defeated as the blue-gray house cat who bears his name.

Durability happens to be his greatest advantage. Moreover, the damage caused by the enemy did not seem to be as great as imagined.

——It is not a mental skill related to redeeming from the main god, nor is it an illusion, or other mental skills.

——I only suffered a slight injury, that’s all.

Although he was stunned by the meteorite that suddenly fell from the sky, Tom still dragged his buzzing head and organized his own counterattack. He immediately poured the potion that could increase his mental power into his mouth, and tried to reassemble the destroyed shield as quickly as possible before the next attack came.

At the same time, Tom issued his biggest warning in the spiritual chain.

"I'm under attack!"

"The Zhongzhou team is most likely a breeding team!"

Tom is no stranger to breeders. After all, strictly speaking, he is also from a breeding team. And this kind of inability to perfectly control one's own mental power and can only use it in the simplest and crudest way is the most obvious sign of a breeder, so he subconsciously issued a warning.

This man knew that even if they were breeders, their mental strength was genuine, so he controlled the skyrocketing mental strength as quickly as possible and activated his own powers.

Metal manipulation, the bloodline that Tom redeemed, is similar to the same superpower of Magneto in the X-Men, giving him control capabilities that are stronger than those of ordinary mental controllers. Manipulating those metals that can be seen everywhere in daily life and combining them to shape them is the most commonly used fighting method by Tom... and this operation is also applicable to mental power!

It is true that meteors falling from the sky can destroy all living things on the surface, but there are always some things that cannot be completely destroyed.

Even those metals that have been smashed into scrap parts can still play their own role!

——The enemy is not scary, he or she just caught me off guard and broke down my defenses with tyrannical mental power. And whether it's the subtle control of mental power or other aspects, I have the advantage!

The shattered mental shield was reshaped within a hundredth of a second, like a giant elastic net or an indestructible metal wire. It once again pulled up the shield on the mental level, covering this area. space to prevent the information of his teammates from leaking out.

——You are destined to be unable to control your mental power and exert the full power of this mental power, and no matter how many reward points you spend on the main god to strengthen the mental power attribute, it will not become your power after all!

——A mental controller who has only strength but no skills and can only overwhelm others with strength is, at best, just an orangutan wielding a gun like a fire stick! Even if you hit a meteor again, my giant metal net will cut your meteor into pieces!

Confidence is the proof of being strong, and it is the mentality developed in long-term and continuous victories. They are the Devils standing here, and every one of them is deeply proud of their own strength and potential. Especially since the last horror movie had just nearly wiped out the Celestial Team, it can be said that they are already at the top of the world of reincarnation.

This is not arrogance, but confidence - because if they didn't believe in their own strength, they wouldn't be here, and they wouldn't be where they are today.

They are strong people, and strong people always have arbitrary privileges and qualifications. Just like the clone Zheng Zha can destroy dozens of armed helicopters with one sword, just like Tom now thinks that the shield he has re-raised with his ability can block the mental power of the opposite breeder!

——Come on, I'm not afraid of you.

——Then, as you wish.

In the first blow, Zhan Lan, who had never fought such a rich battle, was still unable to control this huge mental power. Most of his power was spent on tearing apart Tom's mental shield, failing to cause a decisive blow to the enemy. of killing. But the second blow that followed brought out all the hard work she had put into the curse.

It was not the mind blast that Tom had expected before, or it was expensive. Only breeders could afford the side plots and reward points to exchange advanced mental skills from the Lord God. It's something deeper, like an eternal space that directly meets the mental shield that Tom has carefully laid out.

In addition to being energy, mental power is also an idealistic power. And telekinesis, a power that is extremely easy for mental controllers to master, is the most common prototype of spiritual light.

As wide as the heart is, the world of the soul is as wide. Mental power controllers generally do not personally participate in battles, but when they have to bayonet and see red, in addition to the strength of mental power, the toughness of the soul becomes the key to victory. The main points.

The confrontation between the two spiritual forces lasted only an instant. Tom, who turned into a torrent of metal, ran into the dark unknown. The inner world that belonged to the other's spiritual power quietly unfolded in front of Tom in its true form. .

Dark, deep, and unknown, this was Tom's first perception.

Immediately, a light lit up, bringing light to this darkness.

It was a dark universe, a dark and vast universe!

The torrent of metal looked at the light in front of him, and a star slowly emerged. It was a newly formed, slowly rotating small star. And around the star, there are countless small fires, like the remaining fire in the long night, dotted around the orbit of the star. Light up the dark universe...

The torrent of metal formed by Tom subconsciously stopped and shrank back. The torrent of the inner world condensed into a Transformer made of metal. However, this giant god made of steel could not bring him the slightest sense of security at this moment.

——Oops, I seem to have made a mistake. The heart world belonging to the breeders definitely does not have such a powerful and vast artistic conception. The mental power controller of the Zhongzhou Team...

But Tom's words were destined to fail to reach the consciousness of his teammates. Because in front of the stars, as a pair of eyes as bright as stars opened, the Lord of this world was quietly floating in the void.

Zhan Lan looked at the enemy in front of him.


"Come to my mind universe."

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