This endless world

Chapter 339 The long-prepared team battle

When Yang Yun opened his eyes again, everyone in the Zhongzhou Team was already in a large office. There were many people in police uniforms around, shuttled back and forth between the messy desks, accompanied by several people from time to time. Words starting with F and ending with K, everyone has an anxious expression on their face.

The position where the Zhongzhou team arrived was right next to a window. Through the glass, you could see the chaos outside the window. From time to time, ordinary citizens wanted to ask for help. They said something with horror on their faces, as if they had seen something eating people. Monsters... Although the police are trying to comfort the masses and calm the panic of the citizens, their numbers are too few compared to ordinary citizens, and their measures to maintain order have little effect.

"...This is the police station, and the plot of Resident Evil 2 has just begun."

While Yang Yun was observing the surroundings, Zheng Zha, who woke up first, was also collecting information about the surroundings. He knew in advance that this world was Resident Evil 2, but after studying the movie Resident Evil 2 over and over again, he could tell at a glance where the Central Continent team was coming this time, which was exactly what the plot was about. The police station at the beginning.

Zheng Zha had suffered enough from not knowing the plot before, but now that he had made preparations in advance, he could almost restore every key point of the plot with his eyes closed. Looking at the surrounding situation, Zheng Zha also understood that the plot of the movie was still in the early stages of the biochemical virus leakage, and that Raccoon City had not yet completely lost order.

"...There are no newcomers. It seems that the difficulty of horror movies has finally dropped this time."

After judging the time of entry, Zheng Zha immediately looked at the Zhongzhou team members who had not yet woken up on the ground. After finding that no strange faces appeared, he said with a little emotion: "Although this is only the sixth time we have experienced. world, but we have already experienced two group-annihilation horror movies with a difficulty of 20 people...Fortunately, the difficulty has been lowered this time."

Yang Yun naturally also discovered the fact that no newcomers had entered. Originally, in Resident Evil 2, the Zhongzhou team was supposed to have two newcomers. One of them is Jiang Zhe, who can speak frankly as a lawyer, and the other is Miao Ruoling, who is a painter but lives like a social beast... Although I don't know if it is because there are extra people in the team taking their positions. Or for some other reason, but the lack of newcomers may be a good thing for the Central Continent team and themselves.

However, Wang Xia, who was originally going to join the team in Death Comes, this time, like Xiao Honglu, disappeared from the list of newcomers to the Zhongzhou team.

——What a pity. The current Zhongzhou team has become a cultivation team, but Wang Xia, the warrior who cares most about cultivation, failed to enter the main god space. Is he destined to miss cultivation?

——No, I'm thinking too much... Wang Xia's affairs are not important for the time being. What I need to consider is the victory of this team battle. Only in this way can I see the future.

"The time point has been confirmed, so let's take a look at the mission of the main god and the opponent in this team battle."

Taking a breath, Yang Yun eliminated the distracting thoughts in his heart, returned his thoughts to the team battle, and flashed the Lord God watch on his wrist at Zheng Zha.

"Find Angela Ashford and take her to escape Raccoon City through the exit checkpoint. If successful, the team will be rewarded with a D-level branch plot and two thousand reward points; if Angela Ashford dies after 48 hours , then double the side plot and reward points will be deducted, and you can immediately return to the main god space after completing the mission."

"In view of the fact that the Zhongzhou team's combat power has exceeded the critical value of Resident Evil 2 difficulty, the evolution of the T virus has been completed ahead of schedule, and all space transfer props and enhanced skills exchanged from autonomous gods will be disabled in this mission..."

"After finding Angela Ashford, or forty-eight hours later, the Demon Team will enter the Resident Evil 2 world and enter a random location... Killing members of the opposing team who have not opened the gene lock will receive two thousand reward points, C-level branch line Once in the plot, if you kill a member of the opponent's team who unlocks the gene lock, you will get 7,000 bonus points. In one B-level side plot, if one of your team members dies, the count will be minus one point. If you kill the opponent's member, you will get one point. The final number will be multiplied by Two thousand will be the reward points received by the remaining members of both teams.”

Team battle opponent, Demon Team.

Zheng Zha looked at the prompts on the main god's watch stupidly, and even forgot to analyze the main god's mission.

"Damn it, how could we be so unlucky? Team Demon, how could such a small chance happen to us?"

After confirming that he had read it correctly, Zheng Zha shouted directly. Even he could understand the power of the Demon Team. This team was like the "seed players" in the main god's space reincarnation team. They were born to be better than ordinary people. The reincarnation team is one level higher. The Central Continent team's opponent in this team battle would actually be the Demon team. This was an enemy he had never thought of.

Ever since he learned that there were two special teams in the main god space, Zheng Zha had a vague hunch that if he wanted to reach the top in this cruel world of reincarnation, the gods team and the devil team were obstacles that had to be overcome. But what Zheng Zha didn't expect was that the Zhongzhou team had just officially had a captain, and they would directly collide with the Demon team...

——This is not something that can be explained by "unlucky", but an inevitable result.

Compared with the ugly expression on Zheng Zha's face, Yang Yun was not surprised by the result. Because since he knew that there are positives and negatives in this world, the opponent of the Zhongzhou Team in Resident Evil 2 will only be the Demon Team, and never any other team!

Not by chance, but by necessity!

This is the first sharp blade that the villain thrusts at the positive. It is a team that he has built with his own hands to steal the protagonist's position from the Zhongzhou team, and then seize the position of the real "author"... For this day, the guy hiding behind the front man had been setting up a trap for who knows how long, and even went so far as to erase the horror movie Alien 4 that the Central Continent team was supposed to experience.

——He has done far more than what he originally did, and these things cannot be without cost.

——Fortunately, he did not change the mission requirements of the Lord God this time. The mission of the Central Continent Team has generally remained unchanged. It is still to rescue and escort the doctor's daughter... In this case, my thirty days of training will not be in vain. As far as possible, there are no changes that will affect the subsequent plot of the Resident Evil world.

Yang Yun's eyes glanced over the Lord God's tasks and restrictions, and each word was deeply engraved in his mind.

Then, he raised his head and looked at his teammates who were waking up one after another. Compared with the Central Continent team in the original world line, this group of teammates is completely different in terms of team composition, exchange of main gods, or corresponding strength.

It's just that I have been preparing for this day for a long time...

It's not just you, the naysayer.

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