This endless world

Chapter 316 New members of the Zhongzhou team

A night in the main god space can be very long, so long that Yang Yun can do so many things; a night in the main god space can also be very short, so short that Zheng Zha, who knows nothing about it, just hugged Loli and slept for the whole night. The sleep was over... and when Zheng Zha, who had woken up at the right time, arrived at the Main God's Square, he was shocked to find that there was a new member of the Zhongzhou team today.

It was a black-haired beauty with an extremely cold expression. This woman was tall and tall. Even though she was wearing a white coat that did not show off her figure, the belt around her waist still outlined her beautiful figure. The flat glasses on her face made her whole person full of wisdom. Coupled with the cold aura surrounding this beauty, it was like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, making it difficult to look away.

But the most surprising thing is that this cold beauty stood close to Yang Yun, holding a piece of information and looking at it intently, completely ignoring that she had become the focus of everyone's attention in the Zhongzhou team, which showed that the atmosphere on the court Quite embarrassing... When Zheng Zha arrived last, what he saw was this slightly weird sight.

Like everyone else's reaction, Zheng Zha also rubbed his eyes hard twice, first doubting whether he had woken up, and then walked to Yang Yun's side in disbelief, and asked in a low voice: "Well... Yang Yun, who is this?"

"Her name is Setsuna."

Yang Yun had already introduced the identity of the beauty next to him to the other members of the Zhongzhou Team who didn't know the truth so many times this morning. He was obviously speaking well, but he said it mechanically: "I He also serves as an assistant, helping me analyze and organize data, and is responsible for the logistics work of the Zhongzhou team."

Create humans? assistant? Looking at Setsuna's delicate face, Zheng Zha didn't believe a word.

Zheng Zha is not a guy who hides things in his heart, or in other words, he easily exposes his emotions. What was shown at this time was Zheng Zha's expression of sudden realization, and then he said with a face filled with gossip: "So that's it, a qualified assistant is indeed necessary... Do you think I would say that? Instead of saying He's an assistant, rather a secretary, right?"

——It’s okay if the secretary has something to do... This widely circulated joke will not lose its vitality with the passage of time. On the contrary, it will last forever and become a joke engraved in people’s DNA.

"you think too much."

Yang Yun first glanced at the cold woman next to him, and after making sure that she did not react in any way to Zheng Zha's side joke, he said: "With the number of team members increasing, I need an assistant to help me organize the information. , analyze the situation, and do the corresponding logistics work, and..."

Everyone pricked up their ears. They knew that whenever words like "but" and "and" appear, it means that the words before these two words can basically be thrown into the trash as a superficial excuse. bucket. After pausing for such an insignificant moment, Yang Yun also said the following words to save face: "And I have been under a lot of pressure recently and need a certain degree of mental treatment. One more person can effectively share the burden." My workload…is that hard to understand?”

"Hey, Yang Yun, you have finally reached this point. I would like to congratulate you."

Zheng Zha showed a smile that every man would understand: "But why did you create humans now? Could it be that you finally couldn't hold back your anger?"

Yang Yun glanced at Zheng Zha expressionlessly: "Not everyone is as heartless as you, and as soon as you returned to the main god space, you left me alone in the square to watch the exchange. I have tolerated you for a long time. "

"It's okay, it's okay. From now on, you don't have to worry about being alone in the empty boudoir and being lonely..."

Zheng Zha laughed heartlessly, and his laughter was so undisguised that not only Yang Yun, but even Yang Yun couldn't help but look up at this guy when he lowered his head to read the information. Zheng Zha was stunned when he saw it. Shivering.

——I always feel like I said something wrong...

But before Zheng Zha could react, Yang Yun shook his head and said with a look that looked like an idiot: "Gui Shou Konggui is used to describe a woman... You are now the official captain of the Zhongzhou Team. Can you read more books? Don't misunderstand the training methods of "Basic Martial Arts" and become possessed by paralysis."

Yang Yun's counterattack was quite sharp, and Zheng Zha immediately forgot about his previous feelings, but he could not refute, because through the Lord God's inquiry, it seemed that the meaning of this idiom was indeed what Yang Yun said... So Zheng Zha Zha could only cough lightly and said: "Don't worry about those details. In short, let's redeem it first, so as to prepare for the next team battle."

Hearing the word "team battle", the expressions of everyone who had been quite happy suddenly became a little more serious. Listening to Zheng Zha continue: "The rewards this time are all team rewards, so our gains should be the same." ."

"Due to the captain certification of Death Comes Four last time, we ended this horror movie early, so all nine plot characters survived. All of us got a B-level subplot, a C-level subplot and seventeen thousand A huge reward of 1,000 points. In addition, there is a B-level subplot and 5,000 reward points from the fourth movie of Death Comes, as well as a guarantee of 1,000 reward points for surviving each horror movie..."

"Our harvest this time actually includes two B-level side plots, one C-level side plot and 23,000 reward points? And it's a team-wide reward, everyone has it?"

Zheng Zha counted on his fingers, and the more he counted, the more surprised he became. He didn't expect that an extremely difficult twenty-person horror film would be turned into a slasher film... But when he thought of these huge sums The reward was obtained by Zhang Jie's sacrifice, and Zheng Zha's mood dropped again.

"Perhaps, this is why the Lord God arranged a team battle for us immediately."

Yang Yun glanced at Zheng Zha, who was in a depressed mood, and continued what he said: "Zheng Zha successfully passed the captain certification and became the captain of the Zhongzhou team. The difficulty of the tasks we face is about to return to normal. But in the previous horror film, Once again, we perfectly completed this almost-death horror movie without any normal senior person dying... Resident Evil 2 is not a very difficult movie, and there are no very strong enemies or enemies in it. monster."

"I'm 70% sure that the difficulty of the mission in the next horror movie will drop to a certain extent, but the reincarnation team that is hostile to us must be one of the strongest."

"Well, so we must make good use of the side plots and reward points we have, and spend every penny wisely, so as to survive as much as possible in the team battle."

All of Yang Yun's ideas were based on the premise that the Zhongzhou Team would not be able to live in peace with the Devil Team. If the opponent is another reincarnation team arranged by the Lord God and has never met the Central Continent team, maybe there is a possibility of peace talks between the two, but this time the Central Continent team will face the malice from the villain... And this , which was also the reason why he did not redeem the Ankh of Rebirth.

——Even if his reward points are completely sufficient, he did not spend two B-level subplots on this aspect.

Zheng Zha didn't know what Yang Yun was thinking. The man exhaled and temporarily put Zhang Jie's matter into a corner of his mind. Looking at the heavy atmosphere in the crowd due to Yang Yun's words just now, he forced himself to bear the burden. Taking off his responsibility as captain, he smiled and said: "No problem, we have already won a team battle... Since we can win once, we will definitely win the second time."

"And as the captain of the Zhongzhou team, I can ask the Lord God for the bloodline and skills that are most suitable for all of us... So Yang Yun, feel free to leave the next exchange to me!"

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