This endless world

Chapter 314 Invitation?

People often say that after a diagnosis is made, the period of waiting for the specific report to come out is the most painful. That kind of anxiety that you know you have a physical problem but don't know how serious it is can make a normal person become an ant on a hot pot.

Fortunately, Zhao Yingkong's waiting time was not long. After using a strange instrument to scan her body, this cold woman who was still wearing the researcher's white coat showed an expression that was indeed true. : "Describe carefully the monsters you saw in the Assassin's Family. I want to know every detail about them."

Zhao Yingkong has a very good memory, especially what Zhao Zukong said. He even uttered all the descriptions Zhao Zukong had about the two monsters at that time, especially for the one with only three figures. , like a flying human snake with wings, which is described in detail... During those years, when she had nightmares, she would sometimes dream that she had become that kind of monster.

"It is a biological tool that only has body, strength, and life, but no consciousness. At the same time, as it enters the fourth level for too long, the genes will continue to evolve and eventually mutate into a complete monster, and this monster also has some special abnormalities. able……"

Setsuna was drawing something in the notebook according to Zhao Yingkong's description, while mumbling something. But the more she drew, the slower her movements became, until finally she stopped completely, with an extremely serious expression on her face.

"There's something wrong. This description... take a look first. Is this the image of the monster you're talking about?" In an instant, he added two more strokes in the notebook, and then turned the hand over to Zhao Yingkong.

The thing painted on it is a winged snake, a giant snake with huge colorful wings that soars freely in the wind and rain.

"That's probably... like this, right?"

Zhao Yingkong was a little unsure, because the image he drew in an instant was a complete monster, not exactly similar to the three-dimensional humanoid monster described by Zhao Zukong. But she had a vague hunch in her heart that if the failure before them really turned into a monster, it should be inseparable from this image.

"As a holder of this kind of gene, do you also have similar abilities?"

Faced with Setsuna's second question, Zhao Yingkong was silent for a moment, but then realized that now was not the time to hide illnesses and avoid medical treatment. She took a deep breath and took off her clothes. Suddenly, a series of black lines appeared on the surface of her skin.

"I do."

Hearing this, she stood up from the chair in an instant and walked very close to Zhao Yingkong. She stared at the black lines on the assassin girl's naked body with her eyes that seemed to see through everything, and from time to time she used her fingers to outline some in the void. line.

Being stared at like this by Setsuna, Zhao Yingkong had no so-called sense of shame. After all, she had long had the consciousness of sacrificing herself for everything during her training as an assassin, but maintaining this state was also very draining for her. But this strong girl didn't say a word. It wasn't until she finished sketching and sat back on the chair that she took a deep breath and released herself from this state. The skin around her body also changed from pitch black to as white as white again. Jade.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be able to absorb energy when you are in this state."

After another period of time, Setsuna finally raised her head from her deep thoughts. Looking at Zhao Yingkong's expression, she realized that she had obtained the information she wanted. She couldn't help but let out a long breath and said, "Yes, it's really better than extreme." Geniuses and idiots who know nothing about it, it is the kind of guy who lacks ability but is self-righteous and thinks that everything is under control that is the most harmful... They have no idea what they are studying, and they have the same taboo. With so much knowledge, do you dare to start experimenting directly?”

"This is no longer playing with fire, but playing with nuclear bombs? No, it's playing with matter and antimatter!"

After scolding him for a while, he handed the notebook in his hand to Zhao Yingkong and said, "Take a look... all the truth is basically in it."

Hearing this, Zhao Yingkong didn't even bother to put on his clothes again. He just took the notebook and read the biggest secret about his life experience and the "Empty" plan. However, the more he looked at the assassin girl, the more miserable he looked. Ku: "How could it be...that we are actually such a thing?"

"Brother Zhukong, sister Ruikong, brother Yukong, sister Mingkong, sister Nikong, and Xuekong, Mingkong..."

Every time he read a name, tears flowed from the corners of Zhao Yingkong's eyes. The more she cried, the louder she cried. Her whole body seemed to collapse in an instant. She knelt on the ground like an injured kitten. She didn't have the grace of a top powerhouse. She was clearly a very sad little girl... …

"You said you have a way?"

"Yes, that's right. Although there is no way to completely cure Zhao Yingkong's inner demons, it is not a problem to temporarily suppress them and let her main and secondary personalities coexist."

When Yang Yun received the notice three days later and heard the conclusion given by Momo, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Yingkong lying on the bed with a look of surprise. At this time, Zhao Yingkong had regained her composure. Although there were many tubes inserted into her body, her mental state was obviously much better than three days ago. When she heard that her problem could be solved, she felt as if she had let go of something.

Seeing Yang Yun looking over, the little girl even showed a peaceful smile and said: "Yes, thanks to Sister Shanna, it turns out that the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell. Cultivation technology is the key to solving my physical problems... ...In this way, having received the reward in advance, I can also complete your commission and put an end to that man in the next team battle."

"...Well, this is the best."

Seeing that Zhao Yingkong's condition was stable, Yang Yun was relieved. The main god space is magical, and the human city technology here is even more powerful. Now that the inner demon problem has been temporarily solved, there will always be a way to solve the problem of Zhao Yingkong's main and deputy personality... As long as it is not Zhang Jie's situation. Okay, if that doesn't work, just exchange it for a weapon like the Yama Demon Sword.

"You guys talk first, I have to check some information." Setsuna didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two. She walked out of the medical room, leaving the room to the two people who also came from the main god's space to continue talking.

But not long after Setsuna left, Zhao Yingkong smiled, and suddenly showed a smile that Yang Yun usually saw and said: "Speaking of which, Yang Yun, what do you think of Sister Setsuna?"

Yang Yun was stunned, but thinking that Zhao Yingkong had been alone with Setsuna in the past few days, and might have heard a lot about himself from her, he answered directly: "Just like you, she is also mine. Comrades, the kind who can fight side by side and support each other's life and death."


Zhao Yingkong deliberately lengthened her tone, but seeing that Yang Yun didn't react at all, and even his eyes were as clear as before, she gave up her original plan: "Then, why don't you exchange a plot role invitation watch with the Lord God and send Sister Setsuna to you?" How about pulling me into the main god’s space and fighting alongside you?”

Is it a watch that brings plot characters into the main god’s space?

Yang Yun thought about it and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out. In the end, he just said:

"...Let me think about it."

I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, take a day off, and more

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