This endless world

Chapter 31 Alien Weaknesses

"It's a good idea to use some Arrancar."

Yang Yun nodded. He had already considered the corresponding issues before entering. Unless the strong fusion gun hit a vital part, it would not be able to cause fatal damage to the Alien Queen.

In this regard, although Yang Yun prepared corresponding trump cards, he still tried to save as much as possible. Even if the Queen's strength is beyond imagination, when it comes time to use her trump card, she has to avoid Zheng Zha and the others... After all, it is difficult for him to explain where the trump card came from, and it is also difficult to explain why he concealed his side plot. plot.

On the other side, Zhang Jie saw the steel rod thrown by Zheng Zha for the first time. He was stunned for a long time, then rushed forward and started to slap Zheng Zha on the shoulder, laughing and saying: "Good boy, although I knew you were making rapid progress, I didn't expect it to be so fast, just ten days of training." That's all, you can reach this level. This kind of potential and speed of progress, I can't even catch up with you...Zheng Zha, when did you have this kind of strength?"

Zheng Zha smiled bitterly and rubbed his shoulders. He pulled out the spiral thorns on the wall with force. After weighing it in his hand, he replied: "This is the function of internal force... gather the internal force into your hands and throw it out. Every time you throw it, Every time, a part of the internal energy is consumed."

"According to my current total internal energy and recovery speed, I can only throw five or six balls at a time, and then I have to rest for about three or four minutes... The total amount of C-level internal energy is still too little. Fortunately, this is Internal strength can grow on its own through practice, and it seems that I will spend some of my energy on cultivating internal strength from now on."

Zhang Jie looked at Zheng Zha with a click of his tongue: "I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that Zheng Zhaqi could practice well in such a short time after exchanging his internal power. Now he can even master this skill. I used to watch martial arts In novels, I often see those martial arts masters throwing spears and bamboo poles that can be compared with bows and crossbows. I didn't expect to see similar scenes in reality... Could it be that your kid is still a one-of-a-kind martial arts wizard? Just practicing for ten days is comparable to someone else practicing for a month?”

"With such qualifications, you are still a protagonist!"

"What kind of martial arts prodigy, what kind of protagonist, it's all messed up. Don't I know how much I weigh?" Perhaps Zhang Jie's compliment was too obscene, and Zheng Zha couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by the praise: "... Don’t tell me whether these are available or not, let’s set off.”

After saying that, Zheng Zha did not harm the poor chair anymore. He put the two prepared spiral thorns on his back and walked out of the control room with a few people... Then, he saw the first sight in the aisle. The body of Li Shuaixi.

The young man was blown against the wall, and his face and chest were all burnt black.

Zheng Zha could see that if Li Shuaixi continued to maintain his previous posture, then the bomb left by Chu Xuan should not hurt Li Shuaixi's chest. There was only one reason why such a wound could be caused... Li Shuaixi After Chu Xuan closed the isolation door, he still did not give up hope of survival. He desperately tried to crawl to the bomb and extinguish the ignition device. Unfortunately, the young man with a charred chest now failed in the end.

After thinking about this, Zheng Zha also sighed. But when he saw Li Xiaoyi coming up next to him and seemed to want to ask why he was sighing, he quickly turned his face and saw Zhan Lan in a daze.

"Zhan Lan, are you thinking about something?" Zheng Zha asked.

Zhan Lan said bitterly: "I was thinking about what Chu Xuan said before, I hope we can survive when we face the alien... It sounds strange. Obviously, whether we have a strong fusion gun or There are more people than them, so why do these words have such an ominous meaning, as if we are the more dangerous party?"

"Because of the alien blood."

Yang Yun answered Zhan Lan's question: "The blood of the alien has a strong corrosiveness and smell. Although Zheng Zha changed into a new set of clothes after killing the alien, he had not taken a bath, and the smell would still remain. What is the alien? We detect enemies through our sense of smell. Chu Xuan thought that we didn’t think of this level, so at least two aliens would appear on our side.”

Zheng Zha smelled his clothes and suddenly realized that since the vampire bloodline can be immune to the corrosiveness of alien blood to a certain extent, he did not clean up his mess carefully and just changed his clothes.

After figuring out the key, Zheng Zha also said hurriedly: "It's too late to take a bath now... Yang Yun, what should we do?"

Yang Yun waved his hand: "It's okay, I have also seen the movie Alien 1. Although I didn't watch it seven years ago, and I don't remember it freshly, I still remember part of the information about Alien."

"The most terrifying thing about aliens is their sudden attacks lurking in the dark. Although they can kill people without sneak attacks, if they face the enemy head-on and have terrain advantages, we have two strong fusion guns here , will not be at a disadvantage no matter what.”

While Yang Yun was always paying attention to the ventilation ducts on the ceiling, he introduced the alien to Zheng Zha and others: "The strongest thing about the alien is its speed, and secondly, it has the reaction power that matches its speed, plus it is more terrifying than humans. Its strength and attack methods, as well as its keen sense of danger and sneak attack ability... This creature is an apex predator in close quarters and narrow terrain."

"Of course, this seemingly perfect creature actually has corresponding weaknesses... without eyes, they find enemies entirely through smell."

"No eyes?"

Zheng Zha was surprised at first, and then thought deeply, "It seems that when I fought with the alien, I didn't see its eyes..."

Yang Yun nodded and said: "Yes, I have observed the alien you killed and found that it did not have eyes or other organs, otherwise it was covered under the thick carapace on its head. The alien's sense of smell Since they are so sensitive and can smell the smell and attack us through many layers of separation walls, their vision is correspondingly weak."

This analysis was made by Yang Yun by combining the performance of the aliens in Infinite Horror and the performance of the aliens in the movie, plus some alien data exchanged at the Lord God Space. Although the aliens in the movie also have the ability to locate prey through ultrasound or heat sources, Yang Yun feels that this ability should not appear in aliens.

...At least, the aliens that the few of them are facing now don't know how to do it. Thinking about it, you know that the Lord God has strengthened the physical ability of the alien. If the alien still has this ability, then there is no need to formulate any tactics and the only way is to rush past.

If the aliens can locate humans through several walls, they will definitely be the first ones to sneak up on them... Chu Xuan also proposed a ridiculous bait plan to lure the aliens into taking the bait?

"So, we have to use the alien's sense of smell in turn..."

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