This endless world

Summary at the end of the volume

Hello readers, this is Mengyun, thank you very much for coming to read my book.

The eighth volume is the volume that completely solves Zhang Jie's problem, and it is also the volume that completely takes back the foreshadowing I started from the fourth volume. In this volume, I deliberately weakened the description of the plot of Death Comes, and instead spent space on the story lines of Yang Yun, Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha. After all, there is not much plot in the movie. Everyone is here to watch each one. Various ways to die... But if I really wanted to write so much, it would be redundant.

I wrote this volume very quickly, almost in one go. Compared with the outline of Volume 7, which was revised again and again, the outline of Volume 8 was decided a long time ago, and a simple and clear main line also helps to improve the quality of the book. My coding speed... except for some changes in the specific battles and the facial expressions of the villain played by Zhang Jie, other parts basically don't need major revisions.

Well, I personally am quite satisfied... I hope readers will be satisfied too.

Here are a few questions.

First, there is the issue of cultivating the whole people. To be precise, only Qi Tengyi in the Zhongzhou team is an orthodox cultivator. Others, including Ling Dian, are all unorthodox. If we strictly distinguish them, Zheng Zha's cursed blood dragon binding secret method is a half-body cultivation method that is looked down upon by unorthodox people.

But after all, this kind of thing still depends on the nature. It is not that you can directly point to the Great Avenue of Tongtian with a book of exercises, and it takes three years to build the foundation and five years to build the golden elixir. In the Zhongzhou team, gene lock is still the mainstay, and cultivation is the supplement. Cultivation is only a means to supplement combat power, not a major path.

I tried my best to present it in a relaxed atmosphere, maybe because after the Central-Continent team lost Immorton, they had to have a bald head... It's better to be together after suffering.

The second is Xing Zhi's problem. If we think about it from Xing Zhi's perspective, everyone in the Zhongzhou team is alive, including Zhan Lan. Zheng Zha is the only one who has a strong death aura, and he can't live for more than a few days. And Zheng Zha told them about the internal strife before, which shows that Zheng Zha is definitely doomed to fail in the captain battle, so she said, "As the weak, we must always stand on the side of the winner."

The survival philosophy of the weak, coupled with the wisdom of the wise to protect themselves, but unfortunately, she did not expect that this horror film is an extremely dangerous stage, and as a supporting actor, she has to experience the "catastrophe of supporting roles" to steal the scene.

Essentially, Xing Zhi did the same thing as the alien Chu Xuan, but the environment was different. Xing Zhi's words and methods were not as clear and traceless as Chu Xuan's, and their own strength comparison was also different from the alien at that time. And she believed too much in Zhu Wen's abilities instead of choosing to trust Zheng Zha. This was her suspicion as a smart person, and it happened to be the reason for her failure.

The intelligence that wise men know and their insights determine their vision. Seeing that only Zheng Zha has death energy, if Xiao Honglu is placed among the newcomers, then this little boy who has been in a mental hospital and is being studied and knows that he is weak will definitely hug Zheng Zha's thigh. ; and Nios, who has a high self-esteem and refuses to accept anyone, will not hesitate to choose to cause trouble and plan... The difference is that the former may survive, but the latter will only die faster.

In addition, I made it very clear in Chapter 18 that the shield is one-time use and will gradually fade over time and as new people come into contact with the world. There is no such thing as Zhang Jie turning off the shield... The best way to survive is for a wooden person like Cheng Xiao to stay where he is and let Zheng Zha end this horror movie. The more trouble you make and the more you move, the faster you will die.

The third is the battle between Yang Yun and Zheng Zha. There is actually a reason why I used the famous lines of Dante and Vergil in Devil May Cry (the big ward played stably).

Is it the pursuit of power and the acquisition of strong power that can protect the faith, or the strong faith can give birth to power and then protect everything about oneself... The former is the clone Zheng Zha, and the latter is Zheng Zha's infinitely terrifying approach. Therefore, Yang Yun is essentially questioning Zheng Zha from the perspective of the clone Zheng Zha, giving him a preview of what he would do in Resident Evil 2.

As for being influenced by positive people later, causing Zheng Zha to complain too fiercely and triggering Zheng Zha's inner demons, that is another matter.

The fourth is Zhang Jie's handling of the situation. Although I understand that most people want to see Zhang Jie continue to shine in the team, I can only say that he has done enough.

He was tired, so it was time for him to take a good rest.

Zhang Jie: My mission is accomplished! Retirement.jpg

In the blink of an eye, I wrote another fifteen hundred words... So that's about it for this volume.

Please look forward to the next volume, "The Fate Is Coming".

PS: I am a dog when I watch the tea team game again. I updated it after 6 o'clock and was so sleepy that I couldn't sleep. After resting for two hours, I got up and saw the tea team game just started. And now, my blood pressure is very high.

PS2: I was going to take leave today, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it and write something similar to a side story as an update.

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