This endless world

Chapter 289 See you again, God of Death!


Yang Yun was stunned. He first subconsciously looked at the real scene projected by Zhang Jie. At this time, the situation just developed to the end of Zhang Jie's narration: "Ah, that's it. Is it time for the captain's certification?"

"Then you should be careful. Pay attention to the moment when the captain certification is turned on. Your soul will turn into many light points and merge into Zheng Zha's body. Although I know that you have successfully killed three corpses, no one can guarantee whether there is anything in it. Other changes, after all, time basically stops when the captain is certified... You must maintain your own self at that time, and don't let your own soul be absorbed by Zheng Zha."

"Although I am very grateful to Yang Yun for your uneasy advice at the last moment when you were like a wanderer traveling far away, but that is not what I want to say... When I say go, I am leaving the Zhongzhou Team."

Zhang Jie sighed and interrupted Yang Yun's words: "I misjudged one thing, that is, the death coming four this time is a continuation of the death coming one I experienced last time. No matter it is Last time and this time, I used the same mental power simulation wave to try to deceive the will of this world..."

"What do you mean?" Yang Yun had already noticed something was wrong, but he was not a mental controller. Naturally, he didn't know what the problem was with the method Zhang Jie used: "Is there something wrong with the method you used? Is it a hidden danger?”

"If I put it in words you can understand, it means that with the opening of the captain certification and the gradual transfer of the leader's authority, my mental power will further weaken, and without my mental shield, everyone in the Zhongzhou Team will It will also be perceived by the will of this world."

Zhang Jie shrugged his shoulders and tried his best to explain the current situation in words that Yang Yun could understand: "As the will of the world gradually discovers that something is wrong, it will strengthen the scanning management of the world, just like when passing through customs, the inspection suddenly becomes strict. A lot of the same.”

"Does this have any impact on us?" Yang Yun asked strangely. He still didn't understand what Zhang Jie meant: "Anyway, we are going back soon. As long as we return to the main god space before then..."

"It has no impact on you. After all, you are also victims and are about to run away... But I, the culprit, am not that easy to escape. Not only has the will of the world been deceived, it will not let go of me, who forged a fake passport and illegally The prisoners who entered the country also realized that I violated the rules of the leader and helped you get through this basically fatal horror movie. The main god also wants to settle accounts with me."

Zhang Jie smiled and said nonchalantly: "Just now, the Lord God deducted an S-level plot and 50,000 reward points from me as punishment for my violations, so I can't return to the Lord God space with you. ...because the moment I return, I will be wiped out due to negative points.”

"An S-level side plot, and 50,000 reward points..."

Hearing this number, Yang Yun couldn't help but feel numb on the spot. Such a huge punishment would not be enough even if the entire Zhongzhou team was sold. Not to mention that it was already the eve of the return, and it was completely impossible to explore new side plots. ...When Zhang Jie's captain certification is completed and the authority is transferred from him to Zheng Zha, the Lord God will end this horror movie early. And Zhang Jie, who returned to the main god space, had no choice but to be wiped out!

From this point of view, Zhang Jie definitely cannot follow the Zhongzhou team back to the main god space, but if he is allowed to stay in this world where death has come, he may be targeted by the will of the world. After all, Zhang Jie, a second-time habitual offender, has probably been on the blacklist of the world's will for a long time. With the main god removing his power, Zhang Jie, who has lost his authority as a guide and most of his power, won't he have to live a real life every day? "Death is coming" life?

Until then, how will Zhang Jie survive?

"Don't worry, there will be a way after all."

Seeing Yang Yun's anxious expression, Zhang Jie couldn't help but laugh. As if it was a very rare thing for him to see an anxious expression on Yang Yun's face: "Have you ever heard of a golden cicada escaping its shell?"

"You're still trying to pass things off at this time. You really don't want to kill yourself, right?" Yang Yun glared and was about to get angry: "Do you know how much effort, time and energy I spent on your affairs? As a result, you are about to die. At the end, he told me that there is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back, I..."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious first, I'll tell you now..."

Seeing that Yang Yun seemed really anxious, Zhang Jie quickly explained: "Have you forgotten that my current soul and mental fluctuations are the combination of the leader and the members of the reincarnation team? When the part of me that is the leader, The identity of the reincarnation certified by the Lord God was absorbed by Zheng Zha. At that time, I could naturally escape as an ordinary person... After all, the person on the blacklist was a 'half-leader, half-reincarnation team member' What does Zhang Jie have to do with me, the 'new Zhang Jie'?"

Only then did Yang Yun realize that Zhang Jie had faked his death to escape. It is definitely not feasible under normal circumstances, but it is more than enough to deceive the will of the world that has no self-awareness and only instinctive reactions: "Then sister-in-law..."

"Your sister-in-law is fine. After all, I didn't take her into the Death God last time, and I had already predicted it this time and hid her in a safe place." Zhang Jie smiled: "So next I just need to After performing the last scene, you can retire in this plane... But no one knows how long the severe crackdown of the world's will will last. You must not return to this world. In case you return, The will of the world senses your entry, and if you go crazy again, you will be in big trouble."

"That's it. Congratulations, you can finally retire..."

When Yang Yun said this, he was also a little sad. Although he was sincerely happy that Zhang Jie could live peacefully in this plane, he thought that he would probably never see this comrade who had been with him for a long time again. There was also a sour feeling in my heart: "Take care, Zhang Jie."

"Don't look so gloomy." Zhang Jie took out a cigarette at some point: "Want one?"

"Where did you get it? This is my spiritual world." Although he felt uncomfortable, Yang Yun still asked strangely when he saw Zhang Jie actually taking out a cigarette in his spiritual space.

"What Setsuna gave me was said to be a spirit cigarette. When Lungominiad was built, it had the function of converting spirit energy into obsession food to ensure the survival of extraordinary people who have an obsession with the soul system. Consumption. In addition to this, she also gave me a lot of miscellaneous things, but I didn't look at them seriously." Zhang Jie said nonchalantly: "Anyway, I don't understand the cultivation knowledge in it. I only know that this cigarette tastes good... ...What’s wrong, you’re not going to say something disappointing like not smoking will kill brain cells, right?”

"...How is that possible, brother."

Yang Yun also remembered the conversation between the two in the Resident Evil Central Computer Room, but this time he took the cigarette and took a strong puff, and a wave of memories suddenly came to his mind.

In the mutual suspicion and wariness of the grudge, Zhang Jie found out about Zheng Zha's private conversation; in the misunderstanding in Harry Potter, everyone said their own things, and finally put aside the past and experienced life and death side by side; in front of Zhang Heng, he performed a play and deceived The positive ones completed the plan of "taking advantage of the sky"; they fought hand in hand when they returned to the Grudge, and finally succeeded in redeeming the plane, and also successfully obtained the last piece of the puzzle to save Zhang Jie...

Lingzi cigarettes are much smaller than real cigarettes, and they burn out within two puffs. The situation in reality also developed to the point where Zhang Jie said his last words. Zhang Jie, who was in Yang Yun's spiritual space, also raised his fist gracefully: "Yang Yun, I will never forget being able to stand side by side with you until death."

Yang Yun also extended his fist and touched Zhang Jie: "Me too, Zhang Jie, I am honored to fight side by side with you during this period of time."

"Then, we'll meet again if we are destined!" Zhang Jie laughed, and his body began to turn into a point of light from bottom to top: "Remember, Yang Yun, you were me as 'Zhang Jie' and also as your 'guide' don’t die!”

"Don't lose to the Devils, and don't lose to those two arrogant bastards! I believe you can do it! This time, everything will be different!"

"I will come back, Zhang Jie, I will definitely come back! When I have the power to change everything and no longer be afraid of the bullshit world, I will definitely come back!"

Seeing that Zhang Jie's body was about to turn into a point of light, Yang Yun finally couldn't help shouting. And the moment he said these words, Zhang Jie's body completely turned into a point of light, both externally and internally, part of it integrated into Zheng Zha's body, and part of it floated away in mid-air. Until finally, his body finally disappeared completely...

"Is that so? You're leaving, Zhang Jie..."

In the distance, Zhan Lan, who was guarding the four people who were still unconscious, looked at the direction where Zheng Zha was going, as if he had a premonition of something. It was a world's rejection of uninvited intruders, and anger at being deceived, and then... What followed was the sudden aura of death that appeared on everyone. At the same time, the earth began to shake crazily...

This shock came so suddenly that not only Zhan Lan outside the city, Cheng Xiao who was in retreat, and even Zheng Zha who was receiving the captain's certification felt something. He seemed to have a premonition of something, but in the end he still Unable to wake up from this captain certification, he could only shed tears from the corners of his eyes, as if he was saying his final farewell to Zhang Jie...

Just when the ground cracked greatly and the ensuing earthquake was about to completely destroy the city, the Lord God's prompt finally sounded: "The fusion is completed, and the captain's certification is completed. The Death Comes Four will end immediately. , mission settlement.”

"The last episode of the Death Comes series of movies has been completed. Complete it on the highest difficulty level and get 5,000 reward points. One B-level branch plot. The Death Comes series of movies will never appear again..."

"The Central Continent team returns to the main god space ahead of schedule..."

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