This endless world

Chapter 287 Open your eyes, I am Zhang Jie

Am I dead?

Oh, I shouldn't be dead yet, but I should be dying soon.

Perhaps, this is the legendary revolving lantern?

I wanted to raise my hand, but found that I couldn't move it at all; I wanted to open my eyes, but found that my eyelids were as heavy as a thousand stones; I wanted to speak, but found that the air in my lungs had condensed into a solid substance, making no sound possible. And in this bottomless darkness, only the thoughts in my mind are still slowly turning.

Although it is very slow, it is indeed turning.

It was like an old-fashioned pendulum running, swinging his body laboriously. At the same time, some fragmented memories are like a broken film, constantly replaying in front of my eyes.

It starts with one, then two and three.

As time went by, Yang Yun gradually remembered some things, and what impressed him most was the feeling of being overwhelmed by murderous intent when he faced Zheng Zha's punch.

Death - this is the only impression that Yang Yun has left on that punch when he recalls it now. I was in a super-sensory state at that time, as if every cell in my body was swallowed up by Zheng Zha's violent killing intent, and I couldn't even react or resist at all.

Then, the scorching fist smashed the super electromagnetic soul armor, broke the armor, shattered the supposedly solid body, and sent him to his current situation.

That is, the inner demon.

The extreme amplification of all desires, when manifested in an individual, is the most violent and turbulent murderous intention, the destructive desire to destroy everything in front of him. It is a process that every strong person who has entered, or is about to enter the fourth level of gene lock, must go through.

...Unexpectedly, I died in Zheng Zha's hands and became the first victim of his inner demon state.

More memories came to mind. Yang Yun had imagined how he would die many times, such as dying in a biological crisis, dying in the mouth of an alien, dying in a tragic team battle, or fighting in the original world line. Like everyone else in the Zhongzhou Team, they died at the hands of the Devil Team of Biochemical 2... But Yang Yun never thought that he would be the target of Zheng Zha's first blood sacrifice with this sharp sword when he fell into the state of inner demons.

I have to say, this is a kind of irony.

After all, he did not die in the hands of the enemy, but in the hands of his own teammates. Even among time travellers, it is a shame... no, it is ridiculously funny. Maybe it will become a topic of conversation for readers who don’t know the truth. It’s worth posting a post in the book review area to discuss this act of overestimating one’s capabilities.

Ah, it seems that Xiao Honglu, the second wise man of the Zhongzhou team, also died at the hands of the Overlord. Is this the fate of the other wise men of the Zhongzhou team except Chu Xuan?

Yang Yun suddenly remembered that Xiao Honglu, a wise man who did not join the Zhongzhou team, was stabbed in the back by the Overlord controlled by Adam in the final battle, and directly became the first victim of the Zhongzhou team in the final battle... It seems now , is this little boy destined to suffer this disaster, and he took Xiao Honglu's place, so he also helped this guy who likes to pull out his hair block the disaster?

It's not impossible.

After all, what he and I have in common is that we both know the existence of positive people. It is commonly said that they know too much and are silenced.

Yang Yun understood that many seemingly unreasonable things in the final battle were actually scripts everywhere, and everything was controlled by both positive and negative aspects. For example, Zhan Lan's flying stones, Adam's death, Zhang Heng's inaction, Luo Yinglong's death despite having an innate spiritual treasure... The fact that his magical powers are not as good as those of Heaven is the best explanation for them.

When heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions...

Yang Yun himself knows what Xing Fu Chaos does. He often talks rubbish during battles to undermine the enemy's morale and disrupt the opponent's heart. This in itself is a part of psychological warfare.

But when facing Zheng Zha, Yang Yun actually paid attention to his words. After all, Zheng Zha was his partner, maybe his competitor, but by no means his real enemy. If he said some irreparable words, it would probably permanently affect the relationship between the two... But under the surging emotions in his heart, Yang Yun finally let the positive person catch the flaw.

This is a fact that Yang Yun has forgotten for a long time. When he first entered the main god space, he discovered that there was a positive influence in this world. The man who wrote "Infinite Horror" used his will and pen to passively or Actively and continuously interfering in this world and the actions of everyone in the Zhongzhou team.

The writer at the high-dimensional narrative level, after all, used his pen to make me say things I shouldn't have said once again.

As for the words I said before, which ones were what I was thinking, and which ones were the positive ones...or were the negative ones asking me to say them?

When the atmosphere was established, some things naturally fell into place. This was why Yang Yun had no intention of competing with Zheng Zha for the position of captain of the Zhongzhou team at first. In the eyes of those who are positive, this position can only be filled by Zheng Zha, because Zheng Zha is his chosen protagonist, while Yang Yun is just a character of unknown origin, "a character derived from the automatic development of the plot."

Perhaps, as the plot progresses, this character can gradually change from a supporting role to a supporting role, but a supporting role is only a supporting role after all. The reason why they become the protagonist is one of the roles they can play... The protagonist, however, couldn’t even think about it.

So, will positive people turn me into food for Zheng Zha’s growth? Through my death, I sent Zheng Zha to a higher level and ushered in a new step of growth. It also allowed Zheng Zha to naturally unlock the fourth-level genetic lock and enter the inner demons. Then he passes the captain certification to make him stronger.

So, things are still on their original path? Zheng Zha defeated his competitors, then defeated Zhang Jie, and took over the position of captain of the Zhongzhou team. I was just a stepping stone on Zheng Zha's growth path, a supporting role behind a man destined to be brilliant...

...Forget it, this problem is no longer important, after all, I am about to die.

His mind was gradually falling silent. His brain, which had gradually awakened from thinking about problems, was already overwhelmed by the excessive activation of supersensory powers. At this moment, it began to gradually stop working.

...It’s just that I’m still unwilling to accept it. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to meet my end like this. I still want to live with everyone and see the infinite future alive.

In the dark abyss, there is a soul trying to roar and make its own voice. He is unwilling to sink and enters his own end.

——Until a voice traveled through space and came to his side.

"Yang Yun, open your eyes."

"I'm Zhang Jie."

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