This endless world

Chapter 284 Do you really understand?

"Do you really understand what kind of power I have?"

Zhang Jie just stood there, raised his palms, and the telekinesis surrounding his body turned into two invisible big hands, attacking Zheng Zha one after another. Zheng Zha, who could not sense the telekinetic attack with his vision and could only rely on the danger prediction of the gene lock to avoid it, rolled awkwardly from the ground.

The sound of the air being squeezed echoed in the park. Two big hands suddenly closed at the position where Zheng Zha was standing a second ago. The explosive wind pressure that followed caused Zheng Zha's hair and clothes to fly. Before he could even take a breath, he heard Zhang Jie's voice coming again.

"Do you really understand what kind of opponent you are facing?"

This time the danger came from the top of his head. In Zheng Zha's senses, the air above his head seemed to turn into a weight made of steel, or like a hammer falling from the sky, hitting him hard at a speed beyond imagination!

——Can’t escape!

Zheng Zha wanted to run away immediately, but the third-level gene lock told him that the range of this attack was far beyond imagination. Even if he could run a hundred meters in an instant, he still wouldn't be able to escape from the attack!

Then don't run.

Zheng Zha made the most correct decision immediately. He kicked off his legs, jumped up from the ground, and performed a horse stance that he was best at practicing on weekdays. He had practiced this movement thousands of times. Even tens of thousands of times... Then Zheng Zha was filled with anger in his Dantian, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and raised his hands!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Zheng Zha roared angrily. When his hands came into contact with the pressure falling from the sky, his knees bent sharply and his feet couldn't help but sink into the ground. His muscles and bones all over his body made a creaking sound. The physical body can't bear it... What fell from the sky was not a weight or a hammer, but an invisible mountain formed by the power of telepathy!

A mountain, an invisible mountain that doesn’t know how high it is and how heavy it is, but it is enough to crush Zheng Zha, who can bear the weight of hundreds of tons under normal conditions, and can’t move... If Zheng Zha hadn’t been there in the first place... If the explosion is activated, he will probably be crushed into a pulp in the first second of contact!

——But it can be done. At this level, it's not enough to defeat me.

——If I fall down here, what will Yang Yun do?

"Open it for me!"

Even without looking back, Zheng Zha could understand that Yang Yun, who was still unconscious, was lying behind him at this moment, which also gave him endless motivation and belief... At this moment, Zheng Zha's bones were cracked His hands suddenly exerted force, and his fingers formed hooks, and they were embedded in the invisible mountain of telekinesis, and then the concentrated force suddenly pulled in different directions, tearing the mountain straight from the center!


Zhang Jie's voice seemed to have a hint of doubt, but it soon turned into relief: "So, through the opportunity to enter the inner demon just now, did you get a little bit of the 'subtle' skill?"

"But, can you block the second one?"

Before Zhang Jie could finish his words, a second telekinetic mountain that was bigger, heavier, and more terrifying quickly formed above Zheng Zha's head. Together with the first mountain that had not completely dissipated, it moved toward Zheng Zha. Press down again!

"Come on, no matter how many times, I will stop you!"

——Because what I carry on my body is much heavier and much warmer than this mountain!

This time, Zheng Zha did not retreat but advanced. Red blood flashed across the soles of his feet, his legs bent slightly, and the cement floor exploded instantly. With the help of the power of "explosion", Zheng Zha's speed instantly exceeded the speed of sound, soaring into the sky like a rocket. His left fist soared into the sky and hit the base of the mountain again!


The moment the fist came into contact with telekinesis, a terrifying impact spread from mid-air. While the surrounding trees and houses were uprooted from the ground, sound waves also resounded through the city that was still in the early hours of the morning, causing countless people to panic. The person woke up from his sleep, looking for the noise that he didn't know where it came from. After finding no results, he continued to sleep cursing... And this shock wave made Yang Yun lying on the ground as far away as a rag sack. It flew away and fell into a soft mound.

The winner between the two was determined in an instant, and the mountains were scattered with their fists. The telepathic power in the sky was no longer under the control of the master and would no longer be an obstacle. But Zheng Zha was not without any injuries. His left fist suddenly exploded after this confrontation, and all the flesh and blood on the clenched fingers had been peeled off, revealing the dense white bones under the skin.

This is the price of power. Zheng Zha, who consciously activated his subtle power for the first time, should have been able to barely divide the power into two shares for use. However, under his desperate push, the power turned into three shares. ...and while breaking up the second mountain that pressed down again, his left fist was almost destroyed because it could not withstand the divided force and violent blood energy.

However, Zheng Zha didn't care about his injuries at all. He would only put all his body and mind on the enemy in front of him.

"Zhang Jie!"

Zheng Zha roared angrily, and violent energy exploded in his body, destroying his body and providing him with a steady stream of huge energy. Zheng Zha stepped directly on the air, and a terrifying impact suddenly erupted behind him. The air under his feet erupted with a harsh sonic boom. In not even a hundredth of a second, he had already crossed the line with Zhang Jie. From the distance between them, one could even see the indifferent expression on Zhang Jie's face. All he had to do was make a fist and hit that face -


Suddenly, the viscous air around him turned into invisible fine steel, embedding Zheng Zha's entire body directly in the air, and the change from extreme movement to extreme stillness made his already overwhelmed body crack. Come on... A steady stream of blood spurted out from his body. In less than half a second, Zheng Zha turned into a bloody man.

"The leader can exert 100% of the power strengthened by the main god, which is equivalent to the level of subtlety, so what you are facing now is a real fourth level... Even if I am just a mental power controller, double A level The power of telekinesis is also a barrier you cannot overcome."

It was only then that Zhang Jie's voice slowly came over: "So, what gave you confidence? Is it the cultivation technique that I gave you last time through Yang Yun's hand?"

"Is it your self-created skill, or is it your 'nuance' that you can only barely use since you haven't officially unlocked the fourth-level gene lock and carried out self-gene optimization?"

"Do you think that with those miscellaneous things, you can brazenly steal the position of captain of the Central Continent Team from me?"

Looking at Zheng Zha, who was fixed in the air by the boundless power of telepathy, unable to even say a word, and could only move his eyes crazily, Zhang Jie said softly: "Zheng Zha, you really understand..."

"How strong am I?"

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