This endless world

Chapter 277 Explosion and Super Sense

The main god space has six basic attributes...

In fact, Zhang Jie mentioned this setting to Zheng Zha and Yang Yung when they first entered the main god space.

These six basic attributes are intelligence, mental strength, cell vitality, immune strength, muscle tissue strength and nerve response speed. Among them, intelligence is related to memory and the speed of thinking about problems; not to mention mental power, most of the time the value of mental power represents the strength of a mental power controller. In addition, it is also closely related to some special skills; cell vitality is The body's recovery ability represents the speed of recovery after injury; and the strength of immunity is related to whether the person will be infected by some viruses and conventional toxins...

Of course, for melee reincarnators like Zheng Zha and Yang Yun, the two attributes that have the greatest relationship with their strength are muscle tissue strength and nerve reaction speed.

As the name suggests, muscle tissue strength not only allows a person to explode with stronger force and faster speed, but also improves the toughness of the person's body so that he will not use too much force or explode too fast. The body cannot bear the load at the speed.

The attribute of nerve reaction speed is somewhat special. When Zhang Jie gave an example at that time, he specifically explained that this attribute will affect a person's five senses. After reaching a certain level, you can see the trajectory of the bullet... For example, when When someone hits you with a punch, those who react quickly can react one step ahead and anticipate the enemy's attack first.

Most of the self-created skills will not deviate from these six categories of basic attributes. After all, they remain the same. The self-created skills a person can develop depends on his vision and knowledge. If he creates extremely powerful skills when he is very weak, it is basically impossible... Of course, cheaters Not included in this list.

The "explosion" developed by Zheng Zha allowed him to take the strength of his muscle tissue to a higher level. Under the control of the third-level gene lock, two completely opposite energies wandered around his body, causing them to explode. Unimaginable power and using this power for it is the principle of explosion.

This is also Zheng Zha's vision for his future path. In order to survive, to live with his friends, and to realize the dream in his heart, he needs more powerful power, the kind of power that can crush all difficulties and obstacles and implement the path in his heart...

Yang Yun, on the other hand, took another path. In Zheng Zha's thinking simulation, since the first skill developed by Yang Yun compensated for his relatively weak muscle tissue strength, his second self-created skill was to strengthen his neural reaction speed. After all, this The two attributes actually complement each other, and only by working together can stronger strength be exerted.

And Zheng Zha understands that Yang Yun is different from him. This man, who is the wise man of the Zhongzhou team, has a lively mind, and he is not the kind of character that leads to darkness... Following this direction, what is the principle of Yang Yun's new self-created skills? Why, and what specific effects it will have, it’s easy to see!

"The third-level gene lock can greatly enhance the computational power of the user and the speed of thinking."

Under Yang Yun's shocked eyes, Zheng Zha began to analyze it like he usually did: "My 'explosion' is to use powerful computing power to forcibly control the energy in my body and let them React violently without losing control, and then use the violent energy to strengthen yourself."

"As for Yang Yun, your self-created skills make full use of the original effect of the third-level gene lock, which is to use the rapid operation of the brain to forcibly speed up the operation of your thinking in order to obtain faster reaction capabilities. Fortunately, we have the upper hand in every battle."

"In this state, you can greatly improve your nerve reaction speed, and your senses will also be extremely sharp. Whether it is vision, hearing, or touch, they are all greatly enhanced. Compared with you under normal circumstances, You can be more aware of the direction of the attack, and use your brain to direct your body to react in advance, so as to avoid and fight back... Isn't that right?"

"You cannot use the same move twice against the Saint. As expected, you saw it the second time it was used... The name of this move is 'Super Sense'."

Facing Zheng Zha's eyes that seemed to see through everything, Yang Yun knew that it would be useless to hide it anymore. He might as well say it openly: "When a person is in danger of life, sometimes he will suddenly find that everything around him suddenly becomes When you are highly concentrated, you may enter a strange state where time seems to slow down.”

In Zheng Zha's eyes, Yang Yun nodded his forehead: "Through the third-level gene lock, he forcibly unlocks the limiter of his brain, accelerates his thinking to the extreme, thereby improving his five senses and gaining something similar to Regarding the effect of 'precognition'...this is my new self-created skill, 'super-sense'."

"I see." Zheng Zha nodded seriously: "So this is the reason why I can't hit you, and I can't even see your movements clearly. It's a very strong move."

"It's just that powerful power often comes with corresponding risks. Although you are in the 'super-sense' state, you can almost perfectly dodge every attack of mine and make corresponding counterattacks, but every second you It will consume a lot of brain power and mental power. At the same time, the burden on the brain is much heavier than the burden on my body when I use 'explosion'."

"I know my body well. It's not your turn, Zheng Zha, to worry about this kind of thing."

Yang Yun smiled. The self-created skill of "Super Sense" was created by the efficacy of the fire he realized when he faced his past in the curse, and was created under the guidance of Zhang Jie and Setsuna. By using one's own spiritual energy as fuel, one can explode into power far beyond one's own strength.

"Supersense" is somewhat similar to "overload". One is burning one's own life energy, the other is burning one's own spiritual energy, but the latter is obviously much more dangerous than the former. Because as Xin Bi'an said, this method is similar to the "liberation" of the true demon level. It burns one's obsession in exchange for powerful power... The transcendent of the soul obsession system will completely burn his obsession. Both body and soul will be destroyed, and after Yang Yun has burned out his spiritual energy, he is likely to become a unconscious vegetative person.

If it weren't for Yang Yun's dip in the River of Life, which greatly improved his six-dimensional attributes, and the Nether Core that improved his computing power, then he wouldn't have dared to try such a dangerous behavior... Rao In this case, Yang Yun deliberately took up the "Mountain and River Thick Earth Skill" for the purpose of "super-sense". During the practice, he raised his mental power to more than 1,200 points, and then he completely completed this self-created skill.

Rubbing his swollen temples, Yang Yun exhaled: "Since we have both seen through each other's true and false, it's time for a good fight..."

"Let us prove whether it is your 'explosion' that wins alone, or my 'super sense' that is better!"

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