This endless world

Chapter 271 Disgusted by Heaven and Earth

Cheng Xiao began to meditate...

It has to be said that the "little tricks" mentioned by Cheng Xiao are actually quite practical. In this state, his whole body's aura and sense of presence will be reduced to a minimum. Even Zheng Zha can easily regard him as a stone that can be seen everywhere without paying attention...but under the mental scanning, he has nowhere to hide.

Even so, it is completely enough to deceive ordinary people without special abilities. At least the newcomers who got the gold bricks and weapons did not realize that their team had grown to eleven people. Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan were too lazy to care about the newcomers and quietly left the grove from the other side.

"We have done what we need to do. After all, we can't forcefully restrict the freedom of these newcomers, and we can't guarantee that our guesses and choices will be correct... The next thing will be left to fate."

Zheng Zha said as he walked: "With Zhang Jie's character, he is not someone who would deliberately hide... By the way, Zhan Lan, you and Zhang Jie are both mental controllers, so you should be able to feel each other, right?"

Zhan Lan was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes and sensed it. She quickly said: "Yes, there is an area in the city center that is shielded by spiritual power. Maybe that is where Zhang Jie is. I have to say that I have redeemed this universe adaptor My bloodline, and after practicing that set of cultivation techniques, my mental power has improved greatly, and it was absolutely impossible for me to sense it before."

"Is that so? Is it possible that it's not that Zhang Jie didn't hypnotize you, but that he couldn't hypnotize you? After all, you cracked his hypnosis once before, and now you have made great progress..."

At this time, the two walked along the small woods to a road on the side. The place was basically deserted. There was only a stalled car parked on the roadside, and a fat man kept trying to start the engine in the car.

Zheng Zha saw that the fat man's attention was all on his car and did not notice them not far away, so he took out two broomsticks from the space bag and said: "Let's move to the city as soon as possible. , Zhan Lan, keep scanning and shielding on the road to prevent passers-by from noticing us. It’s not good to attract too much attention.”

"No, Zheng Zha... I don't think it's a good idea to move on a broomstick. First of all, in order to avoid the sight of ordinary people, we have to fly very high. If we are attacked in this case, it will not only be difficult to dodge, but also from Falling through the air is also a nuisance.”

But what Zheng Zha didn't expect was that Zhan Lan stretched out her hand to stop Zheng Zha from taking off. She closed her eyes and opened them after a few seconds. She frowned and said, "Maybe it's because of my strong mental strength." It may have something to do with the increase in magnitude. After entering this world, I always feel that this world is full of malice towards us... just like when I first entered the Grudge."


Hearing Zhan Lan mention it, Zheng Zha immediately thought of the cold atmosphere he felt in the House of Grudge. He was the only one who noticed this situation at the time. Later, Yang Yun also said that he was cursed by Kayako. During that time, they were also hunted down accordingly... Unexpectedly, now it was Zhan Lan who said he sensed a similar situation again.

Recalling the situation during the curse, Zheng Zha expressed his conjecture: "Could it be that this so-called 'god of death' is similar to the curse, a kind of vengeful spirit and ghost, just pretending to be a ghost?"

"No, it's not that simple." But Zhan Lan shook his head and rejected Zheng Zha's idea: "You are not a mental controller. It is difficult for me to explain this feeling to you. It is definitely not a mark or a curse. Things, but the feeling of being targeted by the world, and the whole world is full of malice coming towards you..."

Zhan Lan thought for a while and then used a suitable word to describe it: "In terms of cultivation, it means being hated by the world."

"It's true or false, it's too mysterious..."

Zheng Zha said subconsciously at first, but after thinking about it, everyone in the Zhongzhou team is practicing the legendary cultivation technique. He said with a little lack of confidence: "Okay, you have high perception, I will listen to you. After all, Yang Yun also said It turns out that mind controllers are very important in this horror movie... So how should we move without using broomsticks?"

"Let's... be careful, Zheng Zha!"

Just when Zhan Lan was about to answer, her expression suddenly changed, she pointed at Zheng Zha's side and said loudly. And Zheng Zha also instantly felt a sense of danger. He turned around suddenly, but saw that the fat man who was still trying to start the car had restarted the car, but the car seemed to have failed the brake pads, driving at an extremely fast speed. Rush straight towards Zheng Zha!

I don’t know what kind of engine this car has, but in just a few seconds, the speed has reached fifty miles. The fat man obviously did not expect that such a thing would happen. He looked at the two people reflected in the car lights, his face full of panic. At this time, it was too late to turn the steering wheel, so he could only close his eyes and let the situation go out of control. The car hit Zheng Zha...


A muffled sound made Fatty's body lean forward suddenly, the seat belt made a creaking sound, and he didn't even dare to open his eyes to see the tragic situation he had caused. In his opinion, these two yellow men are definitely dead. He heard that there was a racing accident here in the morning and many people died. He didn't expect that something like this happened to him at night. It is really a cursed racing track... …

"You're not hurt, are you?"


Just when the fat man had begun to pray in his heart about what he would say after going to court, whether he could be sentenced to a few years less on the grounds of "curse", he heard a sentence coming from the front of the car... When he was stunned When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find that the two yellow men were unharmed?

...No, not only that, that young man actually blocked the out-of-control car with one hand?

The fat man subconsciously looked at the dashboard, where the car's speed continued to increase, reaching nearly eighty miles. He could even hear the sound of the engine. But such an out-of-control car traveling at high speed was actually stopped by the man in front of me with one hand?

"I said, you're not hurt, are you?"

Hearing the second words coming from the front of the car, the fat man woke up as if from a dream. He quickly turned the key to close the car, opened the door and got out of the car, and said excitedly: "God, thank you for saving me." lives, and thank you for saving yourselves..."

"It's okay, you're welcome. After all, this is all Death's fault."

Zheng Zha sighed, looked at the two footprints he had sunk into the concrete pavement, then looked at the fat man in front of him, smiled and said: "Sorry, I'll lend you the car first, you can have a good sleep..."

"Consider it my reward for saving your life."

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