This endless world

Chapter 261 Fighting instead of fighting

"Heaven and earth are like a chain, there is only one thing to fight for... Even if you don't want to fight, others will think you want to fight."

Just when Zheng Zha was planning to practice hard, in Zhang Jie's room, Yang Yun was also staring at the tea in the teacup. After a while, he shook his head and said to Zhang Jie on the sofa on the other side: "I really I never thought that Zheng Zha would value me so much."

"Ah? Isn't this normal? I seem to have told you more than once that you have the potential to become the captain of the Central Continent Team."

After hearing Yang Yun's words, Zhang Jie, who was lying on the sofa boredly, shook the cigarette butt in his hand and said doubtfully: "You won't realize now that Zheng Zha regards you as his competitor, right?"

"I am aware of this possibility and have made corresponding plans, but..."

Yang Yun thought for a long time, but finally couldn't think of an appropriate word, so he could only say helplessly: "Forget it, maybe it's like Zheng Zha subconsciously doesn't think too badly of other people, and I don't think too badly of other people. I didn’t subconsciously think about competing with Zheng Zha for the position of captain. However, I didn’t expect that due to my improvement in strength, my position and Zheng Zha’s position would overlap in the Zhongzhou team, which in turn induced Zheng Zha’s sense of crisis and competition. …”

In fact, these words were not false. After all, even Yang Yun himself had never thought that he could improve so much in the month since he returned to the Grudge. Not only did he unlock the third-level gene lock, but he also made up for a spiritual loophole, gained new power, and experienced the subtle power of the fourth-level intermediate level in advance...

It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Yun now can beat him three to five times ago.

After all, Yang Yun, who had experienced the battle with Ashiya Michitoshi and walked into the river of life, was completely different from himself a month ago in terms of vision and strength.

Having experienced the power of the fourth-level intermediate level in advance, Yang Yun made great strides forward in the use of power and the subtle use of it. Even though the two extraordinary systems, the demon king level of the obsession soul system and the fourth-level gene lock system are very different, they always have something in common. I am afraid that given time, the fourth level gene lock will be far away for Yang Yun.

The experience in the River of Life brought Yang Yun's body, energy, and soul to a new level... Before returning, Yang Yun specifically tried Zhang Jie again, even though Zhang Jie's invisible and insubstantial With telekinesis, he can detect some of the incoming attacks through the perception extending from the soul, and evade them in advance.

But the problem is, Yang Yun's change is so obvious, so how can Zheng Zha not see it?

One person's rapid rise will inevitably cause a chain reaction for others in the team. It's not jealousy or fear, it's because Zheng Zha clearly saw Yang Yun's rapid progress, or simply felt that his leading position in the team was not guaranteed, or because he was the "leader" who had always been the leader of the team. Under the influence of "consciousness", he took the initiative to apply for an invitation to fight...

Although Yang Yun temporarily escaped through the new method he developed during this period, everyone knows that the battle between the two is not over... and it is very likely that he will end up as he should. In the battle of captains.

"So I really don't want to fight with Zheng Zha... We were not enemies before."

Listening to Yang Yun's half-complaining, half-serious words, Zhang Jie sat up from the sofa with force, put out the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray, and said: "Sometimes, some things don't follow your will. You should also understand the transfer, right?"

"But first of all, I feel that I am not Zheng Zha's opponent yet. You can also see that I was in the 'overload' state before, and I was able to overwhelm him in terms of strength and speed. Even so, there is no Find a way to break through his 'armour' defense."

Yang Yun shrugged his shoulders: "Secondly, the positive ones are still paying attention to the Zhongzhou team, and it is impossible for me to steal Zheng Zha's protagonist position. In this case, why should I compete with him? Zheng Zha and I have There is no essential road conflict. There will be no difference whether he becomes the captain of the Zhongzhou Team or I become the captain of the Zhongzhou Team... Do you think Zheng Zha will have a big change in his attitude towards us after becoming the captain? ?”

"I didn't say that, but what you said is a bit too lackluster, right?"

Zhang Jie frowned and patted Yang Yun's shoulder: "This is not something you should say at your age... Aren't people of your age supposed to be full of energy, like God is the boss and I am the second child?"

"At what period did you have the mentality of being a second-year middle school student? That's the mentality only students under the age of twenty have..."

Yang Yun rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "When I was young, I thought I could change the world, but when I grew up, I felt that I was nothing. After all, the earth will continue to turn around without anyone... I'm not in an ivory tower. The college students here have experienced two years of severe beatings from society, and based on my experience, there is no ground for the secondary mentality."

What Yang Yun said was that when he first entered, he was remotely controlled from both sides and said things that did not belong to his own will. However, Zhang Jie obviously misunderstood. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "Well, what do you mean? It makes sense, after all, you have really seen the world, and even I am not as knowledgeable as you... So you don’t care about the cities and ponds in front of you, and focus on the more distant future? "

"Yeah, compared to the battle with Zheng Zha, the future Devils team is the biggest worry for me. After all, if I fight Zheng Zha, the worst-case scenario is to get beaten up and break a few bones; but if The Central Continent team is defeated by the Demon team, which is a big deal that can easily wipe out the entire team."

Yang Yun sighed. Unlike Zheng Zha, who was full of energy and focused on the next captain battle. It was precisely because he knew what kind of enemies he would encounter in the future that he had to look further ahead: "Speaking of which, My current level of gene lock activation, I don’t know if I will be copied to the Devils..."

"There is little hope. You only unlocked the gene lock in the third game. From my perspective as a leader, you should not meet the Lord God's criteria for determining potential and replication." Zhang Jie thought for a while.

"hope so……"

Hearing Zhang Jie, who was the leader, say this, Yang Yun felt relieved: "Zheng Zha and I are currently the third-level gene locks. No matter who passes the captain certification and unlocks the fourth-level gene locks, it is actually the same. And based on Zheng Zha’s fighting style, the benefits of him unlocking the fourth level are greater than mine..."

"You boy, you really do look like a wise man."

Seeing that Yang Yun was lost in thought again as he spoke, Zhang Jie had no choice but to take a puff of his cigarette and said, "Okay, since you think Zheng Zha becoming the captain will be good for the future. That's it... I don't know what Zheng Zha will think after knowing it. He probably won't know that you gave him this captaincy."

"Don't use the word 'give'. Where does the qualification of captain need to be given by others?"

Yang Yun seriously corrected Zhang Jie's wording: "I will go all out while retaining the 'miracle'. This is not only an explanation to Zheng Zha, but also an explanation to me... At best, this can be regarded as a fight without fighting. That’s all.”

"It's not a fight, it's a high-end word. Sure enough, wise people are different from us rough guys who haven't gone to school much." Zhang Jie clicked his tongue in surprise.

Yang Yun didn't pay attention to Zhang Jie. He was thinking about the future plan in his mind. After confirming that no flaws were exposed in front of Zheng Zha, even if the flaws were left, they were deliberately laid by himself, and then he said: "Stop talking nonsense, next time My highest task in a horror film is to ensure your survival. This is the goal that I have worked hard for in several horror films, and other things must be put aside..."

"So Zhang Jie, you can almost stop talking and finish what you said that night, right?"

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