This endless world

Chapter 259 What happens next time!

Chapter 259 Next time... the end!


The so-called fist the size of a bowl is not an exaggeration, but a real fact... The two people who unlocked the second-level genetic lock in an instant, their fists expanded to the size of a bowl in an instant, fiercely The pair collided!

In the eyes of everyone, a circle of air waves exploded from the intersection of the fists, and then the two figures retreated at the same time. The ability to control the body brought by the second-level gene lock did not make them simple. Both of them were injured in one move... But the six footprints left by Yang Yun on the ground represented that he was at a disadvantage in the fight with Zheng Zha, who left four footprints!

——Is there still no way to match Zheng Zha’s strength?

As soon as he glanced out of the corner of his eye, Yang Yun had a calculation in his mind. Although he also knew that if he were to compete for strength, no one at the same level could match Zheng Zha. After all, what this man was best at was strength.

But after Yang Yun had the experience of returning to the curse, and after his body was soaked in the river of life, his body was actually greatly strengthened. This also made him competitive, and he deliberately wanted to give it a try. My weight... Looking at it now, there is indeed a gap between the two, but it's just not much.

So... overload!

Zheng Zha, who was face to face with Yang Yun, was still surprised at Yang Yun's improvement in strength, but he instantly felt a sense of danger coming over him. He immediately followed the hunch in his heart and leaned back quickly, avoiding the attack from his belly. A whip kick was swept from above, and then he stood up and took a horse stance, just in time to catch Yang Yun's two heavy punches that followed!

"Turn on overload so soon?"

Although he had firmly withstood Yang Yun's attack, Zheng Zha's hands shaking violently when he squeezed Yang Yun's fist proved that he was now the weaker one in terms of strength, but this practitioner of Luohan Quan The warrior who has been a warrior for a long time obviously cannot be defeated by Yang Yun with just two punches: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to hold on next time?"

"Ha, since I use this trick directly, I must not be afraid!"

Yang Yun also showed a smile and punched hard with both fists. Zheng Zha suddenly couldn't stand it anymore and his knees bent slightly. He would not let go of this fleeting opportunity, and directly used his right knee in the close combat to hit Zheng Zha's chest and abdomen!

The blow came hard and fast. If Zheng Zha really took the hit, he would probably break a few bones. But he was in such a bad state that he couldn't fight back with force, so it was unwise to use his legs to parry. In desperation, he had no choice but to hold up his hands, let go of Yang Yun's fist, and at the same time jumped away with the help of this reaction force——

But how could Yang Yun give Zheng Zha a chance to regroup? After his fists were liberated, he immediately stepped hard and followed Zheng Zha's retreating steps. At the same time, using the powerful power and speed brought by the overload, he punched out his fists continuously, and the continuous offensive continued. Sweeping towards Zheng Zha!

Both strength and speed are at a disadvantage, and even Zheng Zha can only passively defend at this moment.

But Zheng Zha didn't panic, but defended very steadily. Under his full defense, no attack would cause any substantial damage to him... because Zheng Zha knew that Yang Yun's overload was not actually harmful. It cannot be sustained. In previous sparring sessions, it could only last for about thirty seconds at most before it would start to cause damage and burden to one's body.

Zheng Zha knows this truth. Even if Yang Yun has now unlocked the third-level gene lock, and may have practiced new cultivation techniques, Zheng Zha is still confident that he can hold on for two minutes, or even longer...

But thirty seconds passed, forty seconds passed, a minute passed, and even a minute and a half passed... Zheng Zha's eyes also changed from the confidence of victory at the beginning to the uncertainty now, because of the situation in front of him. Yang Yun's attack not only did not stop at all, but also showed no sign of energy supply, and even the speed of punching increased by one point!

Fast, fast, still fast!

Heavy, heavy, still heavy!

In Zheng Zha's opinion, although Yang Yun's fists have no tricks or moves at all, the speed and power are too terrifying, like a continuous wave, one wave after another, and the attack is continuous. There is no pause, not even a pause for breathing!

How on earth did this kid do it?

Zheng Zha took a deep breath, knowing that he could no longer let Yang Yun attack like this. Now that he had missed a step, the situation had entered the opponent's rhythm, so...

Wear armor!

Suddenly, Zheng Zha gave up the defensive circle he had worked so hard to maintain. In an instant, dozens or hundreds of heavy punches hit Zheng Zha's body. Even with the armor's defense, he couldn't help but groan... The damage suffered will not be in vain. On Zheng Zha's right hand, the bloody flame has already ignited!

"Be careful, Yang Yun!"

Zheng Zha yelled violently, and formed a knife with his right hand, slashing it with bloody flames. It was a bloody mad knife that could cut gold and cut jade; while his left hand made a completely different movement, and his fingers tightened Make it into a fist and swing it from bottom to top. This is exactly the power of the Arhat Fist to reach the sky!

In one move, Zheng Zha actually used two completely different moves! This situation not only makes people think instantly, could Zheng Zha have exchanged the "left-right fight" in martial arts novels with the Lord God?

However, this is not a fight between left and right, but a third-level gene lock.

The third-level gene lock can already be used as a distraction, and can even divide a force multiple times. This is the basic method of subtlety. After a year of hard training in the Harry Potter world, Zheng Zha had already developed a method of using internal force and blood energy at the same time based on his own physique.

If anyone could see the energy route in Zheng Zha's body, he would be surprised to see that the blood in his brain flows down the right side of his body and quickly condenses into a blade in his left palm; while the internal force in his Dantian area flows down the left side of his body. Go upstream and pour it into your right fist!

——What finally formed was this up and down pincer attack!

This was a perfect move, but Yang Yun's fist had not yet been fully retracted. At the time when the old strength was not used up and the new strength was not yet generated, it seemed that there was no time to avoid the attacks from Zheng Zha's left and right hands at the same time, and he fell into absolute passivity. but……

The next moment, everyone's eyes were blurred, Zheng Zha's two heavy punches had hit the empty space, and Yang Yun had already retreated four or five meters away, smiling and looking at Zheng Zha, who had the same surprised look on his face. ...And even Zhao Yingkong, who has never blinked once from the beginning of the battle until now, and who is famous for his ghostly footwork and speed, did not see clearly how Yang Yun escaped this move and got out of Zheng Zha's attack range. Outside!

Yang Yun clasped his fists and said loudly to Zheng Zha: "Next, it may not be the category of 'training'... How about we fight next time?"

Zheng Zha slowly retracted his fists, and when he heard this, he also looked at Yang Yun deeply, and Yang Yun clearly saw a hint of fighting spirit flashing in his eyes... But in the end, this man still nodded. He nodded and said: "Okay..."

"Then let's fight again."

I'm taking a day off tomorrow. I've been working overtime these two days...

I didn’t get the request for leave last time, so I’ll give myself a little leave tomorrow, take a day off, and have a Dragon Boat Festival holiday.jpg

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