This endless world

Chapter 257 Zheng Zha invites a battle

"Yours, Zhan Lan."

No longer looking at Zero Point whose face was written with "Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do?", Yang Yun turned to look at Zheng Zha who had been standing next to him. From the beginning to now, he had not said a word, but just kept silent. Zhan Lan, who was smiling appropriately, handed over a space bag.

Zhan Lan smiled slightly, and was not surprised by Yang Yun's attitude. He took it directly and took out a gold silk jade book. He followed Zheng Zha's example last night and read the contents inside. After a while, he was a little surprised. Said: "The Chart of Changes in the Constellations of the Stars... the name sounds very powerful."

Zhan Lan's words were okay for Zhang Heng, but Qi Tengyi and Ling Dian's mentality almost broke apart... Yes, why did Yang Yun only give others the "Wutu Condensing Heart Technique"? , something like the "Chart of the Changes of Stars" sounds very fairy-like and very consistent with the style of cultivation. What they were given was the "Encyclopedia of Space Mystery Lock Algorithms" and the "Basic Cultivation Methods" which are not only grounded. Qi and at the same time grounding things from the underworld?

"The name is just awesome. After all, there are as many cultivation techniques as stars. In actual practice, that's not necessarily the case."

Yang Yun smiled, brought up the question of the name in an understatement, and said instead: "Zhan Lan, this "Chart of the Changes of Stars" is actually a book of spiritual training, which is to temper one's spiritual power through visualization. Consciousness, that is, mental power... Do you know what visualization is?"

Zhan Lan thought for a while and said: "Well, I still know this. To put it simply, it means imagining something in your mind, be it a person, an object, a scene, or even a concept... and then think of ways to add details. , to reproduce it more realistically, and this process itself is the process of cultivation. When the visualization is completed, the cultivation will be completed."

"So, judging from the name, this cultivation technique is actually a meditation method related to the stars?"

Yang Yun nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. Zhan Lan, you are a spiritual controller. Your own spiritual power is strong. The blood you exchanged for is a cosmic adaptor. You are born with a strong cognitive ability for the cosmic environment."

"In the universe, the most obvious thing is the planet, right? That's why I chose this technique for you... As a transmitter, you should get twice the result with half the effort when practicing."

Regarding Yang Yun's statement, Zhan Lan accepted it normally. She smiled and said: "Then I will give it a try first. I hope it can really be like you said, and the cultivation will go smoothly...I think it will be good after I practice it." , my mental strength and accuracy will reach a new level."

When he said this, Zhan Lan naturally looked at Zhang Jie, and Zhang Jie laughed loudly and said: "There will be a chance... Oh, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and an outdated front wave like me may not be able to survive." The sky was photographed by you on the beach."

Zhang Jie's words were indeed a bit exaggerated, so much so that Zhan Lan didn't know how to answer them for a moment. Even Zheng Zha, who was frowning and thinking about the problem, glanced at Zhang Jie. But he still didn't speak. Compared to usual times, he was a little too quiet.

Yang Yun didn't care. After handing the exercises to the others, he walked to the last one, Zhao Yingkong, who looked cold but had actually glanced at him many times. He said in a funny way: "Are you anxious?"

Zhao Yingkong was indeed a little anxious to wait, because ever since she heard the word "cultivation", she felt a strange and uncontrollable emotion in her heart, as if she couldn't wait to possess this power. After hearing Yang Yun's half-joking and half-serious words, the little girl smiled slightly and said, "I'll kill you."

At the same time, Zhao Yingkong silently pulled out a piece of Yaksha and Sanhua inserted into her waist. It was obvious that there was no need to explain the meaning.

"Uh...just a joke."

Although Yang Yun was 80% sure that Zhao Yingkong would not actually take action, Zhao Yingkong's expression at this time was really scary. Although he looked smiling on the surface, there was no smile at all in his eyes. If she was as cold as water on weekdays, then Zhao Yingkong at this time was like a thousand-year-old ice on the snow-capped mountains, exuding a cold aura.

So Yang Yun quickly took out a space bag and handed it to Zhao Yingkong. After Zhao Yingkong took the space bag, he took out two gold silk and jade books directly, closed his eyes and received the information in it. When he understood After finding out what these two skills were, her expression changed again... There was some joy, some doubts, but the most important thing was an indescribable emotion.

Yang Yun carefully observed Zhao Yingkong's expression, and at the same time said tentatively: "There are two books of exercises I gave you. One is a clone, which can enhance your speed. At the same time, you can also separate the mirror image when you practice to the depths. , launches an attack with you, and the other one is..."

"say no more."

However, Zhao Yingkong directly interrupted Yang Yun's words with a cold face: "If the assassin's trump card is known to too many people, then the assassin will lose the meaning of existence."

Yang Yun was stunned, but before he had time to react, Zhao Yingkong suddenly smiled slightly, and his cold face suddenly softened, as if a thousand-year-old iceberg had melted. Coupled with her beautiful face, she had a kind of allure. of beauty.

The assassin girl suddenly moved her feet and came very close to Yang Yun. She stood on tiptoes slightly and her warm breath suddenly came close to his ears: "However, I am very satisfied with your gift."

——I understand the truth, but isn’t your action inappropriate?

Yang Yun's body suddenly became extremely stiff. This sudden intimate move was not only completely unexpected by him, but everyone else also looked at Zhao Yingkong with an incredible look. Only then did the young assassin seem to realize what she had done, and she immediately distanced herself from Yang Yun. A faint blush suddenly appeared on her white skin, and she really looked like a ripe apple.

It's just that this moment came and went quickly. Just when everyone was doubting his eyes, Zhao Yingkong had already sorted out his expression, took a deep breath and said: "I'm sorry, I was a little rude... maybe it was." Because I was too shocked after hearing about cultivation. After all, I have always had a goal in my heart, which is to obtain enough power and then kill a certain man."

Kill a man? Who to kill?

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was just a new topic that Zhao Yingkong brought up to cover up his chaotic mood, but it did attract everyone's attention. Zhan Lan suddenly felt distressed and walked over and hugged Zhao Yingkong, and said at the same time: "It's okay. Yes, it’s all over, it’s over…”

"...Did you misunderstand something?"

Zhao Yingkong's figure was already petite, and whether it was due to the exchange of the blood of cosmic adaptors, Zhan Lan's figure actually grew again in the year he returned to exercise, and now he has grown to about 1.75 meters.

Zhao Yingkong moved and immediately broke away from Zhan Lan's restraints. At the same time, he said: "I have my own goals and I don't need the comfort of others. In short, if there is nothing wrong with you, I will hurry up and return to exercise. . Now I still have more than 7,000 reward points. If I leave about 1,000 points for full-body repair, I can redeem them for two years..."

"Yang Yun."

At this time, Zheng Zha, who had been silent, finally spoke. He looked at Yang Yun, who was standing in the center of the crowd, arranging exchanges and future directions for everyone as usual, and said: "It seems that you have gained a lot from your return this time. ...Now you should have unlocked the third-level gene lock, right?"

Zheng Zha's words immediately silenced the entire audience. Even Zhao Yingkong stopped before leaving and looked at Yang Yun with incredulous eyes. If I remember correctly, Yang Yun should have unlocked the first level of gene lock after he cursed, but Zheng Zha now said that he had unlocked the third level... Is that the third level in three games? What kind of speed is this?

Yang Yun was stunned for a moment, then touched his head and said, "Yes, I got it occasionally, it's just a fluke."

"This was no fluke."

Zheng Zha also smiled, and then said: "This is the result of your talent and hard work... Are you interested in practicing with me?"

In response to Zheng Zha's sudden invitation to fight, Yang Yun's hand that touched his head was fierce at first, but when he saw Zheng Zha's eyes, he seemed to understand something, and he smiled and said: "Okay..."

"I think so too."

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone

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