This endless world

Chapter 250 Go, Zheng Zha

"Zhan Lan?"

The moment he heard the name, Zheng Zha was stunned for a few seconds, then blinked his eyes and asked in a daze: "Li'er, why did you make this suggestion? You are not usually..."

Perhaps because the aftereffects of unlocking the third-level gene lock have not disappeared, Zheng Zha said these words without much thought. When he sensed something was wrong and cut off the words in time, he saw Loli with wet tears. The expression on her face instantly changed to anger, mixed with shame...and her right hand quietly touched a kitchen knife placed on the coffee table.

After noticing something was wrong with Luo Li's eyes, Zheng Zha immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly kicked the coffee table next to his feet and moved it several meters. At the same time, he hugged Luo Li tightly and said hurriedly: " Sorry, sorry, I said the wrong thing..."

"let me go!"

Luoli struggled restlessly in Zheng Zha's arms for a few times, but with her physical condition, how could she break free? At first glance, this struggle seemed almost like coquettishness, but it actually made Zheng Zha's body feel warm.

And Luo Li obviously realized that her actions were inappropriate. She couldn't help but stammered: "Okay, okay, now is not the time...let me go! Let's get down to business!"

Luo Li's words made Zheng Zha realize that what he was doing was somewhat inappropriate. The man quickly activated his B-level internal strength and suppressed his distracting thoughts as soon as his mind changed. He let go of Loli in his arms and pretended that nothing happened: "Okay, Li'er, I'll let go...then you can tell me? Why did you suggest that I go find Zhan Lan?"

Luo Li jumped up from Zheng Zha's arms and stepped on Zheng Zha's feet twice. Although Zheng Zha didn't feel any pain at all, she deliberately pretended to grin. She then hummed. He snorted twice, sat on another sofa next to Zheng Zha and said, "There is no way. Since you can't go to them to explain clearly, you can only go to Sister Zhan Lan to discuss it."

"After all, apart from the two of them, the person you have the closest relationship with in the team is Sister Zhan Lan."

Hearing Luo Li's words, Zheng Zha's scalp suddenly felt numb. Just as he was about to deny it subconsciously, he saw the girl in front of him opened her mouth, revealing two small tiger teeth, and said viciously: "Don't I'm lying... I'll bite you."

Even if Luo Li said this, Zheng Zha, who has been in love for a long time and has experienced many battles in bars and nightclubs, knows this all too well. When a woman says this kind of thing, if you tell the truth, you will step on a landmine. He doesn't know how many times he has seen his first love brother foolishly tell the truth and thunder... So at this moment, Zheng Zha just pretended to be stupid and said: "Actually, no, as the captain of the Zhongzhou team, I need to treat everyone in the team equally. I have too much contact with Zhan Lan on weekdays, just because she is a spiritual power The controller’s role in the team is quite important.”

"Actually, I can also go to Lingdian. As a former professional killer, he has a very strict tone. He has also seen the dark side of the underground world. He might have some good suggestions..."


Luo Li didn't know that Zheng Zha was talking nonsense, but even this kind of nonsense took care of her feelings after all. So she could only scold Zheng Zha in a low voice, and then made it clear: "Zheng Zha, do you know? When a girl likes a man, there is light in her eyes."

Zheng Zha's heart trembled when he said these words directly, and since Luo Li broke the point, she no longer tried to hide it and said directly: "Zheng Zha, I actually know my position very well. I am your spiritual harbor. Your spiritual comfort can be a haven for you to rest after the battle...but you have to step onto the battlefield after all."

"And on the battlefield, the person who can accompany you is not me."


Zheng Zha wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't say anything, because what Luo Li said was the truth, and it was the most obvious truth... Non-combatants like Luo Li, There is always no way to accompany the reincarnators on the battlefield.

Unless at the beginning, as Chu Xuan said, create a bodyguard to become an immediate combat force, or use enough side plots and reward points to exchange corresponding enhancements for Loli, so that she and himself can Grow together……

But how is this possible? Zheng Zha knows very well how difficult it is to obtain side plots and reward points, and from the bottom of his heart he refuses to bring Loli into a horror movie, just think about those terrifying monsters and enemies. If because of this kind of thing, one day he loses Loli again, then even Zheng Zha himself can't imagine what his heart will be like.

Perhaps, it will be like broken glass that can no longer be repaired...

"So, what are you worried about, Zheng Zha? Do you think I am the kind of woman who is only jealous?"

Looking at Zheng Zha's expression, Luo Li smiled softly. She took the initiative to walk in front of Zheng Zha, pressed her forehead against Zheng Zha's, and whispered softly: "Did you know? In fact, you are going to the horror. When performing tasks in the film, we had to wait for a day in the main god space. Before, we were chatting and having a tea party in Sister Na’s room, but in the horror movie Alien, Li Xiaoyi’s girlfriend was in Suddenly disappeared in front of us, such a big living person suddenly disappeared..."

At this point, Luo Li couldn't help but tremble. Even with only the contact between her foreheads, Zheng Zha could feel the fear transmitted from her. He subconsciously wanted to hug Luo Li into his arms, but he didn't expect that the little girl actually shook her head and rejected Zheng Zha's move, and continued to say firmly: "I was scared to death at that time, but it was Sister Na who comforted me for a long time. It took a lot of effort to calm me down. But when you came back, I saw your miserable face with only air coming out but no air coming in... Do you know how worried I am about you?"

"...I'm sorry." Zheng Zha could only reply.

Luo Li shook her head vigorously and said with tears in her smile: "You idiot, I'm not telling you this. From that moment on, I knew that if you encounter fatal danger in a horror movie , the person who will be by your side at the last moment is destined not to be me, but your comrades-in-arms, the companions who are reincarnators with you. They, especially her as a mental controller, are the ones who are on the battlefield and The person closest to your heart..."

"It's actually me who should apologize, Zheng Zha. I'm just a little girl who doesn't understand anything. I can't stand by your side when you're in danger, and I can't help you when you're in a dilemma." Luo Li's voice changed from trembling to firm: "But there is one more thing I can do, and that is to let go now and let you go find the person who is most suitable for you without caring about my feelings..."

"Go, Zheng Zha."

"Go to Zhan Lan and tell her clearly all the questions you have about Yang Yun and Zhang Jie."

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