This endless world

Chapter 248 The deep meaning behind the words

"He saw it."

When it was confirmed that Zheng Zha had indeed ended the conversation, he opened the door and returned to his room. Zhang Jie, who was supposed to have also returned to his room, actually floated into Yang Yun's room an hour later like an invisible ghost. .

——As long as the air around the body is distorted through telekinesis, an invisibility effect similar to optical camouflage can be achieved in a very short period of time. Unless the other party is also a mental controller, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be discovered by Zhang Jie's micro-level telekinetic control.

As for the issue that the room is an absolutely safe territory and will not be invaded... I can only say that there are more solutions than difficulties. I just need to leave a small gap when closing the door and not close it tightly, isn't that enough?

When Zhang Jie sat in front of Yang Yun, who also did not go to bed to rest, but was sitting upright, this was the first sentence he opened his mouth. The hidden big boss in the Zhongzhou team lit up a cigarette and said to Yang Yun: "He can definitely see that there is something hidden between the two of us... Wait, why are you looking at me like that? Follow me?"

Zhang Jie belatedly realized that Yang Yun, who was sitting on the sofa, was looking at him with a rather strange look: "Is there something on my face?"

After being directly pointed out by Zhang Jie, Yang Yun withdrew his slightly strange gaze: "There is nothing on your face, but your current appearance makes me very suspicious of what you have been doing in the past hour."

It's no wonder that Yang Yun would show such a look, because to outsiders, Zhang Jie not only had not shaved his beard, but also had some traces of foam on his hair... He took a refreshing bath to remove his fatigue and tidied up at the same time. Compared with Yang Yun's own image, Zhang Jie's current situation can be said to be quite lax.

Faced with Yang Yun's question, Zhang Jie was not embarrassed. Instead, he smiled and said: "I can't help it. Who told you to only give me half an hour to be gentle with Na'er before you set off? Now you are finally back after a month." , of course I want understand."

Listening to Zhang Jie's slightly proud laughter, Yang Yun thought for a moment and understood what this guy was talking about, and suddenly showed a speechless expression: "So this is the reason why you are like this? I thought it would take an hour That’s enough for you.”

"One hour is not enough. I'm not going to brag to you. I felt in great shape after I came back. If Zheng Zha hadn't been so anxious about things, I wouldn't have come for another three hours..."

"Stop, stop, stop... let's get back to business."

Seeing that Zhang Jie was getting more and more boastful, Yang Yun couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead and forcibly stopped Zhang Jie from talking about this topic: "It's normal for him to see that. After all, we are still comrades fighting side by side, and we don't have any ulterior motives... Moreover, it is logical to take this opportunity to hand over those cultivation techniques to Zheng Zha."

"That's what I say, but don't you have to worry about the positive ones?"

When it came to business, Zhang Jie was a little more serious. He touched his unshaved chin with his hand and said thoughtfully: "After all, these exercises of yours are said to be collected from the temple, but they are actually all-encompassing. There are all kinds of them, and there are problems at first glance... Aren’t you worried that there are flaws in them?”

Regarding Zhang Jie's question, Yang Yun just smiled and looked at Zhang Jie without saying anything.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean when you look at me with such a smile? I always feel a little nervous..."

Zhang Jie was stared at first with some horror, but then he thought of something and suddenly turned into a bitter face: "No way, I have to take the blame again?"

"How can you be called taking the blame? Those who are positive don't like to hear this."

Seeing that Zhang Jie figured out the key, Yang Yun replied with a smile: "With the influence of the villain, you will have to rebel in the next horror film anyway and stand on the opposite side of the Zhongzhou team. So in order to create a tragic hero character who has no choice but to , it is also very reasonable for this character to make arrangements in advance and secretly help the members of the Central Continent Team in his own way, right?"

"Compared to me, a weakling who has just unlocked the third-level gene lock, it is more reasonable for you, the hidden boss who can exert the fourth-level strength, to do these things."

"It's reasonable, but it doesn't mean I still have to take the blame..."

Zhang Jie muttered a few words in a low voice, but the matter was already settled on him, and he had to see whether Zheng Zha believed it or not before he could defend himself.

It's just that Zhang Jie has always been very open-minded. After all, it's not the first time that he takes the blame for acting. He quickly recovered his mood and asked: "Then what did you say about Zheng Zha's last sentence? What do you mean? And he also mentioned Chu Xuan... I always feel a strange feeling, but I can’t put it in words."

"No way, you didn't even hear this? I feel like Zheng Zha has already made it very clear."

Yang Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Jie with disbelief in his eyes: "In the middle and late stages of the Zhongzhou team, Chu Xuan often mocked Zheng Zha for being as smart as an orangutan. I didn't expect you to be even lower than his IQ... Zhang Jie. Zhang Jie, I didn’t expect you to be such a person.”

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhang Jie raised a hand with an unkind expression: "Explain it to me quickly."

"It's actually very simple. After all, just after the last exchange, Zheng Zha established team rules for us, making our reincarnation team truly become the 'Zhongzhou Team'."

Seeing that Zhang Jie seemed a little anxious, Yang Yun stopped joking and explained to Zhang Jie the mystery behind Zheng Zha's words: "He first mentioned the 'Zhongzhou Team's Party', which shows that we are still a team. , he doesn’t want this newly formed team to fall apart in the blink of an eye.”

"Well, I can hear the meaning." Zhang Jie kept nodding his head, looking serious.

"The second meaning is the 'Chu Xuan' he mentioned. I think you should understand what happened to Chu Xuan and why he was rejected by the team."

Yang Yun didn't bother to pretend that Zhang Jie didn't understand, and said directly: "What Zheng Zha means is that he doesn't mind that everyone in the team has some secrets of their own, but if it threatens the team, then he won't Show mercy to the person who becomes 'Chu Xuan'... After all, when you redeemed it before, you have hinted, intentionally or unintentionally, about the difficulty of the next horror movie."

"Yes, I can see this too, what else?"

——I feel that your telekinesis may not be able to penetrate your own face.

Yang Yun secretly complained in his heart and said the last meaning of Zheng Zha's words: "Everyone can get together and have a good drink, which means that he will no longer care about it." What is there between the two of us that we are hiding from him? He just hopes that everyone can return safely in the next game, and by then..."

"He wants us to tell him everything clearly."

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