This endless world

Let me add a few words to talk about the story line of this volume.

Because I see that many people still don’t understand it, or don’t look carefully.

First, the fourth group discovered anomalies in the Cursed Plane in the outer plane and prepared to investigate. At this time, Ashiya Michitoshi was replacing Tianxin with his own heart. After noticing the outsider, he launched an attack, so both of them suffered losses. Lungominiad fell into this plane, and Ashiya Michitoshi's process of replacing the will of the world was interrupted.

10032 noticed the situation, so he proposed to Xin Bi'an that he should leave this plane immediately and use all his strength to liberate the Holy Spear Company Ashiya Doman and destroy the innocent people together, but Xin Bi'an refuted it.

10032 explained to Xin Bi'an why this plane could not be saved under objective conditions, but Xin Bi'an also showed the light of his soul and his own power through memories, his own heart and his own beliefs, convincing 10032. In addition, the members of the fourth group also agreed, so they decided to take a gamble to save this plane.

(In addition, Yang Yun’s point of view here is: I may not be able to save everyone, but I can save those that I can save, and I will do what I can do, which is equivalent to drawing from another perspective The same conclusion as Xin Bi'an.)

But 10032 also realized its own shortcomings in Xin Bi'an's words, and realized the problems that had arisen in the plane that the fourth group had previously saved. We cannot just save them without teaching them or telling them that danger always exists, otherwise they will still be defenseless when disaster strikes next time.

So 10032 doesn't put all her eggs in one basket. She used Kill Three Corpses before setting off to kill Ruri and Setsuna, and gave them different tasks respectively.

Liuli's mission is to preach, and the Hall of Heroes in his hand is both an educational institution and a seal; Setsuna is equivalent to the final insurance. If 10032 and Xin Bi'an really fail, then Setsuna will have to take on the follow-up work. At the same time, if the worst happens and the Fourth Group is unable to stop Ashiya Michitoshi, then as a last resort, Setsuna will self-destruct the holy spear and wipe out Ashiya Michitoshi and this plane together.

In fact, the fourth group won, but what they didn't expect was that Ashiya Michimi put part of his soul in the river of life. As a result, Xin Bi'an and 10032 were never able to completely eliminate Ashiya Michimi, so they had no choice but to set up a trap. seal. At the same time, 10032 cut out his third third corpse at the end, named Xin Ke, guarding the seal.

Then more than 1,500 years passed. When 10032 first killed the three corpses, they all had the same personality as 10032 itself, but the difference was that Liuli gained herself during this period, which was equivalent to walking away again. After going through the journey of searching for the truth, I clearly understood my true heart; and the three corpses that 10032 finally chopped off at the end of the day have some emotions in themselves; only for a moment, I still can't understand why 10032 didn't directly destroy this plane, so It was because of this that he had a conflict with Zhang Jie.

After Yang Yun came here and listened to the background story, he needed to explain to Setsuna why No. 10032 was not destroyed but chose to save it. Yang Yun refuted her point of view, and at the same time revealed the purpose of killing the three corpses in 10032, explaining the arrogance and "savior" mistakes made by the fourth group to save the plane.

Then there is another part that refutes Chu Hao's point of view, "the right to choose."

When you sacrifice a group of people, have you ever asked them if they are willing to sacrifice?

When you exchange the deaths of a group of people who don’t know the truth for more life, have you ever thought about how those people feel?

When you force a group of people to die for the sake of the so-called overall situation with great righteousness, is this really the right thing to do?

"If you force them to pay the price for this erosion and adopt the method of erasing them, then in this choice again and again, your heart will become as hard as iron sooner or later, and you will regard sacrifice and abandonment as a matter of course. Treat human lives as mere numbers, and regard saving planes as the simplest multiple-choice questions...and the consequences of this will eventually come back to you one day."

"Killing to save is, at best, just a pathetic marathon running while vomiting blood."

——In a team that carries the banner of salvation but only sacrifices and choices, some people will eventually be given up, left behind, optimized, and sacrificed.

——In the end, those who make the choice either choose to sacrifice themselves among the few remaining teams to complete their own final salvation; or they face a miserable future in a bloody future where they are alone and surrounded by mountains of corpses. own ending.

This is the answer given by Yang Yun.

In addition, the title of this volume represents a miracle again. In fact, it has three meanings. The first meaning is "The light of the soul is the biggest miracle of this multiverse". The second meaning is the preface of the volume, "With emotions as fuel, soul as fire, stories as guide, finally born. It's a miracle." It also refers to the power used by Yang Yun that is exclusive to time travellers.

The third level of meaning is "turning the impossible into possible", which means that this cursed plane that was supposed to be sentenced to death in No. 10032 at the beginning finally survived and was finally saved. This is also the case. Miracle.

This is a chapter of Yang Yun's spiritual transformation, overcoming the pros and cons above his head, overcoming the so-called "fate" and "impossibility". Maybe he will still be confused and afraid in the future, but he will eventually have a secret buried in his heart. A seed will pluck up the courage to challenge.

Because everyone has the power to choose, the power to challenge fate and not be arranged by "God's will", the power to make up for regrets, and the power to create miracles.

Above, this is what I want to express.

Of course, this part is because I took too big a step and wanted to connect the stories of Shuguang and Shikai. At the same time, I also wanted to use this volume to connect the previous and the following, so I crammed in too many things. This is how I wrote it. The problem.

Some people think this volume is too bloated, but in fact, I think this volume contains too little. This topic can actually be split into three volumes, or even a whole book. After all, Shu Guang spends most of his time writing about this...

I thought I could write it well, but it turns out I’m not very good at it. Thinking about it, this topic may be too early for me, and it shouldn’t be written in this place. z I used two million words to write Shuguang but still couldn't fully establish the character of Chu Hao. How could I write it in 150,000 words?

A lesson that I will definitely pay attention to in the future.

Okay, this is the last time I’ll talk about the issue of Volume 7, and I won’t struggle with it in the future… That’s the basic situation.

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