This endless world

Chapter 24 What nonsense are you talking about? Run!

Logically speaking, there is an upper limit to the pain a person can bear. When the pain reaches the upper limit, humans will activate the coma mechanism. However, this mechanism failed to work on Zheng Zha, who was suffering from the sequelae of unlocking the gene lock for the first time. Oh... Zheng Zha really wished he had passed out, so that he wouldn't have to endure the pain of being unable to survive or die.

The strong survival instinct and longing for Loli made this man unwilling to die, but Zheng Zha felt that he could not hold on for much longer. His internal organs began to spasm. Even if he opened his mouth and breathed frantically, he still couldn't. Ways to get oxygen into the lungs...

Just when Zheng Zha was about to suffocate to death, the closed steel door suddenly opened, and the sound of rapid footsteps came. Then Zheng Zha only felt a warm hand on his chest and began to penetrate him. Continuously inject life energy.

The injection of life energy was like giving Zheng Zha a life-saving straw. As the green life energy traveled through his internal organs, Zheng Zha only felt that his heart, which was about to explode, gradually returned to its normal beating frequency, and then his lungs, Trachea... When Zheng Zha's breathing returned to normal, he coughed hard several times and spit out several large mouthfuls of blood foam. Caught off guard, Yang Yun, who was treating him, sprayed all over his head and face.

"...I risked my life to treat you, and this is how you repay me, right?" Yang Yun wiped the saliva and blood from his face and said expressionlessly.

Zheng Zha did not answer immediately. It must be said that his recovery ability is also amazing, and he has restored the most basic mobility in a short period of time. I saw him first shaking off all the clothes on his body that were corroded by the alien blood, then he knelt on the ground and coughed crazily, accompanied by several retchings during the period. He looked really embarrassed.

After Zheng Zha finally regained his breath, he first glanced at Li Xiaoyi, who was still unconscious next to him, and then turned back after confirming that nothing happened. He smiled weakly and said to Yang Yun: "How can it be possible? This is not the case. Did you escape death... Thank you for saving my life. Otherwise, if I had been unconscious and suffocated in the situation just now, I would definitely be a corpse now."

"It's just one more time. What does this little thing mean? Since we have all entered this so-called main god space, we are partners. We must fight side by side and help each other." Yang Yundao.

Zheng Zha was stunned at first, feeling like he had heard these words somewhere before, but he also had a good memory, and soon remembered that these were the words he had said to Yang Yun after the two escaped from the laser tunnel in Resident Evil.

After thinking about it, Zheng Zha also grinned and extended his fist to Yang Yun: "Sorry to trouble you, partner."

Yang Yun also smiled, stretched out his fist and touched Zheng Zha lightly. Sometimes a man's bond doesn't need to be so complicated... After experiencing life and death together, a fist bump is enough.

After the fist bump, Yang Yun looked at the alien lying dead on the ground beside him and asked, "You actually killed this alien with a dagger. Where is your fusion gun?"

Zheng Zha smiled bitterly when he heard this. He also told Yang Yun the situation after he left the team, and then added: "I didn't expect this alien to sneak attack from the ventilation duct at first. I was careless. If If it weren't for the protective jade pendant I changed before, I might have been killed on the spot in the first blow... I really underestimated the wisdom of this monster."

——The aliens who fought Zheng Zha and the others in the original plot did not seem to have passed through the ventilation ducts, and the ventilation ducts should not be able to accommodate the aliens to move freely inside... It is because we have five powerful fusion guns, so the main god Did it further change the size of the entire spaceship and increase the strength of the alien?

——However, being attacked by an alien from behind and being in an extremely unfavorable situation such as a close-quarters hand-to-hand fight, he was still able to achieve a desperate counterattack... Everyone who has unlocked the genetic lock is like Chu Xuan said. So, can you become a super soldier?

——Or maybe it’s not the first-level gene lock that’s stronger, but Zheng Zha?

Yang Yun thought that he was in the same situation as Zheng Zha and there was no way he could achieve such a result. However, he did not say anything, but asked knowingly: "Then what happened to you just now? This state of pain and suffocation is not like It’s caused by aliens.”

"It should be the state of unlocking the gene lock that Chu Xuan said, but the pain after unlocking the gene lock is really not human. I just don't know if there will be this backlash every time the gene lock is unlocked..."

Zheng Zha shuddered. The pain came and went quickly. He could feel that the strength in his body was gradually recovering, but the feeling of the genetic lock being unlocked was also gradually leaving. It seemed that what Chu Xuan was talking about The highly toxic substances produced after unlocking the genetic lock seemed to be being decomposed by his body.

This made Zheng Zha feel a little lucky and a little regretful. Fortunately, I no longer have to endure that kind of extreme pain. Unfortunately, I just had that fighting instinct and calm fighting consciousness that came from nowhere. If he can maintain the state of unlocking the genetic lock, then the alien is not an invincible monster. At least when holding a powerful fusion gun and dueling the alien at a distance, Zheng Zha is sure to kill an alien without any injuries. Only alien.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zha also looked at Yang Yun strangely. He suddenly thought of something: "By the way, Yang Yun, I don't think you were the first to drag Zhan Lan away? Why did you come back alone again?" , where are Zhan Lan and the others?"

Yang Yun had already thought of his words, and he deliberately pretended to be unhappy: "Since there are still two aliens in the passage, our first reaction must be to run. Who knows if you won't follow... But I’ve known for a long time that you have this kind of personality. Don’t worry, Zhan Lan is being taken care of by Zhang Jie, and Chu Xuan has led them to the control room. As the person in the team whose combat effectiveness is second only to yours, I will naturally come back.”

Zheng Zha's eyes suddenly heated up. He knew that leaving the team alone at this time to find him and Li Xiaoyi, the two stragglers, would be a big risk. Yang Yun's behavior is enough to prove that he is a man who cares about his partners as much as he does!

——However, this is what Yang Yun said to gain favor with Zheng Zha.

Yang Yun wouldn't be that stupid. He remembered clearly that in the original plot, Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan went to room 21 of the spaceship to take shelter temporarily. It only took a few minutes for a few people to get separated. Even if they went astray, where could they go? Moreover, Zhan Lan was taken away by Yang Yun first. Although it was to protect the only female member of the Zhongzhou team and to increase everyone's favorability, without Zhan Lan by Zheng Zha's side, no one would do anything for Zheng Zha. Artificial respiration is also a troublesome thing to survive the backlash after the genetic lock is opened.

As for the other reason, it was Chu Xuan.

Although Yang Yun has basically no interaction with Chu Xuan now, and he tries to speak as little as possible to reduce his sense of presence, if he stays with Chu Xuan, it is inevitable that this Sanwu man, who is so wise and almost demonic, will see something about Zheng Zha. Something they didn't notice... Ashamed to say, Yang Yun was always a little scared of Chu Xuan in his heart.

As for the danger of alien attacks, Yang Yun previously thought that he had a strong fusion gun and a protective jade pendant in his hand. As long as he was vigilant and did not get attacked around the corner, after the protective jade pendant blocked a blow, the strong fusion gun was enough to kill the alien. Now that he heard Zheng Zha's battle experience, Yang Yun felt that he was a little overconfident. If the alien really attacked from the ventilation duct, then he might...

Fortunately, the result was good. Saving Zheng Zha at the critical moment not only greatly improved the luck of the supporting characters, but also gained Zheng Zha's approval. It can only be said that risks and benefits coexist. Now Yang Yun can finally pat his chest and say that he can be regarded as a supporting role. At least he is much better than Li Xiaoyi, who is still lying on the ground in a coma.

——Speaking of which, Li Xiaoyi also survived.

Yang Yun's eyes turned to Li Xiaoyi, who would have been killed on the spot during the first wave of alien attacks. He did not expect that because of his butterfly effect, this mortal man would survive, and he did not know what would happen to the positive ones. Arranged for him.

Suddenly, the contact device hanging on the wall rang, which startled the two people talking. However, Yang Yun quickly reacted and pressed the button, connecting the contact call that must have been sent by Chu Xuan.

"I am Chu Xuan..."

Chu Xuan's voice came out from the communicator, and he said in a very fast tone: "To make a long story short, all of us are currently in the ship control room on the 27th, and there are three aliens attacking directly in your direction! "

"I already know from Zhang Jie that Zheng Zha, your Najie contains food and drinking water. Are you with Yang Yun now? Your current task is to quickly return to the control room and keep running forward. The specific direction It’s front, front, front, left, front, left, front, left! I will give you two minutes. If you cannot reach the separation wall within this time, I will..."

Yang Yun and Zheng Zha, who had tied Li Xiaoyi on his back when the communication was connected, looked at each other and rushed out of the room without even listening to the rest of Chu Xuan's nonsense...


Today is the first round of recommendations. I hope to achieve good results. Thank you Jiuyuan for recommending the book. I would like to express my gratitude by updating one more chapter ()


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