This endless world

Chapter 234 Damn it! Sent!

"I thought the River of Life was just a false finger."

Zhang Jie, who carried the eternal gun on his shoulder with a black shadow still stuck on the gun head, stood in the core control room, faced 10032-2 again, and said in a strange tone: "I didn't expect you were referring to the actual existence. thing?"

"It's just another name for the original spiritual vein. This is the information we got from Xin Ke."

10032-2 obviously didn’t want to talk more. She looked at Ashiya Michitoshi who was stuck with a gun. When facing this culprit, the tone of this woman who was supposed to be emotionless still showed unstoppable fluctuations: "And In order to deal with this guy once and for all, we have to..."

"Do you think you can do it! I am immortal! Even if you kill my body here, the split soul that I entered into my original spiritual veins thousands of years ago will still be immortal!"

Before 10032-2 finished speaking, Ashiya Michitoshi seemed to be stimulated by something, and began to shout crazily: "You can't do it, you can't do it! No one can do it! I want... "

"It's so noisy."

Zhang Jie frowned and waved his hand. The majestic power of telekinesis cut off the air around the black shadow, making it impossible for his voice to be heard: "Why is there another moment? How many clones do you have?"

"They are three corpses, not clones." Yang Yun corrected Zhang Jie on the side: "Since it is three corpses, there are naturally three of them. Liuli is 10032-1, and the one in front of you is 10032-2. And you helped me. Yes, it is the last three corpses that body No. 10032 chopped out before being annihilated."

"Okay, it seems that a lot of things happened between the two of you inside the seal that I don't know about..."

Zhang Jie looked at Yang Yun who was explaining for him and scratched his head: "Although I really want to hear what you have to say, now is obviously not the time to explain... Let's wait until we return to the main god space, Yang Yun, then You have to help me clear up my doubts."

"No problem." Yang Yun agreed, then as if he remembered something, he also looked at 10032-2 and said: "By the way, speaking of the three corpses, in fact, one of the purposes of our return here is this technology. "

"Why do you seek a way to kill three corpses?" Liuli standing aside asked: "This is not an advanced technique, it is just a little bit special. And essentially, it is only used to preserve yourself in extreme circumstances. The method of power consciousness is mostly used when reincarnation is inevitable, and it is not done as a last resort. If it is done by ordinary people, it will be harmful rather than beneficial."

"Well, the situation is like this." Yang Yun glanced at Zhang Jie, and after seeing Zhang Jie nodded slightly, he said: "I have a friend..."

——————————Yang Yun is explaining——————————

"I have a general understanding of the basic situation."

After listening to Yang Yun's narration, Liuli nodded: "Since this is the case, we can indeed use the method of killing three corpses to kill him, because in the general sense, the method of killing three corpses is to remove the excess memories. , consciousness, thoughts, emotions, etc. have been cut away, and a higher level of breakthrough has been achieved... To infinitely separate consciousness and soul essence like we do, it is a special use of killing three corpses. "

"Then what's the difference between your method of killing three corpses and the general method of killing three corpses?" Zhang Jie asked curiously from the side. Although he looked at everything, he heard that in his own situation, he could really use the method of killing three corpses. After the corpse method was solved, I was actually quite excited.

It's just that this man who realized that his problem could be solved didn't forget to ask more questions. Just like a terminally ill patient who is diagnosed by a world-renowned expert and hears him propose an unheard-of treatment plan, he can't help but ask a few more questions... In fact, he doesn't understand anything, he just wants peace of mind.

"Because the method of killing three corpses spread in our human city is different from the general sense."

Liuli didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Due to the special reasons of the negative universe, all the methods of cultivating the body will be suppressed to a certain extent. Unless it is the Gene Lock, which has unlimited potential, no matter it is body training, , whether it is martial arts, or even the witchcraft lineage belonging to heretics, they can only exert 90% of their power at most, which is determined by the rules of the universe."

"But in terms of souls, for example, the Yang Shen, the God of Refining, and the ways of ghosts and immortals can exert 110% or even 120% of their power in this special environment... Therefore, the three-corpse-killing method we practice , was actually passed down after modification when His Majesty the Human Emperor came to the Negative Universe. According to records, even His Majesty the Human Emperor himself and another Emperor Wa had used this method to kill three corpses. .”

"Oh, oh oh..."

Hearing so many unfamiliar new terms, Zhang Jie, whose knowledge was still limited to the main god space, could only nod his head, as if he understood, but everyone present could see that this was not the case. The man who nodded didn't understand at all: "His Majesty the Human Emperor is the statue in the square of the Human City outside, right? Who is the Emperor Wa? Could it be a woman..."

"Zhang Jie, stop talking."

Just when Zhang Jie was about to say that name, Yang Yun suddenly stopped him from continuing: "Anyone who recites the true name of the Almighty must have something in his heart... Don't forget the Harry Potter we just experienced. In this world, even Voldemort’s name carries magic, so don’t you think that the names of the two legendary figures wouldn’t have a similar mechanism?”

"Even if what I said is just a guess, one more thing is worse than one less thing. You'd better be careful."

Zhang Jie scratched his head. Although there was still some disapproval on his face, what Yang Yun said usually made sense, so he just kept silent and listened to Liuli continue: "...The basic situation is like this. Since both of them successfully killed three corpses using the method of killing three corpses, the problem you have can definitely be solved by this method. It's just about how to divide the soul, and how to maintain yourself and the soul in the process. The stability of the system is still a very difficult issue.”

"What should we do?" Zhang Jie asked hurriedly.

Liuli didn't answer. She looked directly at Yang Yun and then mentioned another matter: "The core of Lord Nether should be in your hands."

"You mean this?"

With a thought in Yang Yun's mind, the golden hexagonal cube flew directly out of his body and floated quietly in mid-air. Although Xin Bi'an and Xing Ke did not respond, the core of the Lord Nese remained and seemed to be able to be used normally.

"Yes, and then..."

Liuli also took out her Nether Core, but she didn't see any movement. A stream of data shot straight from her Nether Core into the Nether Core in front of Yang Yun. This process continued. For tens of seconds. When the light faded, she said: "Okay, I have transferred the method of killing three corpses into the core of your Lord Nether, which also includes a large number of cultivation techniques and spiritual skills that we brought from the human city. Sub-tech information, as well as martial arts moves, etc..."

"Oh, I see...fuck, what did you say?"

Yang Yun was stunned for a moment after listening to Liuli's words, and then he grasped the core of the Lord Nese suspended in mid-air. The moment he grasped the golden hexagonal square, countless information flowed into his mind. …

"Shangqing Martial Arts, Yuqing Martial Arts, Taiqing Martial Arts..."

"Yan Yan Technique, Water Transport Technique, Ice Heart Technique, Wind Roar Technique, Earth Movement Technique, Purple Thunder Technique, Yellow Spring Technique, Shura Yi..."

"Damn it! It happened!"

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