This endless world

Chapter 232 Meteor falls to the ground

The black light flow roared and surged wildly, and contained in the ominous black light was the massive sin that annihilated everything and corroded everything.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. This sentence is by no means a lie. If there is no one to hinder it, Ashiya Michitsu hits this sinful beam of light with all his strength, which contains extremely powerful energy. Its power can wipe a city off the map in an instant. Erasing it can leave a scar on the surface that is difficult to heal; it can directly penetrate the clouds at high altitudes, and even break out of the surface, reaching hundreds of thousands or millions of meters into the sky.

Compared with the thick black light pillar that surged out, the remaining seven thunder and lightning dragons seemed to pale in comparison. This extremely strong energy fluctuation and overwhelming sin made Liuli's face change color slightly as he watched the battle from the sidelines. After all, she had just received such an attack head-on, so she knew how powerful this attack was.

In Ashiya Michichi's desperation, this attack almost had a desperate meaning, and it was even more powerful than before... Can Yang Yun really resist it?

The answer is yes.

Perhaps Ashiya Michitoshi's attack is indeed very strong, and the energy contained in the black beam of light is far greater than the remaining seven thunder dragons, but a battle between strong men is more than just the size of the destructive power. In addition to the breadth of the attack, there is also The depth of the attack is... subtle!

Under everyone's gaze, the first of the seven thunder and lightning dragons hit the point where the surging dark light pillar was at its strongest. Then the dragon's scales shattered, its claws broke, and it was swallowed up by the massive amount of sin. in.

——The price is that the originally extremely stable black light beam has become a little unstable.

If the black beam of light before engulfing the Thunder Dragon was a high-pressure water gun that could cut everything; then the black beam of light after engulfing it has lost its extremely stable posture and its edge that can swallow anything, even the sinful energy inside. , all became slightly unstable.

——The instability of energy will naturally be affected by the outside world.

The second lightning dragon that followed behind made a dexterous move, like a loach that was slippery to the extreme. It turned its belly like a mirage, and in an instant, it went from the front facing the black light pillar to the middle of the black light pillar, and then Without hesitation, he pushed it with his own head!

Gu Yun, struck halfway across the river!

Amidst the loud explosion, the second thunder and lightning dragon also turned into a fierce lightning. Part of it smashed into pieces on the black light pillar, and the other part merged into the light pillar again, making this menacing attack more and more unstable.

And this instability was naturally sensed by Ashiya Michitoshi. The onmyoji, who was full of anger just a moment ago, was horrified to find that he had lost control of his attacks, and the sin and negative energy inside began to become unstable. Steady, if that's the case...

Then, the third brontosaurus that blasted into the middle of the black light column became the last straw that broke the camel's back. The stable structure was destroyed, and what followed was the reaction of unstable energy and lightning, causing a big explosion!

Is it a thousandth of a second, a ten thousandth of a second, or something shorter? No one can tell.

The black beam of light was broken from half of it, and the terrifying energy was directly detonated. The front half of the attack was on an offset track, passing hundreds of meters away from the side of the thunder giant, piercing the air, and shooting into the distance. Even from a distance, Yang Yun could still feel the terrifying energy fluctuations and the black light behind him that swallowed up the light.

But he didn't need to look back.

Because the enemy is ahead and is about to drink the bitter wine he has brewed.

Ashiya Michitoshi naturally felt the energy that was detonated. At this moment, he was so shocked that he almost died, because the explosion generated by the remaining half of the energy, guided by the three thunder dragons, began to sweep towards the huge mouth of the abyss opened by the black sun. And... if this continues, he is very likely to receive a full-strength attack from himself!

This is the difference between the power improved through external force and the power gained through self-cultivation. A strong man of the fourth level can already freely use every force in his body, and can take it in as much as he wants. There will never be any backlash against oneself. Ashiya Michitsu had just paid it back before. After turning into the black sun, the energy contained in himself had long exceeded his ultimate controllability. Now facing the backlash attack, he had to forcefully close his mouth and cut off the energy flow. source……

Although this move made the surface of Hei Ri tremble, and the internal structure was destroyed a lot in an instant, and even the surface of the body was covered with smoke, but in the end he avoided being hit by his full attack.

However, Ashiya Michimi forgot one thing.

Nine, minus two, and then minus three, what is the equivalent?

When the remaining four thunder and lightning dragons were saved from the big explosion, the black sun in mid-air finally realized, but it had lost its last means of defense and could only watch the four thunder dragons circling and biting. They all opened their mouths and bit the black sun!


The incomparable power of the sword and lightning raged through the body, and the pain was no less than being cut into pieces by a thousand swords. Earth-shaking screams resounded throughout the countryside. At this moment, Ashiya Michitoshi truly felt the breath of death. The previous two thunder dragons passed through the body, reducing the size of Black Sun by nearly a quarter. Now four thunder dragons directly gnaw at Black Sun, and it is really possible to completely eliminate it!

The black mud was burned by thunder and lightning, melted into pitch-black ink and splashed around, and was caught up by thunder and lightning, turning into countless black dust mist and dissipating in the space; violent energy fluctuations surged out like a tsunami, sweeping around the surrounding areas. Everything tore apart the surrounding space, revealing the dark void behind it.

I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die—

The feeling of being underestimated just now has faded away without a trace, and the ambition to refuse to admit defeat has also dissipated like light smoke. Before the black sun was swallowed by the thunder dragon, the fear in Ashiya Michin's heart overwhelmed everything - and a person who was more powerful than Kuro The little black shadow, which was much smaller in daylight and no different from ordinary people, quietly got out through the aftermath of the explosion's smoke and energy.

——Ha, I didn’t expect that even the poor monk, who is called the “beautiful carnivorous beast”, is not a completely irrational beast. He still retains the secret technique of tail cutting and rebirth.

The black shadow that broke away had lost its human form, and could only be regarded as one ten-millionth of the black sun at most, but it still retained the consciousness of "Ashiya Michimi".

Even if the body is abandoned, even if it is knocked down again from the steps of ascending to the gods, as long as it is still alive and remains, there is hope, and it is nothing more than lingering for another fifteen hundred years.

——As long as I can return to the river of life, then I can make a comeback, and I can...

He thought this, and then the sudden pain interrupted the unrealistic delusion.

Ashiya Michitoshi lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the spear protruding from his chest. He recognized that this was the weapon Liuli had used before, and it was this invisible spear that suddenly appeared at some point and nailed him to the ground.

--This is impossible! When was this gun thrown? When did it appear again?

Ashiya Michitoshi had ten thousand questions in his mind, but he didn't know that the name of this gun was "Gangnir".

Gungnir, the Meteor Spear, is a spear that will definitely hit the target when thrown, even if it is thrown in the opposite direction.

Now, the meteor falls to the ground.

It also cut off Ashiya Michimi's last hope.

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