This endless world

Chapter 216 Is this how we merge side by side?


When Yang Yun heard these two words, his first reaction was strange.

There is no other reason, because the meaning of the word miracle itself represents something impossible. Therefore, ordinary people will pray for a miracle to happen when they are desperate.

For ordinary people, it would be fine, but the Xin Bi'an in front of him is not only a demon king-level soul obsessive, but also a golden elixir-level cultivator... Logically speaking, cultivation is a real practice, exploring the laws and laws of all things. Mystery, why did the word "miracle" appear from her mouth?

But Xin Bi'an was obviously wrong. She laughed twice and said: "Are you surprised? Actually, it's not surprising at all. It's like I have been dead for more than a thousand years, but my remaining consciousness can still pass through the core of Nether. To have the light of your soul communicate with you is a miracle in itself.”

Yang Yun was silent for a while, and did not answer Xin Bi'an's words directly. Instead, he said directly: "Then, please ask me."

Seeing Yang Yun's situation, Xin Bian was surprised. She scratched her hair and said, "Huh? Do you just agree so easily? I thought it would be harder to convince you. After all, you look like a smart person. , smart people will doubt this and that, I am prepared on how to prove my identity..."

Listening to Xin Bi'an's endless nonsense, Yang Yun couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows. He finally saw that the leader of the fourth regiment actually had some chatty attributes, so he had no choice but to say: "First of all, being able to stay normal and have a normal conversation with me without any emotions is a kind of proof in itself. After all, if you have been exposed to sin for a long time, not only will the negative emotions in your heart be infinitely amplified, but your thinking will also tend to become extreme, making it impossible to be so peaceful."

"Secondly, if you are really Ashiya Michitoshi in disguise, then you must have strong negative emotions and sins in you. After all, if you are eroded to the extreme by sins and resentments, you are a demon soul. This most basic attribute cannot deceive people. ...Besides, the fact that you were able to remain unaffected even after my inner world was burned proves that you are definitely not an enemy."

——Finally, it can help me restore the life energy in my body, which is something that a demon soul cultivator cannot do.

"You are indeed a smart man. Even I didn't expect so much..."

Xin Bi'an laughed twice. She looked at the flames burning on the ground with interest and said: "Speaking of which, your flames are somewhat similar to the trump card used by our true demon level, the state during 'liberation'. It's also about burning obsession in exchange for powerful power... Oh, you living people shouldn't use the term obsession, it should be said to be spirit."

"Let's get down to business." Listening to Xin Bi'an's words, Yang Yun couldn't help but feel a vein protruding from his forehead.

"That's right, it's business."

After being reminded by Yang Yun, Xin Bi'an remembered what she wanted to say. She coughed twice and said seriously: "The power of 'miracle'... This miracle is not a miracle in the general sense, but a miracle in the ordinary sense. A real power. By mobilizing one's own spiritual power as an energy source, one can recreate the feats of heroes in history, and by imitating and reproducing legendary deeds, they can use their unique skills."

"Although it is difficult to reproduce everything, if there is enough data and the mood resonates with it, we can imitate 70% to 80% of it. This is a miracle."


It has to be said that the principle Xin Bi'an said made Yang Yun stunned for a long time, because even with his knowledge, he could not understand the meaning of Xin Bi'an's words... By imitating and reproducing the legendary deeds, you can To do such a thing?

--It's that simple? No other conditions required?

—— is this possible?

"Haha, I knew you smart people would definitely show such expressions."

Seeing Yang Yun's look, Xin Bi'an burst out laughing: "You can't understand, right? You always have to dig deep into everything to understand the source of power, why you can draw power from it through imitation... Power is power, How can there be so many and nothing?"

Being ridiculed by Xin Bi'an, Yang Yun immediately counterattacked: "Why are you saying this to me? As a cultivator, you don't actually explore the secret behind this power, but instead tell me this deviant theory here? "

"So I gave up the path of orthodox cultivation and became an unorthodox cultivator. After all, I can't pee in the same pot as those orthodox nerds who study runes and calculate formulas all day long."

Xin Bi'an waved her hand nonchalantly and easily said words that could have made her tutor at Sanqing Academy so angry that she fainted on the spot: "Those guys have done a lot of research on this, and they tried to summarize it. It is a combination of belief, will, belief and ultimate spirit, but in the end there is no way to give a unified theory, because it cannot explain the need to use the power of the soul as an energy source to reproduce deeds... So in the end, they can only Reluctantly calling this power a 'miracle'."

——Sounds a lot like the so-called technological black box.

Yang Yun listened thoughtfully to Xin Bi'an's words. In fact, in different worlds, more or less similar situations exist. Not everything can be solved with existing knowledge, just like in ancient times. Human beings don’t understand why there is day and night, why there are wind, rain, thunder and lightning, why there are eclipses and comets, etc. At that time, they mostly attributed these incomprehensible phenomena to "gods" or "magic" on the head.

...Speaking of magic, the magic in the Harry Potter world that Yang Yun just experienced is actually a black box. After all, conjuring things out of thin air violates the law of conservation of matter.

In other words, the magic they use comes from the power of the soul.

It sounds quite strange, and it seems almost impossible from the average person's world view, but all extraordinary paths, including the gene lock used by Yang Yun himself, are themselves a type of "miracle". The significance of the existence of this extraordinary path is that it allows people to do miraculous things... things that cannot be explained by current scientific theories alone.

Xin Bi'an didn't know that Yang Yun had thought so much in one moment. She said enthusiastically: "Okay, that's all that needs to be said. Let's start now."

"Even if you say that, what should I do?"

Yang Yun looked at the excited Xin Bi'an and sighed. The beautiful group leader in front of him seemed to have something in common with Zheng Zha to some extent. He really couldn't be called a qualified commentator, let alone a qualified teacher. : "Is this the beginning? You haven't taught me anything yet."

"No need to bother." Xin Bi'an stepped directly to Yang Yun's side and patted Yang Yun's shoulder with one hand: "Relax now and give your body to me. I will make you feel comfortable." of."

"……What did you say?"

Xin Bi'an's sudden words of tiger and wolf made Yang Yun unable to react. He immediately trembled and looked at Xin Bi'an's hand on his shoulder in horror: "Wait a minute, I heard you right, you What are you talking about?"

"Of course we are fighting side by side. You will provide the energy. After the spiritual light amplification device is strengthened, I will provide the memory of the battle. You need to find that memory and gain spiritual resonance. After that, through endurance The Core of Ser completes the details to increase the strength of the reappearance of the legend.”

Xin Bi'an's words were quite urgent, even a little impatient. She acted like a child who saw a novel toy, and said hurriedly: "Relax your mind and body, don't resist, just leave the next thing to me... Next I will be very gentle about it.”

"Is this how we stand side by side? And your words sound so strange! You..."

Before Yang Yun finished speaking, he felt a strong surge on his neck. He fell forward involuntarily and collided with Xin Bi'an's forehead. At the moment of contact, Xin Bi'an's entire body turned into a stream of purple light, becoming one with Yang Yun...

——Damn it, how come these Fourth Legion people all have the same moral character and never listen to what others have to say!

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