This endless world

Chapter 201 Cultivation and Salvation

Shangqing Zhanquan, Shangqing Immortal Killing Technique...

Just by listening to the names, one can understand that these two techniques must have a deep connection with Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, the legendary leader of Tongtian, one of the Three Pure Ones; and the extremely famous sword technique of Purple Thunder Seven Strikes, This shows that Xin Bi'an and Gong Yeyu are inseparable.

At that time, Fuxi formulated a plan to become a god in the negative universe. An important part of his plan was that Tongtian voluntarily sealed his memory and fell into reincarnation. The three lives were transformed into Chi You, Xiang Yu, and Gong Yeyu. As the son of human destiny, he confused Dark Gaia... At the beginning of death At the beginning of the story, the sword technique used by Gong Yeyu, who was the protagonist of the fifth era, was the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder.

——Judging from the ending of Death, Gong Yeyu should have defeated Tongtian, whose mind was infected by sin, and returned to the positive universe with Pei Xi and the others...

It's just that if you know the secret, you still have to do superficial work. Yang Yun pretended to know nothing, raised his head and said to No. 10032: "I saw that Captain Xin's skills are Shangqing Zhanquan and Shangqing Zhanquan. Qing Zhu Xian Jue, this name sounds quite familiar, is it a technique passed down by the legendary Taoist Master Sanqing?"

Before No. 10032 could speak, Zhang Jie laughed out loud in the chain of his soul and said, "How is that possible? Yang Yun, do you know how much the cultivation technique costs? Let me tell you, as long as the word "cultivation" is attached to it, The exchange price at the main god cannot be lower than a B-level side plot, so this technique probably has a good name..."


Before Zhang Jie finished speaking in the spiritual chain, No. 10032 had already answered Yang Yun's question with a calm face: "The Three Purities Taoist Masters left their respective traditions in the human city, and the Shangqing Zhanquan belongs to the Tenth Legion of the Human Emperor. It is compulsory to learn entry-level martial arts, and the highest educational institution in our human city is Sanqing Academy. If you have outstanding qualifications, you can enter the academy to study, and choose any one of the Sanqing Taoist formulas to practice...but cultivation attaches great importance to talent. It requires a lot of resources and time to derive runes, so the proportion of cultivators in human cities has never been high."

"Wait for me!"

Zhang Jie finally couldn't help shouting: "What do you mean by saying this? That's cultivation, the legendary cultivation... Why do you say it's as common as picking cabbage in the vegetable market? And I listen to you You mean, the human city has already opened cultivation as a course, and also set up a special sect?"

"A school, not a sect." In response to Zhang Jie's gaffe and question, No. 10032 corrected him seriously: "This is very important."

"How is this important?" In Zhang Jie's view, this point is not important at all.

"Because although the name of the university is Sanqing Academy, it was actually founded by Taoist Master Shangqing alone, and he also contributed the most martial arts and cultivation methods." No. 10032 did not pay attention to Zhang Jie's attitude. She was simply explained: "Taiqing Dao Jue attaches the most importance to mind, Yuqing Dao Jue attaches most importance to calculation ability, and Shangqing Dao Jue treats everyone equally, because when this method was created, it took into account ordinary people who have no talent, and aims to bring cultivation to the truth. Popularization, popularization... including the establishment of schools instead of sects are also for this reason."

"There is no distinction between education and discrimination..."

Yang Yun also thought of the legendary Tongtian's original intention of founding Jie Jiao: "I probably understand what you mean. Since there are sects, there will be power, fighting, and self-preservation, but thoughts must It’s true that sparks are sparked during collisions, right?”

"That's it." No. 10032 nodded approvingly, then looked at Zhang Jie and said, "Back to your question, you would say something like this, which proves that you don't understand cultivation. What do you think cultivation is?"


This sentence stopped Zhang Jie. After hesitating for a long time, he said hesitantly: "Cultivation means cultivating golden elixirs, Nascent Soul ones, right? Controlling flying swords, refining magic weapons, etc..."

The more Zhang Jie spoke, the softer his voice became, because he found that the more he spoke, the more obvious the contempt in No. 10032's eyes became. In the end, the contempt almost overflowed, making him feel a little cold all over.

But Zhang Jie then thought about it, didn't he say something wrong? He immediately said loudly: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Isn't this cultivation?"

"It's wrong, and terribly wrong."

Even though his expression remained unchanged, Zhang Jie could still tell that No. 10032 was in a very bad mood at this moment: "Cultivation is just a name for when science has developed to its extreme. The full name should be Xiuzhen, which means to master the truest aspect of the universe. It is an extraordinary avenue that is parallel to gene locks and soul obsessions. It is very similar to the great scientist system of the Three-Eyed Tribe, and it is definitely not the mess you say!"

"This is the first article of the school rules of Sanqing Academy. The duty of a cultivator is to study the rules of the world and to be a seeker who constantly explores the unknown. Remember it!"

At the end, the tone of No. 10032 was obviously an octave higher. It sounded like the cold-faced dean after discovering that the students violated school rules. Zhang Jie shrank his neck unconsciously and said in the chain of his soul: "Why suddenly So fierce, isn’t this what I saw from the novel as cultivation..."

"So now you know why the cultivation techniques of the Lord God are so expensive." Yang Yun said: "Since the duty of cultivators is to study the rules of the world and explore the truth of the universe, then their techniques are actually equivalent to an article It is normal for an academic paper that points directly to the road to be expensive."

"Okay, okay, I get it. Then it's up to you to speak next. I'd better say less. Looking at her look, she probably thinks of me as a primitive person who doesn't understand anything." Zhang Jie complained. : "So when it comes to negotiating in this situation, it's better to leave it to you smart people. Only today do I understand how Zheng Zha feels..."

Yang Yun smiled and did not continue to reply to Zhang Jie's words. Instead, he said to No. 10032: "Let's get back to the subject. I already roughly know that your leader Xin Bi'an is a strong man who practices both the obsession soul system and cultivation. , but judging from the fact that you have deliberately concealed a lot of things, the secret behind it is definitely not that simple... Could you please explain it?"

Faced with Yang Yun's question, No. 10032 said without giving in: "To this day, I still think that 'I' was so carried away by Xin Bi'an's words that I made an irrational decision. The sacrifices of those ordinary people are necessary, but Xin Bi'an's sacrifice is completely avoidable..."

"She and everyone in the Fourth Regiment, including 'me', jointly made an extremely ridiculous decision."

"Delusional attempt to save the world."

"For this, the entire Fourth Regiment paid with their lives."

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