This endless world

Chapter 198 If this world is hell

"Why isn't it the 'Way of Heaven'?"

Zhang Jie, who has also read cultivation novels, raised his own questions.

"The way of heaven cannot be changed, but the heart of heaven can be taken away."

No. 10032 shook his head gently and replied to Zhang Jie's question with an incomprehensible sentence: "This is why we were sniped by Ashiya Michitoshi when we passed through the crystal wall system, and finally had to enter this plane in a hurry. "

"Can you say something I can understand..." Zhang Jie scratched his head. Ever since he entered this plane, things he didn't understand kept coming one after another, which made him feel that his IQ was quickly approaching Zheng Zha's: "Yang Yun, do you understand?"

"Replace the heart of heaven with the human heart... right?" After pondering for a while, Yang Yun slowly said, but he learned this concept from a novel in which the protagonist was suspected of falsifying his academic qualifications. Of course, there is another sentence at the end, in my opinion Overwhelming.

"Replacing the heart of heaven with the heart of man... This word is so well used." After hearing the first half of Yang Yun's sentence, No. 10032 couldn't help but repeat it. Although the eyes in his eyes were still scrutinizing, there was no compassion as before. Feeling: "Yes, that's what you said. That lunatic named Ashiya Michitoshi almost built the entire Japan into his kingdom of heaven on earth before we entered this plane."

"The Kingdom of God on Earth? It feels a lot like the gods in Western Fantasy. They rely on believers to ignite the divine fire, condense the power of faith, and finally condense the divine personality to become a true god..." Zhang Jie made a little gesture. In the era when he entered the main god space , various fantasy novels derived from DND are quietly emerging: "That guy named Ashiya Michitoshi made himself a god?"

"Yes, due to the influence of Dark Gaia, this plane is constantly sliding towards the negative universe, causing the complete collapse of civilization. This plane has also gradually transformed from a demon-free plane to a medium-low demon plane."

No. 10032 explained the history of the Grudge World: "This plane itself has no demons, ghosts, or extraordinary beings such as gods. All great virtuous monks and Taoist onmyojis are all liars. At most, they are physically stronger than ordinary people. A little higher... The plane you are in almost determines the upper limit of a person. Unless you are a rare genius who can be seen once in thousands of years and can single-handedly promote the upgrading of the world, otherwise, a demon-free plane like this, After a hundred years, it will be nothing more than a handful of loess."

"For example, Zhang Sanfeng? If he hadn't been born in a low-demon plane, he might have become an immortal and an ancestor." Zhang Jie interjected.

"Who in the world can survive? If you are the most beautiful person in the world, you will be a pink skeleton in the end; if you are a generation of genius, sitting on thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, you will eventually turn into a handful of loess." Yang Yun used his own time-travel time. I read the novel as an answer: "Even if I see that God is immortal and invincible, there is still no way ahead."

"It seems that you are not the kind of rotten wood that cannot be carved, but you have not received a systematic education."

No. 10032 nodded and continued to explain: "Getting back to the subject, since the upgrade of this plane, it has become easier for humans to give birth to souls after death. Practicing soul-like skills will naturally get twice the result with half the effort... The first to reap the dividends in this island country, They are the Onmyoji who have always dealt with demons and ghosts, and within the Onmyoji group, two geniuses who have made rapid progress have appeared at the same time."

"Abe Seimei and Ashiya Michimi?" Yang Yun immediately thought of these two people.

"Yes, and they have embarked on two different paths, the holy soul and the demon soul." No. 10032 said: "The soul that is pure to the extreme is the same as the holy soul, and the soul that is polluted by sin to a certain extent is the demon soul. Abe Seimei goes What is the most orthodox path of the Holy Soul is to constantly purify the obsession in one's body; although Ashiya Michitoshi is also an unparalleled genius, he is always suppressed by Abe Seimei. Jealousy gradually distorts his mind, and finally chooses to walk away. The path to the devil’s soul.”

"After the two embarked on different paths, Ashiya Michimatsu still never defeated Abe Seimei once. In the end, he chose to listen to the whispers from the void and sold his soul to Dark Gaia, thus gaining rapid success. The way to become stronger... is to use your own demon soul to enslave the hearts of ordinary people, thereby imprisoning their thoughts and turning others into your own slaves. In the end, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, and the obstacles of inner demons will be forcibly broken."

Even No. 10032, the tone at this time has changed: "A demon king-level strongman wants to attack ordinary people, but there are no more ways to do it. And because at that time Abe Seimei was in retreat and questioning himself. In his heart, by the time he discovered what Ashiya Michitoshi had done, the situation was already established... Even Abe Seimei at that time was no match for Ashiya Michitoshi, who had turned almost 80% of the entire island country's population into his own slaves."

"Moreover, if a person has no bottom line at all, then the things he can do are much more terrifying than the worst scenarios you can imagine."

Hearing this, Yang Yun seemed to have thought of something, and Zhang Jie asked without knowing why: "Listening to what you said, didn't Ashiya Michitoshi forcefully control the people and ask others to believe in him and provide him with strength? Did he also do it? Something else?"

No. 10032 shook his head and said: "Do you really think that the method of becoming stronger given by Dark Gaia will be that simple? That is one of the most taboo results researched by the Three-Eyed Clan, the Soul Army, or the Artificial Original Sin Plan... "

——Fuck, this is crazy!

When he heard these six words, Yang Yun's brows instantly furrowed. He couldn't help but think of the description of this plan in The Beginning of Death. For those in it, it was a real living hell...

"What, what do you mean?" Only Zhang Jie was still asking, but he also heard something bad from the words of No. 10032, some information that was enough to subvert his world view...

"It means that not only faith can enhance Ashiya Michitoshi's power, but also all negative emotions can be turned into the source of Ashiya Michitoshi's power. Even the resentment, pain, and madness will become more intense, and people as slaves can be exploited. The stronger the power that comes out... The souls of people enslaved by Ashiya Michitoshi will experience the most cruel punishment until their souls are scattered and turned into residue."

No. 10032 told the cruelest truth in a cold tone: "In order to maximize his power, Ashiya Michitoshi even extracted the souls of newborn babies, or children who were born idiots, because the souls of newborns are often the most powerful. Pure, and when their souls merge together, they will always produce pollution-free and huge power. Therefore, under his rule, almost no newborns in the island country at that time could be born normally, and what he said most often that is……"

"Ugh, if this world is hell, it was made by the hands of a poor monk!"

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