This endless world

Chapter 2 My name is Yang Yun!

Cold, shaking.

His consciousness awakened from the darkness, and he could gradually feel the body's sensations. The brain took back the command of the limbs, and the skin on the body also regained touch.

——I can feel the whistling of the wind in my ears.

——I can feel the smell of rust on my nose.

(Where am I?)

"Yes, you are the most qualified among the people who came this time."

There was a lot of noise in my ears, as if someone was talking, but the voice seemed to be coming from far away, and yet it seemed to be close to me.

When Yang Yun finally woke up from the bottomless darkness and opened his eyes with difficulty, he found that he was lying face down on the ground, and there were vibrations under him from time to time, accompanied by that A loud noise unique to trains.

There seems to be a speeding train here.

After a little movement of his stiff limbs, Yang Yun shook his head and propped up his body with both hands. When he saw the situation around him clearly, he couldn't help but froze.

Next to Yang Yun, there were also several unconscious people lying there, including men and women. The ones closest to him were a middle-aged woman and a fat man with a belly full of fat. Both of them were wearing ordinary clothes. , the appearance is even more ordinary. A little further away, there was a man with several scars on his face. He was talking to another man wearing a shirt and trousers. Except for the scarred man whose face looked a bit ferocious and terrifying, the others looked like ordinary citizens.

In addition, there were a dozen other foreigners in this closed environment, but they completely turned a blind eye to the two people they were talking to. Everyone seemed to ignore them... and the strangest thing is that these people are obviously Sitting next to Yang Yun and the others, his gaze penetrated a few of them, treating them as if they were nothing.

Even though the scarred man was smoking and talking, and even the smoke drifted onto the face of one of the foreign men, that man still didn't even frown, as if the smoke didn't exist at all.

This is obviously abnormal, and the scene also feels quite familiar, as if it has been seen in some movie or novel.

——Let me think about what I was doing before...fuck, no?

After sorting out his thoughts, Yang Yun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and quickly recalled the situation before he fell into coma. It was an old-fashioned dialog box that looked like a third-rate virus...

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to truly live?"

——If I remember correctly, the two people talking were Zhang Jie, a half-leader and half-member of the reincarnation team, and the other was the protagonist Zheng Zha in the book.

——This is really...

Yang Yun subconsciously looked at his wrist. He was not in the habit of wearing a watch, but at this time he was not surprised to see a black pure metal watch on his left hand, with a simple and pure style.

"The first phase of the mission is to always stay within 100 meters of Matthew Addison. If it fails, it will be erased."

Lord God Watch, Matthew Addison, Resident Evil 1, then what’s next...

Yang Yun quickly sank his consciousness into his mind, and sure enough, almost instantly, he read an extra piece of information in his mind.

Survival and life...

This is a game. It is no longer a question of who created this game. It may be gods, or it may be demons, or it may be aliens or future humans. In short, he is a member of this game, or now Have become a member of this game.

This game will place the choice in front of people who feel confused or corrupt in certain cities. When they choose this game, they will be sent to the corresponding world scene...

When Yang Yun read this piece of information, no matter how confused or unbelievable he was, he had to admit that he had indeed arrived in the legendary Lord God Space, this "famous" place. This is not only because he did read this passage that suddenly appeared in his mind, but also because there is a very simple reason...

No, he didn't click on the YES/NO button at all. Not only did he not click on it, he didn't even use physical means such as fingers, pens, chopsticks, etc. to touch the YES button on the screen!

He just! In the mind! I thought about it and agreed! That’s all!

Does the Lord God’s Space have such overbearing terms? Could it be that I came to a fake main god space?

Yang Yun almost had something to say in his heart, because the overlord clause was just that, there was one most critical issue...

How could he enter the main god space!

Yang Yun is someone who has read the book "Infinite Horror". Not only "Infinite Horror", he has also read the sequel "Infinite Horror" and the previous work "The Beginning of Death"! According to the setting in the book, he is the sixth level, the so-called "person outside the box", but now he has entered the main god space because he clicked an unknown button?

Are you kidding me? Even a novel I started writing ten years ago wouldn’t use such a ridiculous setting!

You know, in the book "Infinite Horror", there is the so-called "box theory". This theory is too complicated to explain. A simple summary is: the characters in the book already know that the world they live in is just A script created by an "author", and everyone in their world is a plaything in a box.

Breaking the fourth wall, jumping out of the box, becoming the so-called sixth level of transcendence, and thus controlling one's own destiny is what they have been striving for. To be honest, this setting was very novel many years ago, and it cannot be said to be outdated even today...

——But why was I dragged in? Every wrong has its owner and every debt has its owner. Shouldn't we go to the author named Zhang Heng? The person who created the box, the person who wrote everything about them into novels, what a big deal it was for him to bring me into this god’s space!

Countless questions were swirling in Yang Yun's mind. He didn't know whether there was really a powerful force in the box called "Infinity" that broke the fourth wall and pulled him into this main god space, or whether it was "traveling" through this space. This kind of thing finally hit him... But whether it was the cold feeling coming from the steel floor beneath him, the voice coming from his ears, or even the extremely real and choking smell of cigarettes in the air, they all proved to him one thing.

The touch is normal, the vision is normal, the hearing is normal, the smell is normal, the five senses are all normal, and my physical condition is the same as before entering...

——Then I can only think that everything in front of me is real. After all, if everything is normal, I should be thirsty, hungry, tired, injured and die...

——Then after I die, will I really die? Or will I go back to the computer before I entered the Lord God Space?

Yang Yun sat on the ground blankly, with countless thoughts swirling in his mind. Half of them were doubts about his entering the main god's space, and the other half was confusion about the future... Perhaps, there was also a trace of joy. .

I don't know how long it took for Yang Yun's divergent thinking to get back on track.

——Forget it, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a coincidence or a joke. I just need to know that this is by no means a simple game. What's more, coming to this place full of crises, but also full of opportunities, is better than the situation before I came...

People always long for and long for beautiful things. This is human nature. They are like moths chasing the fire. Until everything is shattered, they always embrace dreams and hopes to chase the beauty in their hearts... And for those who are in the world, they always hold on to dreams and hopes. For a lost person who has been wandering in the bottomless abyss for a long time, even if it turns out that all this is just a bad joke played by a superior being, he will definitely believe it until he sees it all shattered with his own eyes.

Because in the endless darkness, a ray of light is enough.

Yang Yun woke up very early, but he was in a daze for so long that the other five people who originally woke up later than him had already stood up, and he was still sitting on the ground. Even when the scarred man Zhang Jie introduced everyone to the corresponding situation of the Lord God Space and the mission they were about to complete, and stuffed the Desert Eagle in his hand into the mouth of a little fat man and shouted threats, he still said nothing to the outside world. The noise and chaos were unresponsive. It wasn't until the carriage began to slow down that Yang Yun patted the dust on his pants and stood up from the cold floor of the carriage.

As the leader of the Zhongzhou team, Zhang Jie naturally noticed Yang Yun who had been sitting on the ground motionless for a long time, but he just sneered a few times. In his opinion, this kind of newcomers are either scared to death, or they have not accepted the reality, and these two types of people are the fastest to die in the main god space... But, what does this have to do with him? It would be better to say that the newcomers of the Central Continent team die as quickly as possible, and the more they die, the better. This is in line with his wishes.

Zheng Zha on the other side didn't think as much as Zhang Jie. He just subconsciously felt that this teammate seemed different from the others. After all, he didn't seem to speak during the commotion just now. Zhang Jie introduced them to the mission of the main god, reading When Matthew Addison's name came up, the teammate didn't move.

... No matter how you look at it, you must be scared out of your wits.

Zheng Zha was thinking about some rude things, but he was still a small leader of the company, so naturally he would not show it. He just stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I am Zheng Zha, I saw you sitting there without moving for a long time... …I would like to ask, are you okay?”

Facing Zheng Zha's extended hand, Yang Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm just thinking about some issues..."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Yang Yun."


Main God Exchange version 1.01 update log:

Although I know that the correct translation of the mercenary captain should be James Shields, but Infinite Horror has been around for fifteen years, so everyone just understands the meaning, so in this box, James Shields is equal to Matthew Addison .


Four years no see, I'm back

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