This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 548

Noticing the woman's strange movements, William looked back quickly, and immediately found that Avril's shadow had darkened and deformed. Climbing all the way up with her legs.

This woman is really unreasonable!

William squinted his eyes angrily, [pulling Mia's knuckles] soaring against the wind, knocking firmly on the floating shadow, and then ruthless violently!


When the dark animal shadow was smashed and turned back into a normal shadow, the black robe woman in the distance suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

After a horrified glance at the stick in William's hand, she gritted her teeth and stared at William fiercely, then lay back without saying a word, falling directly into her shadow disappeared.


Damn it! If you can't beat it, run away, and you can't catch the problem! The shadow sequence is so really annoying!

Knowing that the black robe woman should be "shaking people", William took Avril's waist with a dark face, pushed her onto the horse's back, and then said to the nervous Iori:


"Take your cousin and go first! Also, she must stay in the middle of [Rage Legion], if someone emerges from the shadow, then let the [Rage Legion] people open [Blood] Slaughter and Trample] Control the people! Let the [Black Nightmare Cavalry] strangle them!"

After listening to his arrangement, Avril on the horse thought for a few seconds, but didn't ask any questions. "What about you?" "Why don't you come with me?" and so on, but with a solemn expression: "William, the people in the Shadow Sect will not want to annoy the three Major Sects. , so you don't have to worry about me too much, you must first ensure your own safety."

"en!" After taking a swipe, he turned his head and ordered with a serious expression:

"[Destroyed Knights] stay, all the rest leave, and escort Queen Your Majesty to Jiri City!"


"Master Priest! Why are you injured?"

"I'm fine!"

The black robe woman wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth,

Pushed away the two cultivators who wanted to support her, looking cold and severe:

"Where's the escort army? Call everyone immediately... No! Leave about fifty people to defend the temple, and the remaining four hundred Everyone is divided into two groups to move.

The fastest [Shadow Rider] is the first group, divided into five squares and scattered along the road to search, if you see a person with a red and white spherical emblem, be sure to Assemble other members for harassment and interception!

[Dark Night Blade Shielder], [Shadow Guard], and [Shadow Shooter] are the second group, assemble at the main gate square of the church as soon as possible! Come with me to the city gate to arrest people !"

After hearing her instructions, the guards who were standing guard at the door left in a hurry, while the two cultivators who were pushed away were pleasantly surprised:

"Fen! Lord Ni! Did the people who kidnapped Trish and the others show their faces?"

The black robe woman who looked about forty-fifty years old shook the head, browsers tightly frowns authentic:

" Not good said, but although it is not completely sure, but the team that can kill the possessed shadow demon I summoned in one hit, and immediately tried to leave after the city was locked down, is the most suspect.

After all, this small town usually doesn't have any powerhouse at all. It's very difficult to have a group of people. I don't think there will be another group of people who dare to attack our church.

In short, let's get people back first. If they can't be rescued, Trish's father, who is the priest, will never let it go. Now he can't control that much! "


Strange, haven't we done it yet? Why did they mess up by themselves?

Reach out and take a look at the pane, look Seeing the large number of escorts hurriedly leaving below, Hans scratched his head inexplicably, turned around with a bundle of torches, and asked hesitantly:

"Pomona, those escorts themselves Let's go, then do we still use their workshop to set fire? ”

Pomona was stunned for a moment, then walked over to the window to take a look. Sure enough, she saw a large number of escorts in black armor on the street, rushing towards the city gate.


She pursed her lips hesitantly, then frowned a little inexplicably:

“What’s the matter? Is someone trying to break into the city gate? "

Hans hearing this somewhat puzzled: "Ask me why? I've been with you for the past two days, and of course I don't know what you don't know? "

After hearing his words, Pomona turned her head and glared at him, her tone a bit arrogant:

"You don't need to answer the question just now, I was talking to myself!" "


The beardless cousin nodded aggrievedly, then reached out and touched his bare chin, regretting again why he shaved his beard in the first place.

When she had a beard, Pomona talked to herself very loudly, but she never glared at her. After she shaved her beard, she felt that she lost her temper more often than before. ...Alas... a woman...

"Forget it! It's better for them to mess up by themselves, so we went to the east of the city and set fire to it! "

Unsure of what to do, Pomona looked at the head, picked up two Shadow Sect cultivators one by one, and said solemnly:

"Let's go quickly." , Taking advantage of the absence of those escorts, this time must get the holy relic, what will happen to my tribe and your family in the future, depends on whether we can succeed this time! "


No...who is Tracy?

Listening to the threats and warnings of the black robe woman's harsh words and stern looks, William raised his eyebrows inexplicably, moved towards the black clothed Legion that kept pouring out of the city, said loudly:

"I've never seen anyone named Tracy, you are wrong! ”

After hearing William's shouting, the black robe woman frowned, feeling that he didn't seem to be telling a lie, but after frowning for a few seconds, he made up his mind to do it again.

In any case, the daughter of the priest is missing in his own hands. Even if it is really wrong, it has to be caught first.

After all, it doesn't matter. No, the opponents are the only "suspects" at the moment. If they really let them run under his nose, then his future for several decades in the future will be over!

Somewhat dreaded, he looked at the opponent's body. After the dead Legion, the black robe woman raised her hand to compare, and nearly 300 escorts began to form behind her, walking in a neat formation, and at first glance they were rare elite soldiers.

After forming the formation, fifty Second Rank [Dark Night Sword and Shield Hands] raised their right wrists in unison, slammed the small round shield on the left arm three times with the hilt, and then shouted in unison.

"Kill! ”

The dull sound of the iron hitting the leather is as dull as thunder, and the loud and loud shouts are fierce and powerful.

With the blessing of neat and uniform movements, even the number of a battallion It's not enough, this sword and shield hand still feels like the tip of a sword flashing with cold light, making people feel heart shivered with cold just by looking at it.

But it is also a It's just Rin.

William raised his eyebrows in disbelief, raised his hand to open the system panel, and flipped to the location of the [Dead Knights] to take a look.

Well...tentatively Five minutes, one more second counts as my loss!

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