This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 540

"Miss Jessica, I'm really sorry today to let you laugh."

When he said this, the elder priest looked back at the convoy still blocking the road, with an old face Blushing with shame, he said in a stern voice:

"I've met Mr. Franky a few times before. He was obviously not like this in the past, but after being promoted by the Pope to be an assistant sacrifice, he I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I can understand."

The exchange just happened was not pleasant, and Jessica's face was not very good, and she shook her head. :

"William said something to me, um... I don't remember the original, but it probably meant 'out of 100 people, there are all kinds of people.'

After being in touch during this time, most of the people in your sect get along very well, and it is normal to occasionally have a few people who are unclear."

"Alas... ashamed..."

The elder priest heard this shook the head , the expression on his face was both ashamed and ashamed, and there was a hint of remorse.

Although the opposite Dame said it was understandable, the expression on her face was still a little distant. Although she didn't show her face, it was obviously not as good as before. fiercely offended.

didn't expect the affection left behind by Karina-sama when she left, and actually consumed a lot of this kind of unfathomable mystery, really... ugh... I don't know what's left Love can be carried a few times.

Although the Pope was there, the Lord William wouldn't really tear his face with the church, but if he thought about the previous treatment, it would be impossible.

After Jessica left, the elder priest couldn't help but look back at the team behind him, his eyes full of puzzled colors.

That person was obviously not like this before, why has he become such a gangster now? Does power have such a big impact on people?


"William, did you find out? It's only been two days, he has been completely changed by power."

See Looking at the radish who was sitting in the seat of the Grand Duke, Avril turned his head with a complicated expression and said to the indifferent William:

"Do you really think he is a suitable candidate for the Grand Duke? In his eyes, I can only see the growing desire for power, but not the prudence and solemnity of being ready to take responsibility. I don't think he will be a qualified Grand Duke."

William hearing this glanced at Rob,

then silently agreed with Avril's statement.

Human eyes can't deceive anyone. Although Rob has a stern body and a serious expression, he looks like it, but the joy and arrogance in his eyes are about to overflow.

Even though I tossed him secretly several times, and repeatedly hinted that he was in the right position, this thing still failed to stay on the ground, and finally floated back to the sky again.

Hmm... But it's okay to float, the higher he floats now, the harder he will fall when the Enwei family counterattacks, the gap between ideals and reality will teach him to be a man, helpless In addition to the threat of martial power, as long as there is no problem with his mind, he will definitely come over.

After all, this thing, radish, is hard to the touch, but if you cook it well, it will soften just as quickly.

After figuring out how to cook "radish soup" in the future, William's eyes flashed slightly and replied:

"It is true that he will not be a qualified grand duke, but our choice is also Not much, except that he is his younger brother who seems to be favored, I don't think his younger brother is any better than him."


Avril hearing this bit her red lip lightly, recalled the wonderful operations of the demon descendants over the years, and reluctantly sighed:

"You are right, I am asking too much, compared to A new archduke who has the support of the Enwei family, or he is more suitable, there is someone who competes with him, and he may be able to restrain himself when exploiting the subjects."

Then you But think more.

William raised his eyebrows indifferently, including but not limited to Falan, for almost all the nobles of the Human Kingdom, exploiting and looting the ordinary person is the same basic operation as eating and drinking.

After all, for this world with extraordinary power, the gap between people is really too big. The Legion, which is purely composed of ordinary people, is only limited to the zero-order [elite militia].

If we continue to go up, it is a miscellaneous Legion that is mainly based on professionals, supplemented by ordinary persons with corresponding innate talents who are about to be promoted to professionals, and mixed with the two.

And those who have awakened the corresponding innate talent, even if they never become a true professional in their entire life, they can no longer be counted as an ordinary person.

Then, it is a more cost-effective choice to directly win over professionals awakened from the ordinary person than to treat the ordinary person thankfully.

Therefore, for the nobles of the overwhelming majority, ordinary citizens are not really "people", but can provide fixed "output" property just like land. Only by awakening to become professionals , only to be considered as a kind that deserves to be treated with care.

Therefore, before the number of ordinary persons can really represent "power", this class will not be the target of the noble class, and naturally it is impossible to get some kind treatment.

Thinking of this, William looked subconsciously in the direction of the Daybreak Collar.

By the way, I don't know how little Daisy's progress is. It seems that the progress has been stuck at [Spirit +8] for a long time, right? If it cannot continue to improve in a short period of time, the plan to feed "shit" manufacturing professionals in batches can be started.

It's a pity that this thing is only one stove at most at a time, and it also requires little Daisy to infuse "true feelings", so it can't be mass-produced, otherwise it will last three to five or seven years, I'm afraid it is It can feed more than 200,000 low-level professionals.

Even if these people don't have innate talent, they will stop at the First Rank in this life, and they can only deal with it by rubbing fireballs. With so many sorcerers coming, as long as there is no big guy above the seventh rank, it is easy to push Falan down.

Well...even though it doesn't seem to be difficult now.

Finding that the radish had "deteriorated", William and the others were no longer interested in watching the radish for the meeting. After replenishing a batch of supplies, they left Gladiolus City and continued north without saying hello. .

It's just that their movements cannot be concealed from the new Grand Duke, but Rob, who took office as the new Duke, seems to be very busy. over.

William fully understands this and doesn't hold any grudges at all.

After all, floating in the air is a very cool thing, but the existence of these people is like always reminding the radish that he can't float, and after all, he has become a grand duke who can boss, who would be willing to come to accompany them with a smiling face

His only reaction was to smack his lips regressfully, and took out a pen and paper without any vengeance.

It's a pity, I thought he was a big scorer, but now it seems that although Rob is not a stubborn black iron, he is just an unyielding silver when he dies.

Well...this pot of radish soup seems to have to be simmered a little bit more rotten.

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