This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 536

"That's right, it's up to you!"

William patted his shoulder calmly, his voice calm:

"Don't undervalue oneself, After a very serious and heated discussion, I had a hard time convincing everyone in the know that you were the right person,

Now the organization...cough cough, now we've decided, The position of the Grand Duke is up to you, you have to boldly believe in yourself and tell yourself that you can definitely do it...well, you can do it!"


Rob was silent for a while hearing this, for some reason, for William's willingness to come up with an excuse to prevaricate himself, he was slightly grateful...

What? You say it's not prevarication?

Just kidding! He didn't even go in for a minute, okay? When the results came out, you said that you had been selected as the new Grand Duke. Your family's "intense discussion" and "difficult persuasion" took less than a minute to add up?

Also, since you've thought about a decent-sounding excuse, please continue to pretend a little more! With such an impatient look on your face, you almost wrote "Take this job honestly and don't make trouble for me" on your face!

Under William's "obvious" attitude, Rob rationally swallowed his doubts, and silently took the big pie that fell from the sky.

Then, he silently arranged for Duke Cole's funeral, silently skipping the grand duke's inauguration ceremony, without even being notified by the Enwei family, he became the new one without a word. Archduke.

The middle-aged man's face still maintained a confused and confused expression until everyone accompany him to do all this with the same dumbfounded expression.

In the past few days, too many things happened, and the cycle of joy, sorrow, joy, sorrow and joy went back and forth, making his mind a little unable to turn around.

First, the father's favorite illegalimate child was abolished, happy; however, he was forced to deal with the murderer, sad; caught by the unreasonable murderer, great sorrow; the murderer was not ready to kill himself, Great joy;

But the murderer tied himself on a horse and took him to attack the city of gladioli. Maybe he would be slaughtered and sacrificed for the flag, which is very sad; Hung up... Barely can be considered a small joy...

And now...

Looking at my name with the suffix of the grand duke, it was used in a very beautiful flower body Signed on each letterhead,

Rob just felt like he had drank a sip of ice water on a sweaty dog day, soaked in an unfathomable mystery from the inside out. .

As if there was an invisible palm, with the cool fingertips on his back, gently scratching and rubbing it all the way up, from the end of the caudal vertebrae all the way to the top of the head, it was so refreshing for him The whole person is a little dazed...

To sum up in two words, float away.

"How does it feel to be an archduke? Is it cool?"

A slightly playful inquiry sounded beside him, and Rob, who was in a trance, subconsciously nodded.

Cool! So cool! Before I could kill the younger brother and father myself, I actually sat in this position with no difficulty. It was really cool!

"That's fine, you'll have a good time first, and when you're done, remember to come to me and discuss how to deal with the Enwei family's counterattack, so that you won't have someone take your head off after a while."

? !

After hearing William's words, a coolness crept into Rob's mind, and the clothes on his back became sweaty.

Yes, the pie that fell from the sky is fragrant, but the person feeding the pie is not a good person!

And because he is so ignorant, the opposition from the family's side is probably not trivial. His younger brother alone will not recognize him, and that bastard will definitely throw dirty water on himself and provoke the family. He took action to replace himself, and even directly said that he colluded with others to murder the father...

Seeing a flash of anxiety and fear in the eyes of the middle-aged man, William immediately raised eyebrows, knowing that this radish should have already thought about it. I understand his current predicament.

Supporting the radish instead of his younger brother is naturally not only to fool things, but also has some small considerations, I hope to make the conflict within the Dukedom of Enwei stronger, it is best to cast aside all considerations for face

Without it, Falan's seven dukedoms are too autonomous, and they have the taste of being oblivious, and an Enwei dukedom full of chaos and conflict is more convenient to fish in troubled waters.

As for whether the water can become muddy...that's not to worry, because the water is not very clear~

After receiving Rob's implied "help" look , William hehe smiled and gave him a look of his own, knowing that this wave has already happened.

As the descendant of the original sin representing jealousy, the Enwei family has impossible people who are "indisputable". These people simply don't have the word "why" in their minds, and all they think about is "why".

Even in the face of the younger brother's advance to the position, the radish appeared quite flat, with a look of no desire and no desire. It is suspected that the man surnamed Wang next door contributed the most during the birth process, but his younger brother may not be I was willing to lie down and watched helplessly as the position of the Grand Duke in my hand was lost to another family.

If his younger brother wasn't a descendant of the original sin, and he was a bit tricky during the birth process, he didn't have any jealousy and chose to lie down...

Then William would admit it. , and then change the tombstone of Archduke Cole to green, so that he will die a little more clearly.


"Lord William... Lord, I have some ideas here, and I need to communicate with you a little."

Rob's Huang Zhang His face turned white and red, red and black, black and yellow, and after changing several expressions, the "color" finally stabilized, moved towards William and smiled dryly a few times.

"My Sir Father, he... uh, suddenly fell ill and died before I could make a will. It happened that you and Queen Your Majesty were passing by, kindly helped me with all kinds of chores, and helped me by the way. I took the position of the Grand Duke... You see, I summed it up correctly, right?"


William raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard this.

Damn it, it's okay, not only did you figure out an excuse so quickly, but you could also pick me up in a hurry, you brat has a future! It's a big scorer!

Just this excuse is a bit of an insult to people's IQ. If someone in your family died of a sudden illness, can there be a big hole in the belly of the corpse? Did the appendix explode?

Just as William was about to speak to remind, Rob reached out and touched his name at the end of the letterhead. After staring at the suffix of the Grand Duke, Rob said with a ruthless expression:

"Also, the only fly in the ointment is that a group of evil tomb robbers came tonight. They not only killed the guards and dug the grave of Sir Father, but even set his old man's house on fire! It's audacious!

Wait tomorrow morning, I will immediately send people to search the whole city, and I must smash those damn tomb robbers to pieces!"


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