This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 524

"It's just to attack a city, two people are enough, what are you doing?"

Frowning and watching closely Behind the [Raging Flame Legion], William raised his hand and started chasing people with a bad expression.

"Can the problem of cavalry attacking the city be corrected? Why do you want to join in wherever you are? Don't you know what kind of troops you have?"

After hearing his words, the naive people of [Raging Flame Legion] suddenly collapsed, and the sullen look in their eyes almost overflowed.

Although there were quite a few fights along the way, but unfortunately the opponent was really not very strong.

Ansa led the scattered guards and soldiers, either rookies or cowards. The former shatters when touched, often crying and surrendering when one or two die, while the latter is good at rubbing oil on the soles of their feet. Once they see the flying Poké Ball, they flee without saying a word...

Because the strength gap between the two sides is too large, [Rage Legion] has already fought dozens of fights, but it seems that they have done nothing. Ruined.

Even if William tried to evenly distribute it, he would try to spread the rain and dew evenly for these guys, but in the end, he couldn't get two knives on each person's head, and the opponent simply wasn't enough to cut.

I can hold back what I usually say, but this crazy provocation all the way, but it's not fun, it's a bit torturous, causing them to hold back a little bit hard.

Therefore, when they saw the guards with neat armor on the city wall and looking at the elite guards, these dissatisfied Hanhans even had red eyes. Now, one by one, they all looked up.

Those eyes were so vicious, as if those above were not enemies, but some good things to fight for. If there was no pressure from William, these gangs would be afraid of killing. It is possible to climb up with bare hands at any time, trying to directly kill the crowd to have a good time.

[Because of the strong psychological drive to fight, the "Raging Flame Legion" has triggered the Legion feature in advance]

["The Devil "Coercion" has been activated, it will generate a natural oppression force on low-level enemies]

With the sound of the system machinery, there seems to be an invisible arrogance suddenly rising , a huge tide of tyrannical meaning surged up the city wall of Ansa Fort, and the guards above were terrified, and some low-level professionals were even paled.

At this time, under the protection of several guards, a beautifully dressed youngster climbed to the top of the city, just by the fierce imposing manner. A straight face, not only contributed a bloodless pretty boy, but almost sat on the ground with his buttocks.

What happened to that Legion...?

Aware that something was wrong, Marquis Ivan vigorously pulled away the valet who was trying to support him, got up on his own with his hands and feet, and then threw himself against the city wall with three steps and two steps. On the edge, he looked down in disbelief.

He was not greeted by the arrogant and reckless motley crews in his imagination, but the fierce faces eager to vent, and more than eighty pairs of bloodshot and red men. eyeball!

In the eyes of those who are eager to choose someone, the abuse is so full of exhibit one's feelings in one's speech that it makes people feel cold all over the body, as if At any time, he will jump up and devour him alive!


Marquis Ivan suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, staggering back a few times He took a step, and then frantically broke away from the arm that the valet was supporting, and shouted with a pale face:

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"


The defenders who received the order looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitantly set up the longbow in their hands, and hooked up the arrow with the arrow to forge the blood slot, but they did not shoot.

For non-professionals, the range of this kind of low-quality longbow is about 120 steps. Even if shooting on a city wall will be farther, but no matter how to increase the distance, it is affected by the material and arm strength. The killing range will not exceed 200 steps.

And the enemy must be 300 paces away from the city head. Layers of leather armor can't be penetrated, isn't it a waste of arrows to shoot arrows now?

even more how, according to the speed of the cavalry charge, this trifling distance of 300 steps, if you die, you will be able to shoot two or three rounds of arrows, and empty one round of arrows The consequences are extremely terrifying.

If the city wall is not the city wall but the plain, just this random command is enough to completely ruin the entire archer array.

Looking at the panic-stricken Marquis Ivan, the inwardly grumbled commander in charge of defending the city, he secretly regretted not stopping him before.

The Legion under the city is obviously unusual. Even if the troops are not suitable for attacking the city, it will be a hard fight in the end. Now the lord is scared and has not reacted. , if he waits for him to react and fly into a rage out of humiliation and forcibly order a round of arrows, maybe it will break the major event!

After thinking for a while, the commander licked his dry lips, rushed over and bowed slightly, with a sincere expression:

"Lord Ivan, I'll order them to shoot arrows right away, but the arrows here are not safe. You'd better stand back first, or go to the city to avoid it."

No matter how sincere the expression on his face, this remark is pure bullshit.

The archer on the city wall is at the front, basically parallel to the position before the youngster of Chinese clothing. As long as the arrow is not shot horizontally, it is impossible to have any arrow.

As for the Legion at the bottom of the city, it's even more ridiculous. Seeing that the weapons are all pure melee combat, at most, there is a small silk sash on the horse's neck. The hand crossbow, or the kind that can't fly up to eighty paces.

With the equipment of those people, even if they shoot to the ground, even if they shoot to death, it is estimated that they cannot use the "flowing arrow" to threaten Ivan's safety.

As for why you lied...

Because you have to settle down first, it's like encountering uzi in solo queue Why do you want to ban Yasuo? Rather than restricting your opponent's extraordinary performance, it's more important to prevent your teammates from madly sending heads.

"Avoid... it's better to avoid..."

Ivan, who was so overwhelmed, was in a hurry Nodding, he was surrounded by guards before he finished speaking, and dragged him back to a position farther away from the city wall.

After avoiding the frontal threat of [Raging Flame Legion], he seemed to have successfully broken free from [Devil's Coercion] and regained some sense of reason. His expression gradually changed from fear to anger and shame.

The Hanhans of [Rage Legion] followed William, not only got the most suitable opponents and training, but even met several "big scenes", "experience slots" "It's soaring so fast, all the staff have already become Second Rank professionals.

And Marquis Ivan does not have any professional level at all, the effect of [Devil's Coercion] is directly pulled to the maximum, and under the huge gap close to Level 20, he did not wet his pants on the spot It can be said that he is mentally strong.

After recalling the ugly state of losing one's head out of fear just now, and the contempt of those soldiers in a daze, Huafu youngster's complexion turned from white to black and then from black to black. Hong, finally stood up and moved towards the guards around him and shouted:

"How did you protect me? Those under the city..."



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