This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 517

Seeing William agreeing directly, there was no reluctance in his eyes, only a little depressing feeling of being rejected, and "Fat Shui" who thought he would be resisted suddenly said in surprise:

"I'm wrong. In order to save your friends, you can even give up a holy relic comparable to Divine Item? It seems that although you are not very smart, you are really A nice guy."


big brother, uncle, please, praise me Just boast, don't stress that I'm not smart, okay?

William grinned with a headache and confirmed in a bad tone:

"Is there anything else? If not If so, take me to save people!"

"There is one more thing."

middle -aged man added with some regret:

"After rescuing your friend, I hope you can continue to maintain the operation of the slate, and let me stay outside for a while longer. Time, after all, I haven't been out for a long time, and I really want to see what the current Offa continent has become... Rest assured, I will bear the consumption of this time myself."

"No problem."

Look at it...I don't burn my oil anyway, I wish you could get away with this shitty car,

After seeing William's nod, the middle-aged man laughed, raised his right hand and compared it in the air, and William only felt a saw a flash, and his body seemed to be hit by a big hand. Carrying it, it crossed countless time and space in an instant. The last second was near the city gate, and the next second it appeared near the city gate...

Near the city gate.

[Truth Tracker (pseudo) lv100 launched "Void Shift" on you, you need to make a will check, if the check fails, you will be taken to an unknown location]

[The Will attribute is detected to be lower than 300, and the check has not been...]

[Unbounded people innate talent is activated, the This check is exempted]


Looking at the middle-aged man around him who had disappeared out of thin air, William He opened his mouth in confusion.

Big guy! Slow down! You are "disgraceful"!

At the same time, the first Pope Ann, who appeared in the Pope's Hall, also looked beside him with a bewildered expression. On his right hand, a The empty black human figure is slowly closing with the turbulence of the surrounding space. Judging from the height and body shape, it is vaguely William's appearance.

Just now, at the moment when William's silhouette was about to appear from the virtual to the real, something like some kind of rule pushed it up and tore it to shreds unreasonably. The formed Arcane not only directly forcibly pulled the person back, but also forcibly pulled out a humanoid Space Crack in situ.

What the hell is going on here? This is the [Void Shift] that I use myself! Was it torn to pieces directly?

Just as the middle-aged man looked surprised and was about to turn around to hunt for someone, a similarly surprised voice rang out.

Looking at the familiar silhouette in front of her, the Pope was both shocked and angry:

"Master An? How are you... ...Damn it! That guy actually disturbed you? Made you work for him?"

"What disturbed and not disturbed, as if I were dead."


As the middle-aged man was about to pull Arcane, he turned his head and said displeasedly:

"Besides, I just It's just a Spiritual Body, and the support is just the support, where does it come from so much attention? Well... it failed again, what happened to that guy?"

Consecutive Failed to pull people twice, middle-aged man frowned, gave up the plan to pull William over, turned to look at the confused Little Rich Lady next to him, and asked:

"You're his friend, aren't you? That youngster named William made a deal with me to come and save you."

What? William asked someone to rescue me? Didn't all his challenges fail?

Karina was stunned for a moment, then she was overjoyed: " are?"

"I My name is Ann, the first pope of this boring church."

After explaining his identity calmly, the middle-aged man turned to Sovereign Dao, a female teacher with a complicated expression. :

"Little Gina, give up your plan and tell me the location of the main body. Although it may not be possible to continue to be the Pope, I have a way to save your life."

"Sorry, Lord An, please allow me to refuse."

The Pope looked pale and said: "I have already There is nothing left, even if it is your order, I will never give up the seat of the Pope!"

"That's up to you, after all, I'm just a Spiritual Body, It's not real Ann, since you refuse me, I won't force it."

middle-aged man sighed, raised his hand and swayed towards the Little Rich Lady's position, countless magnificent and gorgeous The magic patterns of the swarms swarmed out, filling the entire Pope Hall in an instant, completely separating Karina and the Pope.

"But I still have to take this girl. If you change your mind, come and find her. If I guess correctly, the person named William should be I will give her the [Yellow Mud Slate], and if you find her, you should be able to contact me."

The Pope looked down at the demons that had covered the entire hall. Wen, clenched his fists several times unwillingly, and finally reluctantly nodded. Her entire figure slowly twisted, slowly turning into a book and two yellow mud-colored slates, which fell into the hands of the middle-aged man.

The palm of the middle-aged man trembled slightly, the hard slate slowly softened and became a part of his body, and the book shot into the sky with a burst of azure light. He got up, flew in the direction of the Holy Empire to the south, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Taking a nostalgic glance at the flying book, the middle-aged man waved Karina away without waiting for Karina to speak, and then frowned began to think about what happened before. question.

[Void Shift] is useless, it seems that there is some secret in that youngster... ah! By the way, I haven't had time to ask the big magician's name.


After making up his mind, the middle-aged man took a step forward and disappeared directly into the Pope's Hall, looking for the writings of the two hundred and five popes who wanted to protrude the forehead of the big magician.

I don't know how far away, the female pope who was drawing the magic pattern trembled, and she noticed that the [Book of Wisdom] was flying towards her, and knew that the [Yellow Mud Slate] ]'s control is feared to have completely changed hands.

After gritting her teeth unwillingly, the Pope looked down and looked at the side, and found that Cameron's old man's legs were in an X shape, and he was holding his legs between them. Pretending to be asleep, he reached out his hand in anger, and fiercely twisted the base of his thigh.

However, Cameron's old man seemed to sense that she was in a bad mood. In order to avoid becoming the target of anger, even though his eyelids twitched in pain, he was cheeky and refused to open it. Eyes, pretending not to wake up, and even snoring.

Stinky man!

Knowing that she could not wake up a person pretending to be asleep, the Pope had to take a deep breath angrily, her wrists trembled quickly, and she hurriedly finished the last two strokes. Stepping out of the room, with a cold face, he instructed the lighted message magic pattern:

"Frankie, there is something wrong with my body, I don't have time to take it slow, You go immediately to inform the patriarchs of those demonic descendants, the saints must plan ahead!"


Hmm ...I have completely slowed down. I will start with four shifts, and continue with four shifts tomorrow.

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