This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 511

looked at William's eyes, "Karina" laughtered a little and shyly said:

" Maybe the teacher spoiled me too much, which caused me to be afraid of pain since I was a child, and I was especially afraid of death, and I wasn't too brave... But it's not because of pain that I'm afraid of death, I just haven't lived enough.

There are many interesting places in the books I have read, and the biggest dream in my life is to see those wonderful scenery with my own eyes.”

Probably because she seldom travels far, "Karina"'s expression was obviously a little excited, pulling William to chatter endlessly

“ William! Did you know? There is a 500-meter-high tree stump in the Elf Forest! It was cut off by a god! It is said that when this tree is intact, it can climb directly to the Divine Kingdom, the god of nature. ...

The desert kingdom of Varena Aunt is really built on a sand mountain... The Arcane Empire has a Sky City built by an ancient Arcanist... The Bottom of the Seven Seas has Sea Clan A huge shrine made of shells and coral, and a complex of buildings that can move with seabed currents..."

"I... am I too Excited?"

Noticing that William had been silent, Little Rich Lady rubbed the corner of her shirt apologetically, then lowered her head and said with a longing look:

"Although I am very reluctant to leave Uncle Aunt of Chamber of Commerce and everyone in the church, I actually...have a little hope! I have never left Falan in my life, this time I'm really happy to go out and have a look.

I have even planned the route, and the first destination is the grassland! I heard that when it snows heavily, I board the north At the highest point of the Great Wall of China, there is a chance to see the tomb of Goddess of ice and snow, and even a chance to receive her blessing..."

Seeing William's slightly raised mouth, " Karina" said a little embarrassedly: "Don't laugh at me, I know Dao Idol is a bit naive to believe in such outrageous legends, but I just wanted to try it out, anyway, even if it's fake, it's fine..."

"No, that's not a legend."

William was gently laughed, with a calm and authentic look:

"The tomb of the Snow Goddess is indeed in the northern steppe and the Holy Empire. Between the mountains at the junction, it's just that you can't get in now. When her tomb is opened, I can take you in and dig her out of the coffin bask in the sun. ”

"pu 呲"

Seeing William's serious look, "Karina" couldn't help laughing , with a mocking expression on his face:

"Bull the air! Even if the legend is true, would you dare to dig her grave? Don't die! "

"speaking of which you may not believe, I had a deep hatred with her in my last life." ”

William laughed , moved towards her, stretched out her hand, and raised her little finger slightly.

“Anyway, she is the sun It's decided, if you don't believe me, just make a bet. Sooner or later, I will take you to dig her grave once! "

"Childish! "

"Karina" laughed with laughter, but still imitated William's appearance, stretched out her right hand pinky and hung it lightly.

"Speak up! The deceiver is small..."

【Yellow Mud Slate】

【Holy Relic lv101】

[Saints: The Seekers of Truth]

[Skills (Unique): The truth is my life, I am not greedy for money, I am not I am not afraid of sex, I am not afraid of power, I am not afraid of God, I only want to see the truth, and I will only follow the truth]

[battle skill (unique): real name evolution, when Contact with the three types of "knowledge ancient scroll" with the real names of intelligent creatures written in turn, as long as you can pay the same or higher power, you can create the exact same existence]

[Number of current evolutionary individuals: 1/1]

[As the most beloved elect of the God of Knowledge, Ann is the only pope who gave up entering the Divine Kingdom after death and chose to enter the underworld.

When this man was dying, he refused the potion that could increase his lifespan, and he also refused to continue living as a heroic spirit. He even refused the invitation of the God of Knowledge, leaving only one sentence full of expectations. He smiled and took the initiative to step into the Netherworld River.

"There is nothing more beautiful than the unknown. ”

For this pure man, power, wealth, family, and even devotion to faith are nothing compared to a little Ono who has never seen a flower on the side of the road. Flower, he prefers to see another unknown world than eternal life and the happy Divine Kingdom.

After failing to keep him, the great god of knowledge I once sighed that compared to myself, perhaps An Cai is more worthy of the god of knowledge.

In order to commemorate this man, the god of knowledge left him behind All the manuscripts were collected, turned into twelve scrolls of different materials, pressed with the fragments of the Divine Item [Omniscient Slate], and held it in the hands of his Divine Idol, and finally formed this set of powerful sacred relics. ...]

Not having time to look closely at Pope An's life of seeking knowledge, William squeezed his last finger a little, pulled "Karina"'s hand over and grasped it, staring at him. Looking into her eyes, she said with a serious expression:

"Ann, right? Talk to me, I hold the truth you don't know yet! "

"Karina", who was holding his hand by him, was a little shy at first and tried to break free from William's palm, but after hearing his inexplicable words, Little's face belonged to Little. Rich Lady's expression suddenly disappeared, and her whole body gradually lost her human form, turning into a small slate of khaki and lying quietly in William's hand.

[With the blessing of fate and keen observation, you successfully saw through the disguise of the sacred relic "Yellow Mud Slate", got its approval, and got a chance to challenge the truth]


At the same time, in a strange room, the creaking wooden bed broke with a bang, and the sound of There was also a scream of pain.

" waist, be gentle..."

"Don't bark! bear with me! ”

After roaring at the old fogey under him, the woman who seemed to be in her thirties stood up from the debris of the bed board, and looked at the dawn collar brows tightly frowns. direction.

What's going on? Someone is trying to conduct a [Truth Challenge]?


Not only the Pope was found abnormal, but also the Church of Knowledge in the Dawn Domain.

In the center of the Pope's Hall, On the Divine Idol, which the God of Knowledge could not see clearly, a soft yellow serays of light suddenly appeared. The two people in the Pope Hall, as if was struck by lightning, looked at the statue with a natural phenomenon in shock.

With red eyes, Little Rich Lady, who had not slept all night, stood up abruptly, looked towards the palm of the God of Knowledge, and turned her head towards the throne of the Pope The Pope.

She was surprised to find that the Pope's body continuously alternated between a humanoid and a slate, and the expression on her face was extremely painful, as if she was being attacked by someone. Pulled by an irresistible force that could be completely pulled away at any time.

"Damn it! How can it be! ”

Before she was completely dragged away by the power of the [Yellow Mud Slate], the Pope quickly took out the Divine Item [Book of Wisdom] and opened it with gnashing teeth.

As the quaint page crash-bang opened, a more vast and quiet rays of light flashed, and the Pope barely suppressed the abnormality in her body.

She settled down. She turned to look at the stunned Little Rich Lady next to her, and said with an extremely angry expression:

"Card Lina! Is this your reward for my kindness? ”

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