This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 505


After hearing the Pope’s remarks, Little Rich Lady bit her lip, not knowing for a while Say what is good.

In principle, what the Pope said is not wrong. Her body, from the very beginning, is a part of her.

Almost all the abilities that are bound to the body, I have a share in myself, and even the Pope's exclusive divine grace and protection have not fallen, which is equivalent to the god of knowledge. I have already recognized that I am a part of Gina-sama, but...

Karina hesitated, and finally called the head:

"My lord Pope, I...I am myself, even if my body comes from your flesh and blood, my soul is my own after all, I..."

"No, you're wrong."

The Pope took Karina's hand and walked to the Pope's Hall at the back of the church together. . As he walked, he asked with a gentle expression:

"Karina, you have always been a studious child, I would like to know, the book [Soul Law] Have you read it? If so, what do you think about the content of that book?"

The pope's face was quite the same when she said this remark Kind, not like a villain who is ready to take people's bodies, every move of his hands and every move, there is no trace of the irritability and extremeness in normally, giving people a kind and solemn feeling.

The dignified and cordial expression perfectly met the expectations of the believers for the Pope, and it was completely different from the little woman in front of Cameron's old man. It shows the style of the emperor of a religion.

Even though her existence was about to be completely wiped out, after seeing the Pope's appearance, Karina looked towards her, and there was still a strong flash in her eyes. of admiration.

This is the Pope I admire...but...but...

She bit her gently He bit his lip, pressed down the fear of death in his heart, and replied as calmly as possible:

"Sir Pope, I have read that book, which not only explains the soul in detail. It's a very great work."

"Very good."

The Pope smiled slightly, pushed open the door of the Pope's Hall, and dragged Little Rich Lady in.

"Then do you remember the opening line of Second Volume? Recite it to me."

card Lina looked at her suspiciously and wanted to ask why. But after coming into contact with the brilliance in the Pope's eyes, he did not resist the request, but slowly nodded and recited:

"The body is only the body, and the soul is the essence. I, but the connection between the two is far closer than we imagined, the soul without the body has nothing to rely on, and the body without the soul cannot grow..."

"Okay, just carry it here."

The Pope interrupted her with a wave of her hand, and dragged Karina to the seat that belonged to the Pope, moved Towards that simple and unpretentious chair, but the meaning is extremely huge.

"Sit down."

Startled's Little Rich Lady waved her hands again and again and said with a hint of panic:

"This...Sir Pope, this is your position, I'm just a chanter, how can I be qualified to sit?"

"Sit, it doesn't matter, after all, this is your chair."

The pope waved her hand, and Karina suddenly lost her confidence in her body. The control, automatically and consciously took a step, as if evoking some kind of memory from the body, and sat up in a very skilled posture.

The pope laughed with satisfaction, then gently tucked the hem of her robe and sat sideways on the arm of the chair.

She put her arms around Little Rich Lady's slender waist, her chin pressed against her head, and said softly:

"A body without a soul cannot continue to grow. .So in order for the other me to grow into what I am now, a soul must be filled in the young body.

But the body is only a person's memory except for the memory. Besides, the most private thing, how can I tolerate other people's souls rushing into my body?"

When she said this, she stopped laughed, and seemed to The Little Rich Lady said:

"Karina, not only did your body originate from me, but even your soul was ripped from mine. Fragments have only been wiped out of all memory and knowledge, and then watered with a lot of pure soul energy, and this has grown into what it is now...

Perhaps, you do There is a consciousness called self, but your soul is still my soul in essence"

After listening to her explanation, Little Rich Lady's eyes were full of confusion. : "I...I am part of your soul?"


The Pope put the card Lina held her in her arms, reached out to touch her hair, and said warmly:

"So you don't need to be afraid of me, and you don't need to be hostile to me.

From the soul to the body, you and I have the same root and the same origin. The relationship between us is countless times closer than that of the twins. From the very beginning, we are one, but we were temporarily separated. .”

After listening to this remark, Little Rich Lady seemed to be convinced by her. In the Pope's arms, even the expression on his face no longer resisted.

However, when she completely leaned into the Pope's arms and touched some two soft objects, she suddenly woke up.

"No... not right! It's not like that!"

quickly extended the hand and touched it in front of him For the first time, Little Rich Lady didn't feel depressed because of this aspect after noticing the poignant difference, but instead, as if the value of existence had been affirmed, she looked at the head with an excited look and said: .

"Sir Pope! No! The difference between us is obviously huge!

Regardless of age, character, or strength Or... or that, anyway, I'm myself! I'm not part of you!"

After seeing that she would be 404'd, the pope was speechless. the head , a bit ironic:

"Don't rub it, it's just a small physical difference, even if it's the same two people, because of eating habits and work and rest, Differences in age, experience, etc., are also impossible to develop exactly the same.

As for personality, when you were stripped, your knowledge and memory had been erased, and you became a new one. A blank piece of paper, all personalities are acquired.

And after I lost you, my soul became less stable and sometimes out of control The ability of emotions, after so many years, the character will inevitably be affected, but this does not mean that our souls are no longer the same..."

Looking at the new Frustrated Little Rich Lady, the Pope said earnestly:

"Karina, stop making excuses, you are part of me from start to finish, we are always One will be one again sooner or later.

Don't worry, I am not going to kill your soul, after being stripped out of this body, your The soul will refill my soul, fuse with me completely, and find the real you."

"Retrieving...the real me?"

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