This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 497

Just when Saintess was hesitant to hang back in prison, William took the initiative to discuss:

"But There is something I want to say, I am not going to give up the warlock sequence, after all, the curse or something is still very useful.

But I can swear that I will not pass the sacrifice The flesh and soul of human beings can gain power, and at most it is to exchange wild beast corpses for some low-level creatures, can this be done?”

Facing the sudden change of attitude, from William, who refused to cooperate and negotiated actively, cut black Saintess opened his mouth and nodded weakly.

"It's okay..."

"That's it."

William caressed his palms, and said indifferently: "But as the price of giving up your powerful strength, you have to make up for me."

Kieran heard this a little stunned: "Didn't you ask for a lot of sequences? Isn't that enough?"

After hearing her rhetorical question, William spread his hands Said:

"The armor I wore before was damaged by you, it is my favorite armor, you have to supply me with some repair materials. Ah, such as the scales that your glowing dragon fell off, why don't you have twenty or thirty pieces?"


"Also, I've 'taken care' of Melanie for so long, shouldn't you give me some favors?"

With the smooth progress of the negotiation, William's face became warmer and warmer. When he said this, he looked towards Cie Hei Saintess with anticipation, and proposed:

"Look at this, after all, I have a pretty good relationship with Melanie, so I'm sorry to ask for your money, how about giving some pointers on my spear skills instead?"



Cie Hei Saintess hearing this was silent for a few seconds, then looked the head firmly.

"Other conditions are fine, I can give you an additional fifty dragon scales! But please don't mention it again!"


After sending back the fat... generous Lord Saintess, William watched her disappear into the prison gate Behind the back, smacking his lips regretfully.

While defeating her is only worth a penny, cutting black Saintess is a huge treasure in itself, and the payoff this time around is staggeringly rich.

The only fly in the ointment is that no matter how much she persuades her, she refuses to point out her gun skills, and even gives up the idea of prostituting and expresses willingness to give money. no.

In desperation, William had to give up his plan to learn the Small Accomplishment of [Dragon Rider Secret Spear], and instead took out the body of the female warlock and let her go back Help to report later.

Although he has ripped through Saintess of the Holy See, and went to collect the bounty of others, it is a bit sorry, but it is worth the big bounty of ten fat-ass Banshee fines, of course not just Such a waste.

After imagining the bright future of getting rich next night, William, who had solved his big worries, identified the direction and walked towards his office.

At this time, Avril is still working overtime, ready to go to the north after finishing the accumulated things, and now that the threat of Holy Church has been resolved, he does not need to continue to stay. Breaking Dawn Collar can completely follow her to the North.

And when he pushed the door into the office and was about to announce the good news, he didn't see Avril's busy silhouette, Your Majesty, the queen who always worked crazy "overtime", Miraculously, he left early.

William brows slightly wrinkle not feeling great enemy, so he walked quickly around the table and started rummaging through the table, trying to find a handwritten letter or a note or something.

Sure enough, on the back of a home search warrant against Andrea, William flipped through and found Avril's message, which hurriedly wrote two sentences in fine print.

The general idea is that the military situation is urgent. If she arrives late, she will not be able to catch up. She has already left with Iori and Bourne and other escorts, and she is definitely not afraid to stay and control. live or something.

Of course, the last sentence was not written by her, but William's guess, but the Queen Your Majesty's blatant running away is 100% related to someone's more frequent night raids.

hehe, if you can run, I will lose!

William smiled indifferently, not in a hurry to chase anyone, but first took a sip of the cold tea on the table, and then picked up the so-called "emergency military situation" looked up.

"The new Archduke of the North, Serra Elon, has robbed the Marquis of Ansa, and after replenishing the general's provisions, he led his army southward, defeating the Farrell family's attack on Legion. Go to the range of Ironthorn City, and be stationed 30 miles outside the city to confront the defenders."

Tsk...and defeated the Farrell family's attack on Legion, what a joke ?

Thinking of two surprisingly short legs, William sneered and took another sip of tea.

With the "Vankin" group of dukedom in the north, can they do the Farrells?

Those guys who are not happy to walk even turn around, meet Leonard who farts all nine curves and eighteen bends, they are slaughtered and don't know how dead!

As for what the losing streak is against Legion, this news can be seen. Leonard has a lot of bastard routines, but it's okay to hide it from others, if you want to hide it I'm still a little mean.

A look of pride flashed in William's eyes, Leonard was so familiar with it.

The current Grand Duke of the North, her father, has also gone south in the original future, and at first also won consecutive battles. The situation is simply a replica of the current script.

What was the result? It didn't take long for it to hit Ironthorn City, but because the battle line was too long, Leonard led people to beat him twice, and the entire Legion collapsed immediately. Each one was captured alive, the sword of the executioner of Ironthorn City. All slashed.

There is no doubt that this time, Leonard must be playing tricks, and Avril's military innate talent is average, but he must have seen it, so he will leave in such a hurry.

Hmm... think about it, the dukedom in the north can't just be finished, it's time to put a knife to the little brother-in-law.

After making up his mind to do it, William put down the teacup in his hand and turned the information to the next page.

"The Farrell family is in critical condition, but the current patriarch Leonard Farrell has never appeared on the frontal battlefield, and is suspected to have been captured by a passing powerhouse..."

“pu! ”

The tea water in William’s mouth spurted violently, directly soaking the large amount of official documents in front of him.

What? I haven't inserted the knife yet, why did you plant it?

Ignoring the official documents soaked in water on the table, William hurriedly picked up the information and read it word by word.

"According to the information provided by the merchants of Ironthorn City, the mysterious powerhouse of Leonard Farrell was captured, which is likely to be the current queen of the desert kingdom."


The long-standing memory quietly emerged, and a little bit came to William's heart.

At that time, a reckless queen was about to go to Howling Ridge to save her son, and then she drew a map for her with her cloak. When marking the specific location, maybe, It seems, maybe a little bit inaccurate...


Don't worry, let the big knife fly for a while?


"Beeping" "Beeping".

In some barren hills far away on the border of Dukedom in the north, someone's little brother-in-law awoke leisurely to the sound of burning firewood.

Looking up at the tall woman sitting opposite the bonfire, Leonard opened the mouth and said with a complicated expression:


"Excuse me, have you met a man named William?"

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