This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 488

To dislike or not to dislike, that is the question.

The two thoughts thumped in Melanie's heart repeatedly. She glanced at the surrounding terrain that had been almost completely changed, especially after the collapsed city gate, her reason was finally reluctant. Got the upper hand, reminding her that the consequences of this kick were absolutely terrible.

But recalling the years when she was bullied, especially the dozens of beatings in the past few days, the Evil Thought in Melanie's heart instantly expanded tenfold, okay? The reason that was easy to gather was smashed to pieces with no difficulty!

Step on him!

Looking at William's cold (faced) pale (paralyzed) face, Melanie's originally hesitant look instantly became extremely firm.

What if the ass gets beaten? If you miss this time, you may not have the next time! To be able to step on this nasty stinky face and run it around under the soles of my feet is so painful that I can't get out of bed for a week!

Taking advantage of William's immobility, Melanie resolutely raised her feet and ran straight to William's shoes. The face fell.

Very good, you did it first, so don't blame me for not talking about martial arts!

After catching Melanie's movements from the corner of the eye, William's "wise" eyes suddenly squeezed out a sneer.

Before Melanie's feet were about to fall, he released the [Secondary Confusion Gaze] in advance, as if some switch had been turned on, the two lying on the ground. People moved almost at the same time.

Due to the warrior's physical habit, even if it fell into the second b state, the right hand of "Saintess" did not let go of the Broken Sword. After being free, he didn't even bother to wipe the saliva on his cheeks, so he just raised his sword and stabbed it.

William's speed is also not slow. Just when the Broken Sword was raised in Kieran's hand, his hand was already on Melanie's ankle.

Lose you old... aunt!

In Melanie's panicked cry, William's right hand shook violently and threw her directly to the tip of Kieran's sword,

Out of the few consciences, William turned his wrist slightly when he shot, adjusted his position before "shame", avoided Melanie's key point, and used the most fleshy body behind her. part of the sword, and met the tip of the sword with a silver star.

I don't know if it was too late to stop, or for some other reason, after finding that Melanie's butt was coming up, the Broken Sword in the hands of "Cut Black Saintess" Instead of slowing down, he suddenly increased his strength by three points, and puci stabbed it firmly.

If anyone could measure the wound with a ruler, they would probably be very surprised to find that although a completely different weapon was used, the depth of the opening and closing of the wound was similar to that of the base. The wound on Lan's thigh is almost identical.


Cut Black Saintess roared angrily and pulled out in Melanie's screams Broken Sword, raised his hand to call out two ropes that flickered with fluorescent light, and threw it away in the direction of moving towards William.

Glancing at the diving technique ropes with silver dots, William raised his hand and pushed her without haste. to the flying rope.

Then, like a warrior charging with a shield, Melanie, who was unable to move even a little bit, crashed into the black Saintess like a bull. In his arms, the huge momentum spread to the ground, and a deep ravine was drawn on the road full of broken bricks.

The highest realm of warriors is that they can open a shield wall without a shield!

Kieran, who was already covered in bruises and bruises, couldn't help groaning after eating this bump, and an unbearable sound came from the already broken ribs. excruciating pain.

Her conscious body was already at its limit, and she was afraid that she would lose consciousness if she took another hit. She had to grit her teeth and hold Melanie, throwing the Broken Sword with all her might to stop her, while ignoring her legs. The wound on his slammed on the ground, forcing the distance between him and William.

At this time, Melanie, who had been hit hard for many times, let out a groan, stretched out her hand and covered her buttocks and said angrily:

"It hurts! This bastard actually...!"

"You deserve it!"

With a cold face, he shook off his stupid niece and faced William who was chasing after him again. The unarmed Kieran clenched his teeth and turned to face him.

Since there is no escape! Then give it a shot!

If you take another hit, you will lose, then you will fight with your speed, and you won't hit even if you try!

At this critical moment, only the courage to fight can seize the only opportunity. After making up his mind to survive, cut black Saintess once again cut into Master Wei's mid lane, and the white fist with the will to press forward slammed into William's stomach with a bang.

William, who was punched by the punch, trembled slightly in pain, but instead of reaching out to fight back as Kieran expected, he raised his right hand index finger, Enduring the severe pain in his stomach, he gave his opponent a compliment with a smile on his face.

What does this gesture mean? Is it some spell casting gesture? Why are there no energy fluctuations?

Before she could figure out what was going on, a creak a light sound came from William's left hand, and a familiar mist suddenly dissipated, and most of it was drilled. Entering William's body, Xiaoban floated in front of her and melted into the wounds all over her body lightly.

Sleeping Dragon Stone... can it still be used like this?

A burst of drowsiness rose in the mind, and Kieran looked into William's eyes with confusion before he fell headfirst, trying to find the drowsiness he deserved. meaning.

However, when she closed her eyes completely, William, who had inhaled most of the dust mist, still did not show any sleepiness, and even looked much more energetic than before.

You are obviously the one who has the most contact with Mianlong Chenmist? How could there be no response at all?


With unsolved doubts, Kieran fell down with a plop, and the system's prompt sounded.

[The task has been detected, and the settlement is in progress]

[Kieran Wright has been defeated]

[The mission "Faith is only vain, strength is eternal" has been completed]

Alas... not only failed to kill in seconds, He was almost killed, and the reward this time is probably terrible.

Watching Saintess, who kept his eyelids moving on the ground, still struggling to fight against the Sandman, William shook his head helplessly, squatted down and smashed a new [Sleep Dragon]. Shi], pried open her mouth and sent it down.

No way, the [Forbidden Source Collar] is too difficult to make. Faced with her repeated blackmails, Little Rich Lady gritted her teeth and stomped her feet and even swore, she still only gave one seventh rank's collar.

I used that collar on Melanie, and it was broken when I took it off. The woman who wants to control this trouble can only waste it. The last sleeping dragon stone.

When William stood up with the sleepy Kiran, system uncharacteristically didn't give the evaluation first, but gave the task reward in advance.

A cold round metal object suddenly appeared in his palm.

【One Inferior Copper Carper】

【Value: 0.35 Copper Carper】

[Although it appears in a strange way, this is really an ordinary copper carper, you can buy half a piece of fist-sized inferior expired brown bread]

[Task evaluation: I'm sorry, I've tried my best to find it, but there is really no reward with a lower value]



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